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seed-plant-vendors Brain Strain Yellow and "Other" Pod Problems!!

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Ok....first let me start by saying to the mods and the admin...if i have posted this in the wrong place i am sorry and please help me out by placing this in the right place :)

I recently have been getting some flack and such from a few customers "claiming" im only sending ONE or TWO pods of the correct "Type" they have ordered in their boxes, along with some "other" type of pepper to fill the rest of the box! I guess i have to take my time and loose sleep over this to help you guys out with this.......EVERY, and i mean EEEEVVVEEERRRYYYYY plant on my property i inspect for "PICTURE PERFECT" pods before i tag and label it as a "correct match" to the type it is supposed to be! With that being said, i have harvested several of the same customers previous orders of the SAME EXACT plants and have had ZERO complaints. Why or how is this so you may ask?? Heres WHY and a little bit of "Pepper Growing 101" on a HUGE scale!!! Something i had to learn myself so i dont expect your "AVERAGE" hobby grower to even consider it possible! Right now...this very minute.....i have plants with PICTURE PERFECT (Lets say BS Yellow cus thats the pods in question from most right now) pods on them...and on the VERY SAME NODE on that plant i have another pepper (codename "odd one") that looks just like a yellow BS with some of the wrinkles missing and "tail" section not as "defined" as the picture perfect one growing on the SAME PLANT and ON THE SAME NODE section...SIDE BY SIDE on the SAME PLANT! This in NO way shape or form means that this "odd one" is not a BS Yellow!! I mean for pete sake they are growing on the SAME PLANT and their stems are almost touching at the same NODE! But one is PERFECTLY representing a BEAUTIFUL Brain Strain Yellow! So....heres the science lesson ladies and gents... Theres NO WAY that on a "genetic" level these two peppers are NOT the same!! They came off the same plant!! THAT is a proven scientific FACT! Now....i will agree if someone said the SEEDS inside MAY/MAY NOT grow a "true" genetic match, but that has ZERO impact on the type of pepper that the plant itself grows! PERIOD! There are different "factors" that go into "pod" appearance....first there is how long the "flower ring" holds on to the pepper and causes the shape to change...i.e....if you have 2 peppers growing side by side on the same plant, and one holds the "flower ring" a week longer than the other while the pod is forming..the one that held the "flower ring" longer will have a more defined and "true" pod shape and appearance! That i learned from growing THOUSANDS of plants to full maturity this year and watching them all form and shape on the plants DAILY! Second...there are insects that will in fact alter/change the course and growth of your plants/fruit as well....Broad Mites! These little buggers attack eat and destroy the "new" growth on pepper plants....i.e....the new as well well as the established flowers on the plants. When u have an insect outbreak and you are in the process of geting it under control they are causing the flowers to drop their "flower rings" early and some of the pods just dont have the PICTURE perfect pod shape as a result! So...................... in closing i would like to say to ALL of my customers...I have NOT and will NEVER sell you a product that is NOT 100% coming from the same plants that grow "PICTURE PERFECT PEPPERS!! The conditions here in the nursery alter/change the pod appearance as well as weather, heat, nutrients, watering (or lack of)...theres MULTIPLE things that can make a plant have some PERFECT looking pods and some that just dont...period! BUT NEVER THE LESS THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE NOT WHAT YOU ARE BUYING OR THINK YOU ARE BUYING!! IF A PEPPER PLANT GROWS ONE TYPE THIS WEEK, NEXT MONTH IT GROWS THE SAME THING!! IT NEVER CHANGES!!

Like i said before...i dont expect your "average joe" to be able to see that on his plants, or even understand all that i just said. Heck, even myself when i was just a hobby grower i had no idea this was even possible really....until i grew on this HUGE scale!! In fact..i have even eaten pods like i mentioned before (2 off the same plant that look not the same) and they both had the SAME heat, texture, seed levels present, flavor, and even the same afterburn/taste! Again...from the SAME plant how could they NOT??? Right?? Right!! Physically, they "appear" different, but in fact are the SAME!! I hope this has made some sense to ALL of you...i do realize that i cant please everyone EVERYTIME, but you guys need to understand that i WILL NEVER sell you something im not 100% sure came from plants that show PERFECT pods!! My whole 60 year family reputation is on the line here!! Take it from a hobby grower turned COMMERCIAL grower! This is something i am learning as i go...and again...i dont expect EVERYONE to really grasp it and register what im saying...

One last thing..and this will CLEAR this all up for you guys hopefully........RIGHT NOW...i mean as of right now...i have some of these VERY same plant producing Brain Strain Yellow plants that i harvested to fill these recent orders in question.... almost FILLED with picture perfect pods...new ones....still young...and the pods "appear" 100% genetic matches to a PERFECT BS Yellow! On the same plants where you guys "questionable" pods came from!! NOW........you tell me how thats possible if THE PLANTS are NOT Brain Strain Yellow!!!

Those of you that know me, know that im just a family guy, trying to earn an honest living growing these things..and some of you have also had "other" issues with pods or what have you..and i have ALWAYS made good to my customers when i know theres something "I" could have done or helped make sure the product was exactly what the customer ordered.....and i ALWAYS have made good on those....thats how we pride ourselves on good business ethics! I want you all to know I, Dale Jr, PERSONALLY have hand harvested EVERY pod shipped out of Baker's Peppers LLC up to date! EVERY ONE! and i dont pick pods from plants that have not PROVEN to me they are 100% geneticly a MATCH! if i did that, i would have issues like THIS on my hands!! And by the looks of it, that couldnt be helped, by no fault of ANYONE!! Myself, the plants, or the customers! I mean, who has EVER grown these on a scale like this?? How could anyone have known these factors that go into all of this...i sure didnt! But rest assured, if YOU order product from Baker's Peppers LLC, our products have come from plants that produce pods that ARE picture PERFECT...................Under the right PERFECT conditions in nature!! Trust me, Let your plants go without proper fertilizer or water or pest control while flowering/fruiting and SEE FOR YOURSELF the effects of it! Now in saying that i am partially admiting that thru the season myself or my father have not been able to 100% keep up with all of those (watering, ferts, pest/bacteria control). We are a 2 man show and have been BUSTING ASS trying to keep up with all this DEMAND! So we have experienced some ups and downs and along that road we have found out that this EFFECTS pod appearance!!! Theres NO other explanation for this issue! I as the grower of these things here on my property am 100% sure of this, as i have WITNESSED it ALL with my OWN eyes!! I would like to send out an apology to those who cant or wont agree with our findings. All i can say is im sorry you wont return to do business with us. I cant control how "sometimes" these pods dont "appear" perfect....but i give you my WORD as a man, father, and hard worker.......I WILL NEVER SELL YOU PEPPERS THAT IM NOT 100% POSITIVE CAME FROM PLANTS THAT HAVE GROWN "PERFECT" PODS UNDER "PERFECT" CONDITIONS....Sometimes they "APPEAR" perfect and sometimes they dont.....That will ALWAYS be a factor when these peppers are grown on a HUGE scale like we are doing.........PERIOD!! So if you buy from me, or from someone else who has grown on a scale bigger than a "backyard" grow, you will find that not all pods on the same plant, no matter how PURE the seeds, will all be 100% PERFECT! IT JUST ISNT REALITY!!

Now, some of you may say well they are open pollinated so that is why the pods dont "appear" 100% the same perfect! Tisk tisk! :) Any simple bit of research into how pollination works and how it effects things will tell you that when a plant flowers and gets pollinated the plant produces pods on a genetic level how its been programmed since IT was a seed....pollination has ZERO effect on this....ONLY the seeds INSIDE this pepper will have a change in genetics!! The plant will ALWAYS be a Butch T (or whatever type u have) but the open pollinated seeds inside its peppers is ANYONES guess!! The plant, for its WHOLE life will ALWAYS produce its type of peppers! It will never be changed by pollination of its flowers, but the seeds inside could be crossed with ANYTHING of its "breeding" type around!

I hope this has helped some of you know a bit more about all of this, as it has been a learning curve for me as well....And i hope you guys understand that all i ever wanted to do was get the masses the peppers they desire...period! and thats all we are GOING to keep doing! :D

P.S.- One last thing i wanted to add...here at the nursery, we have whats known as "The Pile". And almost DAILY i find plants out in the nursery that have NOT ONE of these "PERFECT 100% MATCHES" to what its supposed to be found on them! ALL and i mean EVERY one of these plants finds its way to "The Pile"!!! Regardless of how long i have grown it for and how much care and cost i have put into that plant! PERIOD! It goes to "The Pile" to die...PERIOD! We dont grow or sell ANYTHING we are not 100% sure of!!

Dale Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC

Lastly...I would like to add that i purchased ALL my Brain Strain Yellow seeds from Cappy at www.BrainStrain7.com and ALL my Brain Strain Red seeds from Judy at www.PepperLover.com ... I hope that clears up some confusion and i formally appologize to Judy about the mix up on where my seeds came from! :D
I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong here.....I am refunding the customers....I'm just trying to clear this up....and also trying to show everyone how they grow...how can i expect to sell peppers if the customers are upset with me and my product? I cant! They asked for pictures...I wanted to give pictures...to show everyone what I'm doing....how the peppers they are buying are growing...I mean...does it make sense I woke up one day last week and said to myself....I want to drive my business into the ground!!! Heck no...a lot of things have been said...and now everyone sees my product...I guess the product hopefully will sell itself.....I'm just trying to earn an honest living....that's all....I've invested so much into this business thst the LAST thing I want to do is ruin it! The pictures above show what i sell...It's what u can expect from BakersPeppers.com ......I will make efforts for better customer service in the future....just understand I'm new to all of this.....in the end the customer was right...got refunded....it should have been in the beginning!

Lesson learned!

Dale Jr
For your protection.. that’s if people will do business with you again..
POST the same exact picture of what you selling… and say this is what you see and this is what you get…. Clear yourself by providing evidence that the customer was not deceived in any mean … and that customer did know how pods look like what they called …

Do you know I always mention the number of pods in every box I sold…. I have people who said they made it soft… guess what it’s not my fault it is the mail taking too long….. But I respect people enough to make them happy so I send new box or money back …..

Treat people like you want to be treated…..


If these are honest mistakes I do wish your biz well, but you need to work on customer service and disclosure. Like when you buy something handmade that says it can vary from the picture. Tell people exactly what they are getting BEFORE they pay. And perhaps change your pricing and sell "picture perfect" only to avoid this. And "The customer is always right" obviously means treat it that way, even if they are wrong. I think you know this, but really, you need to follow it to succeed.

If there is dishonesty here, then you have sealed your fate. The community will decide.

My posts have nothing to do with the trueness of the product as I am not qualified in that area.
So the guy guy got 160 of the bad looking pods, sounds like there was some cherry picking, and this guy got all the seconds. Odds do not support your argument.

It defeats it.

He know what he did…wrong ... he know the pods were not even close to any form of 7 pod … he knows it is a fatalii habanero corss or something like that….
But what Mr. Dale has no idea about is how experts and passionate we are here at the forum and that we live peppers not just eat them or sell them…. Hell my bed sheets, my windows curtains .. My silverware. My underwear is pepper art :shh: …. My college books are all pepper painted. My jewelry…. Everything…..
So the guy guy got 160 of the bad looking pods, sounds like there was some cherry picking, and this guy got all the seconds. Odds do not support your argument.

It defeats it.

He know what he did…wrong ... he know the pods were not even close to any form of 7 pod … he knows it is a fatalii habanero corss or something like that….
But what Mr. Dale has no idea about is how experts and passionate we are here at the forum and that we live peppers not just eat them or sell them…. Hell my bed sheets, my windows curtains .. My silverware. My underwear is pepper art :shh: …. My college books are all pepper painted. My jewelry…. Everything…..

Honestly...i sold pods from the SAME plants these guys have bought off of previously with no problems...there must have been some bad peppers or something..that all i can say....really....again...im refunding the $$ to them and have said it over and over....I have had PLENTY of GREAT sales so far this year to MANY people who know peppers, and all it took was one bad business deal to possibly ruin us...I really cant stress enough that i honestly picked these pods from the same plants....i have beat that horse to death...showed pictures of proof of how they grow.....and still im laying in the mudd! We wish all of this never happened and that you guys see we as a company wish to move forward here.....work out the kinks of what we grow....so we can provide all you guys with the stuff you need....its really that simple....thats all we wish to do...At this time i would like to no longer comment on this topic. Thanks

Dale Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
Dale....I understand completely what you are saying since I, myself have experienced the pod shape/color variation...

Sorry....forgot to comment here...thanks AJ! I'm glad that someone can relate to what I'm saying...it helps that its YOU too :) Thanks for your VALUED input here :) ok..now I'm done talking about It as well...thanks everyone for understanding....
..in the end the customer was right...got refunded....it should have been in the beginning!

Lesson learned!

Dale Jr

Not before you insulted the consumer again...

As everyone has said in these threads. You will always have a couple unfortunate customers. How you deal with it is what makes you or breaks you.

I myself want to apologize for my novice comments in this thread. But when people who have been doing this or a while. Say They don't look or taste. Then I can only agree with them. Again in my own little world you got too cocky with how this was dealt. Your rep was second to NONE and didn't matter if I threatened to tell the rest of the community.

I gave you time to make proper fixings the way business usually run but in went all bad. I think for the most part. It's not really how the pods look. Or how ripened they've gotten. But it's how you've dealt with it as a commercial grower. At least that's what I absorbed from the people's comments.
Did he get his public/private apology he was demanding?

He apologized for me but … I know this will not be his last time to step on my tail or other people’s… he will do it again… and I don’t believe him saying oooh “ I made mistake by including your name as the source of the seeds” … you simply don’t make mistake by saying she is the source of the seeds you are commercial grower and you know where you got your seeds from… you know you asked me 7 times on the email about the Yellow Brain Strain and I told you I don’t have it and you still got confused that you might got them form me… I mean COMON for the sake of GOD. When I told you after all your begging email that I don’t have it… you evidently went somewhere else and someone else gave you the seeds as “yellow brain strain” but when they turned untrue you decided to sell them anyways… then used my name as source of seeds.
I know your will never gain people’s trust here Dale.. you just won’t … we were not born yesterday… I may be only 29 years old but I guarantee you that I know more that you about peppers, and I have been growing them way before you even think of the idea… hell your website is only few months old and you already have complains…
This is just crazy...all I'm trying to do is run a BUSINESS! And all u guys want to do is try to shut it down....had 100% happy customers till this ONE bad "seed" placed an order with me....he was sold pods at a DISCOUNT rate cus he couldn't afford the full asking price.....and NOW after I cut him a deal...he wants to ruin me?!?! There's more to this story than u guys (the public) will ever know!!
I know you're not talking about me. Out of context. ?!


Exactly why I post your comments in its entirety. So the "out of context" Excuse won't be used.
Dale, you really should take your own advice and stop commenting on this thread. You have already caused yourself enough problems, Judy is upset and rightfully so. She is a HIGHLY respected member, has worked hard to build her reputation and one stupid comment from you can put her reputation on the line. Not everyone will search around for this thread to get the true story, some people may see the one comment you made about her sliding you bunk seeds and that is all they need to take their business elsewhere. Judy is a class act, I personally spent a good amount on seeds from her. From what I can see, she doesn't do this for the money, she LOVES peppers. Truly an inspiration to a "backyard hobby grower" like myself.

You shot yourself in the foot many times before trying to make this situation better. You belittled a paying customer and demanded an apology for what?? Customers are not always happy, it is the way you handle these situations that will make you stand out from the others. I personally couldn't believe you took the stance you did, Denniz handled all your rude comments very well in my opinion. Took your words out of context? I think not, he posted everything word for word.

You are growing superhots commercially, which in my opinion is risky business to begin with. You have 1,000's of plants and yet are still charging a premium price. Isn't the reason one grows something commercially to bring the end product to consumers at a reasonable price?

I highly doubt Judy thinks you are her biggest competition. She is in it for the love of peppers and you are in it for the $$$$. The way she runs her business is the reason why people love her so much.
Did he get his public/private apology he was demanding?

