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pests Bugs and other issues!!

I have some questions about what is going on with a couple of my plants. NOTE: these plants were bought from Lowes. None of the plants I have grown from seed or otherwise have these issues..

Problem #1 - Yellowing at the top/Bottom. Does this mean ive over watered them?

Problem #2 - I found these little bastards all over one of my Bell plants.


Problem #3 - I saw this happening on one of the plants but found no bugs on it.. Any ideas?


This is only my 2nd year growing. But 1st season growing peppers to this extent and I didnt run into any of these issues last year.
First pic is aphids, kill them now or else you will never get rid of them. 2nd picture is fine, just a slight wrinkle from a nute deficiency. Try an epsom salt shot or some calcium, but go easy on it.
Yea first is aphids and possibly over watering as well.

2nd picture..to me actually looks like nuit burn but I could be wrong.

To kill them boogers I believe you can mix some dish soap in water and spray the bastards off then spray the plant down.

Edit: Don't know how long ago you bought that at Lowes but lowes warranties their plants I believe. I would take it back and tell them they sold you a plant with aphids and they would probably exchange it.
kill the plant sucking evil bugs
also water a little (i would soak it good) heavier to leach out the excess nutes for the brown edged one
the one not pictured with the yellowing may be rootbound or lack of nutes?
you may have forgotten to fertilize it?

be careful the moderators are watching

edited to address the unseen yellow crap
Place ziplock over effected leaves. Cut leaves off into bag. Seal bag. Throw away or burn!!!! Mauhahah
Then get some pesticides and soak everything remotely close down.

If you don't you'll fight them forever.
I killed all the aphids that were on any of the plants. I was told to use baking soda in a spray bottle to hit the plants with and the top of the soil to kill them. Is this correct? Any way to get rid of aphids all over the back yard? Do they attack anything else?
Never heard of backing soda, but I've tried about 4-5 different soaps, sparys, pesticides etc and the only thing that worked long term was lady bugs.

If you have them in your backyard in large numbers removing them plant by plant isn't going to help much since they reproduce so fast. The key with ladybugs is they will stick around if there is a viable food source and if they stick around they reproduce and if they reproduce on your plants the larvae will do nothing but eat aphids 24/7.

I picked up a bag of lady bugs from my local ace hardware store. If you do get ladybugs there are a few things you need to do to ensure they make a home on your plants.

1) put them in the fridge for a day
2) spray the plants with a 1/5 mix of water and coke a cola late at night when it's nice and cold
3) take the lady bugs out the fridge and sprinkle them onto the wet plants then apply another light spray of the soda / water mixture. The sugar in the soda will help keep them attracted to your plants and will make their wings a little sticky so they don't fly away. The cold will make them go back into hibernation mode and they will look to make a home under the leaves of your plants.

Some will fly away, but you will notice a lot of them will hang around on your plants and your aphid problem will be solved in a few weeks or so.
Never heard of backing soda, but I've tried about 4-5 different soaps, sparys, pesticides etc and the only thing that worked long term was lady bugs.

If you have them in your backyard in large numbers removing them plant by plant isn't going to help much since they reproduce so fast. The key with ladybugs is they will stick around if there is a viable food source and if they stick around they reproduce and if they reproduce on your plants the larvae will do nothing but eat aphids 24/7.

I picked up a bag of lady bugs from my local ace hardware store. If you do get ladybugs there are a few things you need to do to ensure they make a home on your plants.

1) put them in the fridge for a day
2) spray the plants with a 1/5 mix of water and coke a cola late at night when it's nice and cold
3) take the lady bugs out the fridge and sprinkle them onto the wet plants then apply another light spray of the soda / water mixture. The sugar in the soda will help keep them attracted to your plants and will make their wings a little sticky so they don't fly away. The cold will make them go back into hibernation mode and they will look to make a home under the leaves of your plants.

Some will fly away, but you will notice a lot of them will hang around on your plants and your aphid problem will be solved in a few weeks or so.

Thats some very awesome info. Thanks
I get tons of afids on my milk weed, but lo and behold some lady bugs show up in the hundreds, and wipe them out in 48 hours or so and move on, don't know where they go though. But they are a workhorse for sure.