Bring on spring!

So much for spring.:( Who's breakin' their backs this weekend shoveling/snowblowing? I got round 1 done and I'm down for the count.:oops:
Where I am, we're likely to beat the all time snow record set back in the early 70's and there is still a huge storm coming up through the US, we might get up to 50 cm. by the end of the weekend. I'm just hoping this doesn't leed to flooding in the spring.
Potawie, the wind from the storm is blowing through here today; second wind storm we've had this week. The daffodils and saucer magnolias have been blooming for weeks now, and most of the shrubs are budded up and about to burst. Cold weather's not all done, though, tonight it's getting down to the low 30's (1 C).

It's been a wet winter for us, no snow to speak of, just a quick burst one night that melted before morning; but that's normal for us. We needed the rain, though. We're still playing catch up for last year's drought.
English weather is just dull. We don't really get extreme weather, well some English people think we do. 70mph winds is like a Hurricane to us and a bad earthquake is a tile falling off your roof. The trains stop running if we have the wrong type of snow or if too many leaves fall off the trees in Autumn, hard to believe but it's true.
So much for spring.:( Who's breakin' their backs this weekend shoveling/snowblowing? I got round 1 done and I'm down for the count.:oops:

yea, i just got in a few minutes ago, mum's on call today so i gotta keep the driveway clear which means going out every couple hours and shovelling a ton more snow (while its snowing...). and they've been stingy on the road plowing here since we hit the double mark on the snow removal budget for this year... i hear they're short on salt over in TO... goddamn i should have sprung for the snow tires...
Dang, it was 25F here this morning...I think this is the last time it will hit the 20s this year....
it's actually not that cold, -5c-ish. that's part of the problem actually, if it was really cold it wouldn't snow so much...
GrumpyBear said:
it's actually not that cold, -5c-ish. that's part of the problem actually, if it was really cold it wouldn't snow so much...
Damn... you guys (and gals) should relocate.
Omri said:
Damn... you guys (and gals) should relocate.

Yabut, then it gets really hot in the summer. Now, I like heat, but even I start to wilt when the temps stay over 100 F (37/38 C) for a week or more.
Pam said:
Yabut, then it gets really hot in the summer. Now, I like heat, but even I start to wilt when the temps stay over 100 F (37/38 C) for a week or more.
45c is my magic temp. :lol:
WELLL...We have over a foot (12") of snow and it is still coming down. Where oh where is Spring time???? I am so sick of this winter STUFF...

The wind just about took down the hoop house!

I went out to bring the sheets in off the clothes line, and I could see most of the poles had fallen out of the ridge line. The ribs were bouncing back and forth like an accordion! I yanked up the sheet of plastic at one end and dashed inside. I was trying to put the short ridge line poles back in the sockets between the ribs; but I would get one or two up, and a big gust of wind would accordion the whole hoop house. One of the guys reroofing the house next door jumped the fence and saved the day! He helped me hold the ribs together enough to get the ridge line poles back in the sockets, then we used some rope and bungee cords to hold it together against the wind.

Ok, ready for the lamb end of March now.
I have shoveled 3 times today already!!! And it is still snowing. Plus had to shovel out my wood pile so I could carry in wood. I went through 2 pairs of pants and 2 pairs of boots. To think that last week the high was 64 degrees....So much for getting my hopes up :rolleyes: