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smoking Blues, Booze & BBQ

Hey y'all, mrs. blues is making threats and pointing fingers and wants pulled pork this weekend or else!

But first, lets take care of some 'bidness.

Sorry y'all but I ain't been drinkin' regular like 'n all and won't until my BP is in order.

No hate.

In the meantime, enjoy this pic of my ambien prescription.


I picked up this pork shoulder yesterday at the Try-N-Save for cheapness. They had plenty of pork.

Beef? Brisket & beef ribs were being sucked out of the coolers by shoppers faster than LiLo shoplifts jewelry.

Rubbed with Lawry's and brown sugar. That's it.


Gettin' Black Betty fired up. I'ma kill that damn bush next to the window. There was one next to it I already dug up. Wasps think those bushes are their personal clubhouse. I'ma put raised beds there for next year.


In like flynn at 10:00 am sharp.

Texas time.

More posty later.

Me too Scovie.

The porkage is at an interior temp of 193.

I'll give it another 45 minutes to get up to about 205 and then yank it.
I know, I know... Piccys mannana

And then make some Pork Fat Roman Candles to shoot into your Vegan neighbors back yard. An extra Ambien tonight.
Oh ye of little faith.

Birthed this baby out of Black Betty after 8 hours and 20 minutes.


Look at the bark on that girl! Its like meat crack!


I never chop pork. Pulled with hands or a couple forks only.

This is mrs. blues stash. missylou's is in the upper left corner.


mrs. blues doesn't like all the barky nuggets. WOOT! That's the best part dontcha' know!


mrs. blues put hers on some slider buns with her favorite store bought bbq sauce.

She ate it like she was mad at it.

TB makey tacos later.
OMG I was a big FAIL last night. Sorry I missed your pics in real time.

That pork looks friggen awesome! Wait... A W E S O M E!

Let me get this straight...
Mrs. Blues lives with a chef and "buys" BBQ sauce?

She is not taking full advantage of The TB.
After seeing this again (after the fog has cleared) that taco is the perfect food.

Propper proportions too, Peños!

I know what you're having for a midnight snack.
Perfect bark. Glossy and thick, sticks to the meat after pulling. Dark mahogany, not black.
Perfect pull. No chop needed. Moist. Glistening.

TB, that's the best butt you've kicked.
Much obliged Dan.

I reckon it was a couple things.

One, I went a bit lighter on the rub. In the past I have gone pretty heavy, especially on the brown sugar, which would sometimes yield too much bark. The kinda bark that sticks to your molars thats hard to chew like hard toffee.

And two, and most important of all, I got a new thermometer and calibrated it.

I don't know who the fools are on the interwebz that tell people to cook X amount of pounds of meat for X amount of time.

Its all about proper temperature. 200 - 205 is the window I like for final meat temp.
Yeah you nailed it. The glossy mahogany bark is the deal, not the black, and hard to get right, so keep your recipe. And I can tell it pulled just right I figured you had an eye on the pull temp. Damn moist and falling apart with nice smoke ring. Perfect, as far as I can tell. I want!