• Start a personal food blog, or, start a community food thread for all.


I was looking for a breakfast thread and never found one that seemed open-ended enough to post on. So here y'all go!
Posty up your breakfast if you like, even if it's cold leftover pizza.
No time for words? No problem. Show us your awesome yellowish cell phone camera pic. No obligation to write out a recipe here if you don't want to.
Forgot to take a picture until halfway through the meal? Perfect! Selfie photo-op.
Whoops! You made brunch instead? That's cool... it counts.
I'll go first with a take on a Cuban breakfast called Huevos Habaneros. It means Havana Eggs, but it's not made with Habaneros. In fact, it's not traditionally spicy hot. (Cuban meals typically aren't.) So, I had to SoFlo it up a bit and call it something different.
Huevos SoFlo

These are eggs baked over sofrito with butter on top in a custard cup for about 12 minutes at 375 F (yolks are still a bit runny). Then topped with more sofrito and garnished with some cayenne powder, but sofrito isn't spicy hot either. So...
Sofrito Caliente
(Enough for one serving)
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 Fresno pepper (cored and chopped)
1 green jalapeno (cored and chopped)
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 tsp ground cumin
1/4 cup peeled, cored, chopped tomato
olive oil for sauteing
Saute the onion and peppers till the onion is translucent. Then add the garlic and cumin for a minute more. Then toss in the tomato for another minute or two. Salt and black pepper to taste.
Do it up y'all!
Let's see what breaks your fast.
Breakfast this Morning.
Made Baked Beans yesterday and cooked overnight. Jared this morning and tried them out :)
Buckwheat pancake with fried egg and "Baked Beans" topped with chipotle and Smoked Cheddar.
Baked beans are Great White Canadian, Dried Tomato and Red Peppers, Smoked Paprika, Chipotle, Fancy Molasses, Seasoning mix and a touch of Turmeric.


New Years treat...

Around a half pound of various cheeses inside, none of which is Velveeta. This is likely the best relleno I have ever made, ugly thrown in for effect. The chorizo was homemade, no tripe in the house so used pork sausage, hab, jala, "spices". Extra heat and flavor provided peripherally...
...and it all came together without a single grain of salt. I'm no salt snob, either. Me and salt are like *this* (that's me on top)....
It is my Nonna's recipe.  technically it is a  Polenta grassa,
 not typical corn meal, water , salt.      
 Mix of corn meal and semolina, with milk , butter and salt
We never eat it loose,  Generally cooled to set and  then grilled under broiler  served with spezzatino  or something else with toccio  but leftovers are  very good fried too. 

well, i found out my local baker likes superhots and gave him the last of my yellow 7 pots and some rocotos from my overwintered plants, well he wanted more :D
so i ordered a box of mixed supers from Sicman...  They arrived looking Great, despite the ridiculous cold that we have here. 
I am currently eating the Hottest bagel I have ever had  :mouthonfire:   :metal:
Todays Breakfast;
mixed Red and Brown superhots bagel with sausage, egg, and pepperjack cheese  :drooling:

so good, Hottest breakfast i've had in a while :dance: ( not for non-chileheads :lol: )
Thanks @Sicman for the great variety of fresh pods when i had none left, nice and Warm after breakfast this morning  :party: