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Boy do I want a cigarette

Never smoked cigarettes -- My parents used to then my sister then grandma -- we would have dinner and then they would start I think that is waht totally turned me off. Mary Jane and Cigars on the other hand .....
bentalphanerd said:
Its an evil addiction. I've been smoking for about 20 years...can't stop. Each time I try I go weird (o.k weird-er) . After a day I seriously can't remember what I'm doing from one minute to the next ....after about 2 weeks of that I give up giving up.

Stay strong IGG - that stuff'll kill you.
After about a month that stuff fades, Bent. You just stop and hang in there. No other way, IMO, other than cold turkey. Find a nicotine substitute and that helps take the edge off.

thehotpepper.com said:
So I guess you haven't tried American Spirit Cayenne?
I'm an ass for Googling this. My brand was AS, so i thought it was something new. Call me gullible. :rolleyes:
fineexampl said:
After about a month that stuff fades, Bent. You just stop and hang in there. No other way, IMO, other than cold turkey. Find a nicotine substitute and that helps take the edge off.

Will do...when i find four weeks in a row to lose it in.

stoopid responsibilities get in the way :D
I've cut back dramatically(like a smoke every few days or so.....a pack will last me 3 weeks now), but i'm still finding it hard to shake off completely. Dirty rat bastard tobacco companies....
I just quit 5 months ago when I was going through interview process to become a paramedic. I quit cold turkey, but with the idea that I could start again once I was in. Now Im 5 months in, I keep thinking "How stupid would I feel if I started again!" And also, count how many people are glad they quit, Vs. how many are glad they started smoking again. I keep running that through my head over and over, seems to work.

Im finding boredom+tiredness=me wanna suck on a lung biscuit, so I try and keep busy a lot more now. In fact, I started gardening from boredom, which led me to chillies, which led me here. So, therefore, if you quit smoking, you will join thp.com! Simple!
McGoo said:
I just quit 5 months ago when I was going through interview process to become a paramedic. I quit cold turkey, but with the idea that I could start again once I was in. Now Im 5 months in, I keep thinking "How stupid would I feel if I started again!" And also, count how many people are glad they quit, Vs. how many are glad they started smoking again. I keep running that through my head over and over, seems to work.

Im finding boredom+tiredness=me wanna suck on a lung biscuit, so I try and keep busy a lot more now. In fact, I started gardening from boredom, which led me to chillies, which led me here. So, therefore, if you quit smoking, you will join thp.com! Simple!

Ya, boredom and/or heavy drinking makes me ramp up my lung rocket usage big time. So i have to be really careful when i start rocking the vodka or gin hard.
I'm not addicted either - I can quit anytime I want. In fact, I've quit at least two dozen times in the last three years.

fineexampl said:
I'm an ass for Googling this. My brand was AS, so i thought it was something new. Call me gullible. :rolleyes:
Heh. Sounds believable doesn't it?
I smoked cig's for about 7 years & up to 2 packs a day. it was a bitch quiting!!
I quit!! that morning, come afternoon I'm chain smoking. :lol:

it was a on off deal over a year w/o any help except my own will power.
& I finally quit smoking.

I haven't had a cig in the past 9 years.
it'd take alot of stress or ? before I'd ever crave a cig ever again. even if I did have a couple I doubt I'd ever make it a habit again.
though I can taste the flavor just thinking of them.
imaguitargod said:
Me too....mmmm...Marloboro Reds and Newports......NO! Snap out of it! You don't want one!

Marlboro Reds and Newports??!? Listen, son, if you're gonna fall off the wagon, at least make it one helluva bounce.....you want, no, you need LUCKY STRIKES!
imaguitargod said:
Me too....mmmm...Marloboro Reds and Newports......NO! Snap out of it! You don't want one!

Haha when i first started smoking, just like all kids I smoked marlboro reds cause i thought i was a badass.

Then I moved to newports, but got tired of those and started smoking those marlboro 72s, in the little short boxes. Plus they were always 3 for 2 back then.
I hear ya man. I'm 28 and have been smoking since I was 14. I'm a snob about it though, I'll only smoke American Spirits or Nat Shermans. I know I should stop, but the problem is, I love to smoke.
*glances around*

Ok, I will only say this where my mother can't hear it, but I really ought to thank her for riding all of three of our asses about The Evils of Cigarettes. If I had ever started smoking, I would be a chain smoker, and I would probably never be able to quit.

*glances around again*

Ok, if any of you show her this, I'll swear you hacked my account.
I somehow managed to never start. I smoked a half a pack when I was 14 or 15 and maybe a couple of packs over the "first turned 21 year" in the bar, but luckily never got addicted. I think it may have been because I bartended for 15 years and got second hand smoke so much that I will probably die of lung cancer anyway.