food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Damn RM, that looks wonderful! Reminds me of meatball inspired hamburger meat...except the cinnamon. That is an ingredient I need to play around with more. It always shows up in the most peculiar places lol

Awesome job, sorry you missed the deadline.
Right King?! Cinnamon is such a sneaky spice! And super fun to play with.
In high school I had a friend who made the most amazing spaghetti sauce. Her "secret" ingredient? Yup....
....a 'pinch' of cinnamon! (a schosh is too much! hahahaha)
I was in a burger mood recently and found that I had no hamburger buns. Unperturbed,
I pattied out my sub-shaped stuffed burgers in a non-bun shape:



Being that I'm such a successful drunkard, my phone is littered with in-process
cooking shots but unfortunately the money shot is inevitably always nonexistent.
I'll share these two just because I can:

Geez Louise just look at that scheeze on those burgers.
Tony Bourdain just called.
He said Robbie's sheeit is Chingon!
I second that emotion.
Here's some pics from my ibatphone from todays soiree at In-N-Out on Preston Rd., Frisco, TX.
Single cheese, animal style (they add their proprietary 1000 isle, which they call "spread", and grilled onions). Side of well done animal style fries with the aforementioned "spread", melted scheeze, and grilled onions.
'Posed to be INO's proprietary chile's on there too although I can't see 'em in the pic. 

If after looking at this burger and you aren't certain whether or not to go balls deep in on it, you should have yer' noggin' examined.

Just look at all that spready spready splooge covering the scheeze, onions and crispy fries.
Thats animal style right 'thar!

Chairman Mao'd!

I believe I mentioned in the thread starter that IF you ate the burger you bought and it meets the other criteria, posting pics of a store bought burger is allowed and even welcomed.
Still waiting for THP to honor us with a NYC ShakeShack burger. I know he said its because he only likes backyard burgers but c'mon Dan...take one for the team por favor.
texas blues said:
If after looking at this burger and you aren't certain whether or not to go balls deep in on it, you should have yer' noggin' examined.


Edit: Oh, there it is. How many napkins did you require?
About 8 I believe.
Messy as hell.
Splooge n' spread n' sheeit are ever' whar' ever' time!
Today we got there early just after opening and had ticket #6.
Have mercy sweet Jesus that I'm an American and can eat like this.
So satisfying that when you're done eating and picking your teeth, all you can think of to be thinking is....
I wish that everyone on the planet could feel as awesome as I do right now if but for only a moment.
INO, most awesome fast food burger in the known universe.  
My usual is a Double Double (sometimes a 4x4)  "Animal style" with extra raw onions, with fries well done.  My record is 4 Double Doubles during a particularly hungry time while camping out on the Mojave desert.  I drove an hour and a half into town just to satisfy my INO craving.  
texas blues said:
About 8 I believe.
Messy as hell.
Splooge n' spread n' sheeit are ever' whar' ever' time!
Today we got there early just after opening and had ticket #6.
Have mercy sweet Jesus that I'm an American and can eat like this.
So satisfying that when you're done eating and picking your teeth, all you can think of to be thinking is....
I wish that everyone on the planet could feel as awesome as I do right now if but for only a moment.
That's a beautiful and beatitude-y way of describing the experience! And I would punch a giraffe
for some of those fries right about now.
the people polled probllay live in big cities and have never grilled in there lifes.  if i ever  go out to eat i get everything well done,last thing i need is my steak on some dirty flat top that hasnt been cleaned in 3 months cooking my meat to medium.   heck half the time you need the warmth of the meal to kill the bacteria on the plate.     

then you have dicks that can only cook on the grill well done because they are to drunk to now any better.
with all this being said i guess i like my burger well done :rofl:
Well, anyone over 40 was trained that it has to be well done to be safe (including sicman) so the poll does not surprise me.  Myself, I love my steak rare, and my burger medium.  Something about the texture of a burger less than medium is off putting to me.  I like a little firmness in there, but still pink and juicy.
Scoville DeVille said:
I saw this on the Sunday morning show.
I found it interesting. I never would have guessed so many people like their burgers well done.
who knew?

Well they skipped Medium Well so cut that number in half. 16 and 16. Makes more sense now. Dumb polsters. MR but no MW. Since they skipped it, you don't really know what the MW people chose. Medium or Well. Polls are a sham.
Also restaurants like Applebee's only serve medium and more done. So the fast-casual diners won't even vote MR.
Then there is the difference between MR in a real steakhouse i.e. bloody and barely warm center, and MR in a diner i.e. Pink.