Well since I like a few of CaJohns sauces I thought I would buy this one for xmas for my partner. It is pretty expensive for its size but thought it sounded nice.
Ingredients: Chocolate Habaneros, Vinegar and Capsaicin. 60ml bottle
I smelt it first and all I could smell was extract. I tried it and my first thoughts were disgusting! It was extremely hot but I couldn't even taste the Choc habs or vinegar just extract.
Now I was just looking at Da Bomb thread and noticed a couple of people said that Black Mamba was hotter and tasted better, I'm wondering if I remember right or not so thought I better taste another bit now just to be sure.
...Ok well just dipped my finger into the lid. At first there was a lttle bit of a sweet taste, then just extract again.
I'm curious if anyone else actually likes this or not?
This will go back on the shelf just to look at and only be taken out for someone who says they can eat any hot sauce.
I really like CaJohn's Fatalli Fire and Z Beyond nothing is pretty good for an extract sauce but this just has no flavour