food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

That's because the steaks and burgers are thicker. MR is MR. In something thin there is less area for the color gradation, so it will appear more pink.
Yeah thats what I was telling CJ. MW is probably what most people call Well done.
MW is still juicy with no pink. I can get with that.
Well done is just that, most of the juice is gone, and the patty is probably crunchy on the outside.
Myself, I like pink, MR to M.

That poll is a sham, you need to ask qualified people to get an accurate poll. Since most people don't even know what Well Done actually is. The whole thing is bunk.

"There are three kinds of lies,
Lies, Dammed Lies and Statistics".
~Mark Twain

I could eat my steak almost Blue, but I like the char too much.
I dont want my burger that way tho. Steak tartar burger lol
Yup. A sham.
And never heard to cook it all the way through like Jay, that's chicken! Or sometimes someone will tell you that if you bought beef on sale (Manager's Special) at the supermarket, lol, but you shouldn't be buying that tainted crap in the first place.
Well, I don't buy into any of that, but that's what older people all were taught.  Just like the safe internal temps of everything have come down considerably over the years by the FDA or whoever sets that.

I think the main thing about cooking it all the way through is that when you buy ground burger, if there is anything tainted it is the most likely source of meat to be infected across the board.
If I buy ground beef it's always cooked medium well.
If I grind it myself it's cooked medium - medium rare.
I know my my stuff is clean and sanitized before I start. I don't trust the supermarket butchers any more than I trust most restaurants.
I think JT just defined me as an "older people"!!!!!    :rofl:
As a member of the geriatric crowd, I must be an anomaly... as I do prefer my burgers more on the rare side! hahahahaha
I am right there with ya chica.  I do tend to make my burgers a little more pink when I grind the meat myself.
I prefer my restaurant burgers medium well or even well done.
If its a good source of meat I prefer medium.
If its me trying to cook said meat, it will always come out way rare or over done as hell :mope:
JayT said:
Well, anyone over 40 was trained that it has to be well done to be safe (including sicman) so the poll does not surprise me.  Myself, I love my steak rare, and my burger medium.  Something about the texture of a burger less than medium is off putting to me.  I like a little firmness in there, but still pink and juicy.
i so not 40!!      im what you think of when you think ,Youth.    
MR is my internal temp. The problem is some people don't cook it at the right temp. A red-soaked bottom bun grosses me out. You have to cook it at a high enough temp so the juices run clear. I love a juicy burger, but not when it's blood. It converts to "juice" but only when cooked at the right temp. And you can still maintain MR, it just cooks faster. Red center but when you squeeze it the juices are clear, with some brown coagulated fat, but NOT blood. Red-soaked buns... nasty!
Good sear. MR. Boom.
I think that this cooking misstep scares people off of MR. But MR is where it's at when done right.
Jay can have his hockey pucks.  :lol:
I buy organic chuck. No need for any temp modifying. If you have to do that, buy better beef.
The Hot Pepper said:
MR is my internal temp. The problem is some people don't cook it at the right temp. A red-soaked bottom bun grosses me out. You have to cook it at a high enough temp so the juices run clear. I love a juicy burger, but not when it's blood. It converts to "juice" but only when cooked at the right temp. And you can still maintain MR, it just cooks faster. Red center but when you squeeze it the juices are clear, with some brown coagulated fat, but NOT blood. Red-soaked buns... nasty!
Good sear. MR. Boom.
I think that this cooking misstep scares people off of MR. But MR is where it's at when done right.
Jay can have his hockey pucks.  :lol:
I buy organic chuck. No need for any temp modifying. If you have to do that, buy better beef.
And where is this so called mythical "organic chuck" burger you speak of?
Posty that sheeit up pronto bick boiii!!
A few of these :beer:  were consumed and I may or may not have been :drunk:
Bottom bun, swiss cheese, beef patty medium, swiss cheese, bacon and friede onion.  Top bun, mustard and Frank's Red Hot sauce mix, bread and butter pickles.

Big ol bacon double cheese with fries.  Ranch splooge.

Still some pink left...just.  Beef mince cut against the strands.
DTS you had me at ranch.
And you didn't put any lettuce on there. AWESOME!
That burger is totally Chairman Mao-able.
I'll trade you a suitcase full of cash, a big bag of blow, and 3 Vegas strippers for it and the fries por favor.