food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Not an iceberg lettuce fan myself; I never buy the stuff. Leaf, bibb, and spinach are my main go-to's for any place you might use iceberg. Sometimes Romaine. We even make taco salads with spinach. Plenty of texture, plus real flavor that way.
Pre shredded lettuce on an old el paso crispy shell, store ground beef and a seasoning packet, topped with anything sargento shreds.

...I'll fight you for it.

Ring ding doodle off sounds like something we need to showcase...

I was raised on that shit and I still dig it.
FIrst things first...... this burger/s were overcooked for my liking, but.... still tasted great. Tried a lot thinner patty so i could actually bite this thing, should've cooked less. Oh Well

Double Cheeseburger with pickles, onions, mushroom, jalapenos and a scotch bonnet sauce. Let the pics do the rest. Broke out the mincer with some scoth fillet. Tasty


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Such as shame to turn those BEAUTIFUL Scotches into burger, but I KNOW that had to be amazing. Nice cheese splooge too!
Yeah i know, but i got plenty of the scotch left, usually buy between 6-10 kilos at a time, really good fat marbling, from my local butcher, and tastes fantastic. Was going to do steaks, but the mrs wanted burgers, im not complaining
I won't complain about using that meat for burgers.

The blend has GOT to be around 60/40.


Some here in the US would call that a patty melt.

I don't give a damn what its called.

It looks like scheezy sploogey greazy hotness that I want to savor while shoving in my pie hole!
No one has made a pic worthy burger in a week? Say it isn't so..........its probably the damn hippies!!!

I was thinkin' doing a burger.

mrs. blues bought some ground chuck the other day for taco's but she didn't use it.

About an hour ago the paramedic's hauled off my obese cigar smoke blowing neighbor who had a heart attack 3 weeks ago.

I put the ground chuck in the freezer.
I recently have come to like chicken burgers ... there's a burger place around here that patties shredded chicken and then makes a pineapple teriyaki variant that's killer ...
Just what you will with this tid bit, but there are some good non soy burgers out there. Morning star makes delicious grillin "burgers" Its vegetable protiens, but grilt up on charcoal, on a toasted buns with carmalized onion and shit that stuff is the stuff!

I kid you not. Try it.
Yeah yeah. A vegetable puck man... try it out. Eat it "burger" style. But def grill that mo. Cheese. Shroom. Onion... Tell me that still ain't great.

It ain't.

As much as I wish it to be so, a veggie "burger" will never be anything more than a turd sammich compared to a good cheeseburger.

Just in the last 3 days over a billion burgers have been sold and eaten all over the world.

Over the same 3 days only 5 veggie "burgers" were sold and of those only 4 were eaten.

Scovie bought the 5th one and threw it on the ground.