food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

I have improved my burger grilling by adding a shallow ashtray-like dimple in the top ... makes the middle a little thinner for faster cook time and provides a cavity so the fat baths the burger instead of rolling down the sides ...
I also use a bit of mayo in the mix, which keeps the meat moist even through medium-well, and helps it hold together (no breadcrumbs in my burger) ...
Sounds weird, I guess, but nobody ever turns back away once they give in to the burger cthulu ...
Now, I need to try all of that, on your meat mixture, ground fresh for the win =)
Thanks for sharing.
Maybe should have put this in the leftovers thread.... had a burger leftover from last night, topped with a couple fresh eggs from my hens and some LDHS. homemade steak fries really tied the room together  :cheers:

Heh - roosters are not needed if all you want is eggs. I've been trying to think of how I could keep a hen or two in my tiny BY without having the city breathe down my neck about it. I'm thinkin' I'll call them "pets". Still, I don't think they'd handle winters here and I'm not about to build a henhouse for them. Maybe have to get a new pair every year - eggs for a while, then a couple nice chicken dinners when the cold hits.... 
The limp end of the head like that yeah. SAWWWYYY!
Man, just look at the color of that yolk! Farm fresh for sure.
Nicely done sir.
But Vegas? Really? You are coming to the big 'ol U.S of A. and you want to go to the biggest shithole here? Naw man... Any other city than Vegas!

(No offense to any LV residents LOL)
That's right ... In my house we eat only organic egg farm. Like the chicken. Like the chicken. Luckily about having a farm breeding chickens and other animals 100% natural.
I try to avoid possible accelerated breeding meat