He apologized for me but … I know this will not be his last time to step on my tail or other people’s… he will do it again… and I don’t believe him saying oooh “ I made mistake by including your name as the source of the seeds” … you simply don’t make mistake by saying she is the source of the seeds you are commercial grower and you know where you got your seeds from… you know you asked me 7 times on the email about the Yellow Brain Strain and I told you I don’t have it and you still got confused that you might got them form me… I mean COMON for the sake of GOD. When I told you after all your begging email that I don’t have it… you evidently went somewhere else and someone else gave you the seeds as “yellow brain strain” but when they turned untrue you decided to sell them anyways… then used my name as source of seeds.
I know your will never gain people’s trust here Dale.. you just won’t … we were not born yesterday… I may be only 29 years old but I guarantee you that I know more that you about peppers, and I have been growing them way before you even think of the idea… hell your website is only few months old and you already have complains…

Well Judy....I have been NOTHING but nice and apologetic towards you publicly! I made one not so accurate statement privately in a private conversation (which by the way was an easy mistake...coulda happened to anyone) and to top that all off it wasn't even really that big of a mistake and the customer actually kind of took my quote out of context! But I let it all slide towards you as you are a respected vendor on here......that is I let it slide up until now and how YOU REFUSE to let it go.....one little drop of blood in the water and u try to take me down....drag my name thru the gutter....It's obvious what it REALLY going on here.....I'm your BIGGEST competition and now you will stop at NOTHING to try to take me out! U were given this chance by ONE of my customers publicly taking shots at me....you just jumped right on the hate train as u were hoping this would RUIN me....look at how YOU have conducted yourself!! STEADY taking shots at me!! I got u scared that I'm only 2 years in the business and I'm WAY bigger than u...I've been making money here and that just KILLS you!! U feel VERY threatened by me and the presence of my business here...so now u will stop at NOTHING to try to ruin me as well...u have read my glogs...u see my operation...and u are like "OMG WTF am i gonna do?!?!" U decided the ONLY thing u can do is try to ruin me with YOUR reputation!! NOT GONNA WORK JUDY....I have tried to be civil...I have tried EVERY nice way to talk about you and your business..but what we have here is u are FLAT SCARED of what I'm bringing to the table!! Your ONLY course of action has been to "RUIN BAKERS PEPPERS" as soon as u were given a chance to....like a shark with a drop of blood in the water....I can see this now! Look at how YOU have conducted yourself Judy...I can just SMELL the fear permeating from you....rightfully so too....u have seen in my posts how big I'm getting...how many plants I'm growing...and u see me as your "Competition".... Well I regret to inform you I'm not going ANYWHERE!! Baker's Peppers is here to STAY!! BUT I WILL NOT SIT IDLY BY WHILE U PUBLICLY BASH ME AND YOU ARE ONE OF MY SEED SUPPLIERS!! STAND BEHIND YOUR PRODUCT LIKE I DO MINE JUDY!!! TELL THE PEOPLE WHO I GOT MY BRAIN STRAIN RED SEEDS FROM...EVERY SINGLE ONE CAME FROM YOU!! AND EVERY DAY THAT HAS PASSED SINCE THEN U HAVE BEEN WAITING TO RUIN ME...AS YOUR BIGGEST COMPETITION U FEAR MY CAPABILITIES TO RUN YOUR LITTLE GROW OPERATION OUT OF TOWN.....AND WITH HOW U HAVE WATCHED ME RUN THIS SINCE JAN 1ST U COULD SIT IDLY BY NO MORE...U STRUCK!! JUMPED ON THE COAT TAILS OF A COMPLAINING CUSTOMER OF MINE AND THE REST IS HISTORY.......I HAVE TRIED TO BE NICE..I HAVE TRIED TO APOLOGIZE TO U..PUBLICLY AND PRIVATELY....AND YOU STILL KEEP ON.....I WILL NOT JUST SIT HERE AND TAKE IT!! CONDUCT YOURSELF LIKE A RESPECTING BUSINESS OWNER JUDY....A BUSINESS OWNER WHO FEARS US IF U HAVE TO...BUT I WILL NOT JUST SIT HERE AND TAKE IT!! I have seen u reading my GLOG..I know u look at the THOUSANDS of plants and u think to urself..."I never should have sold him those seeds"..."how am i gonna compete with Bakers??" That's the point...you can't!!!! All you can do is bash me and bash me and hope to ruin me!! The people here hold u highly...but after they see how YOU have conducted yourself on this matter I bet they see the real Judy!! I'm done here....BAKERS PEPPERS is here to STAY!! I grow quality product and it will take more than a few unhappy customers to take us down!! Competition is what u label me......u see the $$ I have been making on here....and u HAVE SEEN the pics of all the HAPPY CUSTOMERS boxes of peppers they have purchased...and it SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!! With me growing all these types and all the sales I've done...u will stop at nothing I MEAN NOTHING to try to make the people here believe I am a phony!! Make them believe i am growing non true peppers....well then they shouldn't buy my BEAUTIFUL Brain Strain Red pods...as the seeds came from YOU!! I still to this second stand behind the pods i sold that are in question....why don't u try and stand behind YOUR product in the SAME way!!! I have shown PROOF of how the peppers grow here...and it STILL isn't enough...I'm still thrown under the bus by the likes of YOU!! WELL NO MORE!! I CAN FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE JUDY!! THIS ENDS HERE OR WE CAN KEEP IT UP TILL U ARE OUT OF BUSINESS....YOUR CHOICE!! I SUGGEST U END IT HERE...SAY NOT ONE MORE WORD.....ACT PROFESSIONAL!! OR WE CAN SEE WHO ENDS UP ON THE BOTTOM! I DIDN'T WANT TO GO HERE.....BUT YOUR CONSTANT BASHING ME HAS MADE THIS SO!! YOU DID THIS JUDY....YOU! IT ENDS HERE!!
The only Big thing I see from you Dale Jnr is your MASSIVE EGO/HEAD Swelling up about numbers of peppers and how you think you are the biggest thing since sliced bread.

