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smoking Blues, Booze & BBQ

stc, you thought scotch bonnets were a sweet pepper? :oops: OOPS! Those do look like a scotch bonnet though. Aw well, the rest of the grub makes up for that little mistake. I like your choice of china, also. Well Done!
stc, you thought scotch bonnets were a sweet pepper? :oops: OOPS! Those do look like a scotch bonnet though. Aw well, the rest of the grub makes up for that little mistake. I like your choice of china, also. Well Done!
Long story short...the seeds came off a train and were labeled scotch bonnet, but they came up annuum??? Greg (pic1) told me they might be "early scotch bonnets" which is a sweet annuum variety. Turns out I believe they're Jamaican Hots...

Got the real deal SBs going now...still not too sure what these are Jamaican Hot is just a guess...have to see how they ripen. All that really matters is they're DELICIOUS!!! With the perfect amount of heat and a sprinkle of chinense flavor...
stc, you thought scotch bonnets were a sweet pepper? :oops: OOPS! Those do look like a scotch bonnet though. Aw well, the rest of the grub makes up for that little mistake. I like your choice of china, also. Well Done!
All that really matters is they're DELICIOUS!!! With the perfect amount of heat and a sprinkle of chinense flavor...

All's well that ends well, then. Mystery pepper surprises. It definitely keeps thing interesting, doesn't it! :cheers:
ok... I'll play

reverse seared - bone-in ribeye

in the smoker, then seared on the Char-Broil RED



finished at 132° IT
btw- it was stuffed with garlic

a little blue agave reposado

THAT is a hunk of meat steak. Just about fell over looking at it. Hell yeah that's how we cut em down here.

The Menu...smoked Chicken, Poblano Rellenos, Stuffed Bells, Poppers....and BEANS!!!











Yup it was good!!!
Ohhhh yeaaaahhhhh!!! Now that is my kind of cooking! I bet the whole neighborhood was looking over the fence at you weren't they?
Thanks JT! It did smell GOOD! I started early smoking some Manzanos for powders, so the smell of hickory smoke and peppers was already thick. Threw on the chicken then the bacon covered peppers...and I could hear the neighborhood wives yelling at their husbands to get their a$$es off the couch and fire up the grill!
If I could ever find the volume controller thingy....

As soon as I sober up, I'll try and learn how to post a video. If not, just pictures....

That Naughty Nellie 'll getcha...
$7.99 a pound for Copper River Sockeye?

Then again, it doesn't say which Copper River.

And where are teh pics?

Post up or face the consequences.

Like me calling Al Sharpton about you bein' raciss n sheeit with the salmon no posty.
Is $7.99 good or bad? It's the Alaskan Copper river variety, fresh never frozen and fricken delicious!

Classic Pacific NW Grilled Salmon...
Get your drool protector for your key boards.

Butter, Pressed Garlic, Lemon Thyme.
Paint brush it all on the meat side...

I put the meat side down first and brush a little EVOO on the skin to prevent sticking after it gets al flippy floppy'd
After pulling it off the grill, squish a little bit of Lemon juice over it.

Grab a fork and eat the belly outta that sumbitch!

You see that pool of juicy juice on the skin? awwww yyeeeaaahhhh

It came out Medium, but I prefer Med/Rare. Grabbing another beer should have waited...
Now that is one fine grilled filet!

$7.99 a pound for fresh Copper River Sockeye is incredibly LOW!

Never seen it for less than $15.

Oddly, when I was in Alaska, much of the fish caught went to WA state processors and then sent back to Alaska to be sold.

I remember buying fresh Alaska fish in Seattle for waaaaay less than I could get it in the state it came from.


I could eat that whole filet.

True story.


Just found this....


Scovie you done scored a goodern'!
Thanks TB. Once I started eating, I couldn't stop. I pushed the tail portion on to a plate for CJ, and finished it off.
I didn't eat any of her roasted potatoes, Spinach sald, or broccoli. Hahahaha Just that slab of fish.

That's crazy about sending the fish here and then back to AK...?
That was a good article. When I was in Naknek, the company I was working for
offered me a two month stint at their plant in Cordova.
I've always kind of regretted it, mostly for the barrels of $$$ I would have brought home.

Ahh yes Smoked Salmon. The only thing I've ever smoked. I used a converted steel garbage can and a hot plate.
That was years ago. In other news, we bought a propper Smoker this weekend (Master Built Pro).
It's a cheapo, but will work for a few years. Gas/Charcoal.
Oh man!

You were in Naknek?

Just down river and round the corner from my favorite spot on the Kvichak.

Never been to Cordova myself but wouldn't mind taking the ferry there from Valdez.

Ahhh smoked salmon.

I haven't seen a decent piece of salmon this year that you didn't have to get a loan for to afford.

Even halibut is going for $19.99. And thats ON SALE!
Thanks stc! Swimmers are a great meal, anytime!

Yeah TB, I built 3 cabins for the Japanese buyers that would stay there at the 'King Crab Fisheries' plant.
Not as beautiful as Kvichak, and further up river. I'll never forget the Beluga's swimming up and down the river.

Halibut for $20? That's a big OUCH! Even for Texas. I never pay attention to the prices, like CJ.
If I see it, want it, and the price 'looks right', I'll buy it. But $20/lb for Halibut sounds like a ski mask and a gun are involved.
Yeah, when we lived on the rock (whibey), we caught sooooo many Humpey's, we could really only eat it smoked.
Not much good for anything else, but fatty enough to be excellent for smoking.
I can't wait to try our new smoker.
I saw on some Discovery Channel show last night that the fishermen are only getting $0.37 per lb for cod. WTF??? Those guys are risking their lives and getting peanuts while I pay well over $9lb for cod??? BS.