food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

I LIKE THP'S burger. The brioche is a nice touch. More substantial than the McD's style sesame seed bun.
And those onions!.... Yes pleeeze!

Fine job Patron!

Jaywow, what can I say? That friggen Dog Hot looks perfect wit da peppas and such.
Burgers, HELL YEAH! Nice 70s porn shot. Hahahahahahah I kid, I kid...

Beautiful man, beautiful.

Yeah what Grant said...
i've seen so many on here that look chingon lately ...
I have no imagination.

Whiskey Sour is just the name of the pickles because pickles are already sour and there's some rye whiskey in the brine. Along with chipotle, serrano, garlic, and pickling spices. Don't let your sobriety affect your burgers. I carried the whiskey theme over with the onions. Was good.

Brioche is the opposite of dry, it's an inherently moist bread from the butter and eggs. The egg wash top traps the moisture in. The best burger bun if you get good briosche.

I shall do better for you tonight The TB! But same rolls and pickles :rofl: sorry.
Jay FAIL those are pre-formed frozen patties from a box. Easy to spot. Look at those edges.

(Ganging up on Jay is better)
Bwahahaa that's even worse you don't hand form patties?
How did I miss the boigerness from yesterday until now??? Looks REALLY, REALLY GOOD (except that black garbage, of course...)
I'm about to post a burger that will blow The TB's mind (the part that is not blown already).