Judy (and everyone else I deal with) has my business because she treats me well as a paying customer. You will never have my business in anyway shape or form now because you are so far up your own A%% it hurts to even look at it and seem to completely forget the first rule of business. Without Customers you don't have a business.

Keep going like this and you are going to have thousands of kilograms of rotten chilli's and a rotten reputation to boot.
Don't blame others for your lack of social grace and customer service.
WOW DALE, YOU JUST PROVED YOURSELF TO BE A COMPLETE DOUCHE!! Get over yourself, you are growing commercially and realizing it isn't so easy!! Bit off more than you can chew, obviously!! You are making money because nobody else has pods, what's going to happen when the rest of the growers catch up??? Where will all the business go?? Most likely not to you, nobody wants to pay your ridiculous prices, and with your poor attitude people will never want to deal with you. You act like there are 100's of satisfied customers posting pics of the boxes you sent them. It's just a handful of threads Dale! Lol.

And you are freely admitting to pest problems. So my question to you is.....are you using something that is safe for edibles? I see all this white residue on your pics, makes me wonder if the pesticides you are using to combat this problem are safe to be consumed. Broad mites are no joke, and usually require some harsh treatments. I hope what you are using is safe for people to consume.

My gosh, I thought at some point you would just realize you stepped on the wrong toes and move on gracefully. Obviously not in your nature. Just pick up the pieces, move forward and try to conduct yourself in a different way next time this problem arises. Because I guarantee you it WILL!
I'M DONE HERE! The pictures I posted PROVE my side of it!! U guys wanted proof of pod appearance varying on each plant with TRUE pods also on the plants...I have done that...the public sees what they can expect from Bakers Peppers....BEAUTIFUL PODS!! YOU GUYS plans to shut us down won't work!!
I'M DONE HERE! u guys have nothing better to do than bash me...I have made it right by the customers..and they are ALL that's important here!! Now I have other vendors taking shots at me...I made an honest mistake on where the seeds came from....I said over and over I was sorry...and more bashing came!! This thread is dead to me...I have been nice...I have been mean...I have tried to be civil....and in the end I'm in the wrong no matter what...why?? Because I decided to conduct business on a FORUM! I have made right by my customers....u say Judy is a "class act"? Look hows she's conducted herself in this matter!! Done here!! My product speaks for itself!! U can like it or not...Bakers Peppers is here to STAY!!

Well anybody is a class act compared to the way you have reacted. Not to mention Judy came on here initially to clear her name because you slung shite at it not to badmouth you.

I was initially incredibly impressed by your grow setup etc and the enthusiasm you brought to the commercial side of things, but it all seems to be simply an ego trip for you now and you can't see the forest for the trees it would seem.
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