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Bonds Ma Jaque

Out of 10 seeds I had only 1 that popped and is an inch tall. Problem is it won't shed it's husk !!
I've been applying droplets of water via turkey bastter to soften the bugger up but it won't shed. I really want this soul popper to survive, will it eventually shed or succumb to the husk ?
Sometimes you can pinch the sides (the sides with the seams) and pull it off, all ever so gently.... risky, but I have had it work more than a few times...
I wrecked my single Fatali that popped out of 10 doing that and was very gentle. Used tweezers but the little guy seemed to fight the surgery and kept twisting. Really hope the water softening works before its a 3 inch stick lol.
Probably best to just let nature take its due course...

...show a little patience and let the seedling do what it has been genetically programmed to do.

If it dies, the seedling was probably weal/deficient in some way and it just wasn't meant to be.

I like to let the cotyledons grow some inside the shell. If the leaves start popping out on their own I usually leave it and at worst the tips get pinched off. If the leaves stay inside I risk the surgery because usually the plant won't make it without major damage otherwise.
using fingernail clippers you can snip the edges/seam very slightly.

I have a miniature pair of curved scissors I use to nip at the edges and then work it off with a pointy pair of tweezers. I have been doing this almost nightly during the last month with about 96% success rate. This is not for everyone through, and would recommend staying in your comfort zone.
Don't worry about it. Keep applying water to it. I had one that just refused to shed its husk. It ended up growing its true leaves before shedding it, lol.

Probably best to just let nature take its due course...

...show a little patience and let the seedling do what it has been genetically programmed to do.

If it dies, the seedling was probably weal/deficient in some way and it just wasn't meant to be.


This is pretty much what I think. I ended up tossing the one that refused to remove its husk since it grew super slow. Survival of the fittest! However, the OP only has one seedling of this type so far :( . Hopefully the others will grow and properly shed their husks.
WD40.........(Just kiddin!)
Keep em misted with water and close to a light source, the leaves will seperate and you'll enentually be able to slide it off

I like to let the cotyledons grow some inside the shell. If the leaves start popping out on their own I usually leave it and at worst the tips get pinched off. If the leaves stay inside I risk the surgery because usually the plant won't make it without major damage otherwise.

This is good advice. +1

I have a couple that are in the same boat... I only intervene if the leaves get stuck inside... Even then I have seen seedlings that have survived... the cotys curled inside the seed hull, and eventually broke it... It took a few days but the cotys straightened out.
+1 to the THP community. After reading this thread, I tried adding drops of water to several 'helmet head' seedlings. In a matter of 15 minutes, one of my Scotch Bonnets popped out of its shell.

Thanks, you've helped save yet another chili!!
Update, had a bevy to steady the hands, took the nail clippers to the zipper side and a bit of the top. Was very concerned that I caught a coly but low and behold took my finger nail about and hour ago seeing it started to expand a bit after the clip and off came the toque! Very happy hope the bugger pulls through due to the extreme leggyness and the coly's "appear" ok. Will update after a bit of light does it's thing.
The nail clipper and beer for steadiness, a great solution !!!!!
What is it about the Bondas? I bought mine from THSC and none popped they sent more and I put them down and so far none? THEN finally one of the first set causeI seeded over the old ones popped so I got a out of 10 ? What gives anyone else have problems with this pepper?
I bought mine from THSC and grew them last year, no problems. I have a few going now from isolated seed. I saved a bunch of seed and distributed them to members on here recently too... I hope they turned out well.