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food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

texas blues said:
Burgers...I'm real close to heaven.
You're gott damm rite you are TB! I have seen many many many of your smash-burgers, and I have loved every one of them the same. Well, maybe some MORE than others, but not by much.
CJ says I can't have a Flat-Top until the Cookshack is ready for it.
Damm You TB!
And Damm you too CJ!
I think y'all are in cahoots n'sheeit.
grantmichaels said:
Me too. My grandfather owned bowling alleys here and parents ran the snack bar / lounge ...
I thought your dad worked on a farm?
Scoville DeVille said:
You're gott damm rite you are TB! I have seen many many many of your smash-burgers, and I have loved every one of them the same. Well, maybe some MORE than others, but not by much.
CJ says I can't have a Flat-Top until the Cookshack is ready for it.
Damm You TB!
And Damm you too CJ!
I think y'all are in cahoots n'sheeit.
I thought your dad worked on a farm?
New porch chingaderra out house cook 'thang?
I swear and Have Mercy that you will love a flat top living next to your grill.
Scoville DeVille said:
You're gott damm rite you are TB! I have seen many many many of your smash-burgers, and I have loved every one of them the same. Well, maybe some MORE than others, but not by much.
CJ says I can't have a Flat-Top until the Cookshack is ready for it.
Damm You TB!
And Damm you too CJ!
I think y'all are in cahoots n'sheeit.
I thought your dad worked on a farm?
My father's in his mid-sixties now ...
He had a tree service, a machine shop, a greyhound farm, ran a nursery, worked together w/ my mom in a failing retail store for a year, and was also a CPA and at one point had his real estate license in just the first 18 yrs of my life ... God knows what's gone on in the last 20 yrs (I have no idea) since I last knew ...
Yeah TB, I want a flat-top so friggen bad... well you know. And I blame you for it! hahaha
The "cook-shack" is a project we started literally the weekend before the fires started. It's an old building about 50 feet from our house that will serve as a 3 season kitchen/hangout/food/music/darts place. I am going to take my paint sprayer and stick the nozzle in a 5 gallon bucket of white marine gloss paint and spray the shit out of it. walls and ceiling. The concrete floors will eventually be tile or flagstone. but my grill will go in there, a hood fan over it, a sink, ice maker, ceiling fan, dart board, table and chairs FLAT-TOP etc... It has power to it but SL will help with all the trick stuff like plugs and switches and sheeit. 8 foot deck off the front with wrap around benches.... I just need the snow to go away!
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Ready. Set...
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texas blues said:
That shack got burnt?
Hab meccy!
No bro, The fires lost us power and sheeit [WATER]. That's why we stopped construction. + 2 weeks of scary, dry, fiery, tinder pisses.
I only smoked my cigarettes when I had to piss, so I had a guaranteed extinguisher.
sheeeit was terrifying here for a couple weeks. Dryer than a popcorn fart I tell ya.
This year, we will pick up where we left off, and make it even better. (more time to pontifimicate).
2 weeks of this. All I had was my camera...
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Over my house. Sooo many more pictures of this fuckin fire.
These are just the most glamorous. :mope:
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Dadgummit I want a cheeseburger!
But I'm over my quota for the month.
And I'm up 5 pounds to 165.
Healthy sheeit sucks.
Somebody please post a cheeseburger or even a slider.
I need my burger porn fix!
Do it and after that I'll print out the pic and run to the can and be back in 5.
Don't judge me.
Like you ain't done it too.
Bison. Alaskan Amber. HBD's Cauterizer. Mandolin'd onions.

Flat topped.

Take a tip from SoFlo and slap some muenster scheeze on 'em for melty schmelty.
I did.

I don't recollect putting mustard on there.
I mostly 'member burning my balls off and back amah throat from over serving on the Cauterizer.

I was fully sassified.
grantmichaels said:
Sweet. I've not had bison, but have heard good things ...
Very clean and lean @93/7.
Leaner than that and you're into caribou country.
As you can see the smashed burger still kept it juicy and not overdone.
I don't recommend doing a bison burger on open flame as any 'thang over MR would be poker chip dry.
I've still yet to try doing duck burgers.
I had a whole duck I got during the holidays to do confit and also do a grind but alas, it was rancid.
Can't seem to find a good source of fresh duck here in North Texas.
There's some Native American folks in town who sell bison meat they source from out West (and turquoise/silver jewelry) out of a storage unit in Bradenton, and they seem like good people ... I made them some granite (aluminum honey-comb backed, to lighten, like we do for yachts) countertops for their display tables after hearing the husband hurt his back ...

They offered me bison meat, but I took home jewelry to the Ms. instead ...

I wonder if they are still around? They were near my work - and I don't often go in these days ...

Hmmm ...
grantmichaels said:
There's some Native American folks in town who sell bison meat they source from out West (and turquoise/silver jewelry) out of a storage unit in Bradenton, and they seem like good people ... I made them some granite (aluminum honey-comb backed, to lighten, like we do for yachts) countertops for their display tables after hearing the husband hurt his back ...

They offered me bison meat, but I took home jewelry to the Ms. instead ...

I wonder if they are still around? They were near my work - and I don't often go in these days ...

Hmmm ...
My local Try-N-Save (Kroger Market Place) carries the ground bison, and often bison strip steaks.
The ground is $9.99 a pound.
The strip, I dunno' but obviously going to be more.
Does Publix have a "super store" version of KMP?
You might find it there if they do.
If not, then Whole Paycheck...I mean Whole Foods.
Yeah - I can't be at WF ... $150 and I can walk out w/ two plastic bags of stuff ...

We have a place called Fresh Market I haven't crossed town to check out yet, but I'd sooner check out this new place in St Pete, I think - https://mobile.twitter.com/LocaleMarket_FL

Whatever you might need is here, it's just a matter of whether you want to pay for it, really ...
grantmichaels said:
Yeah - I can't be at WF ... $150 and I can walk out w/ two plastic bags of stuff ...

We have a place called Fresh Market I haven't crossed town to check out yet, but I'd sooner check out this new place in St Pete, I think - https://mobile.twitter.com/LocaleMarket_FL

Whatever you might need is here, it's just a matter of whether you want to pay for it, really ...
Who spends only $150 @Whole Foods?
Ya' cheapskate bastige!
I spend fitty dollah's there just lookin' at the damn cheese!
Love long time the parmesan crisps that I could easily make but I'm lazy these days.
Walk in the joint and don't buy any 'thang and your wallet is magically lighter by $75 dollah's just 
because you flirted with one of the hippy chicks working there.
Lucky for me the nearest WF is down in Plano about 45 minutes away.
And I love to be loving St. Pete.
I can't afford to live there but Clearwater ain't outta' bounds.
I could fly fish the beach every day!