food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Sauteed Onion, Mushroom, and Swiss Burgers with Bacon and Datil Apple Butter

Nice maillard crust on them burgers even without cast iron.
And I'm lovin' the scheeze schmeltinessess.
Seeing yer' pics Jay is pure torture!
2 more weeks to go before I can get my cheeseburger on!
Hey y'all,
I've had my burger jones on for a while now but I like to be liking all 'thangs in moderation these days when it comes to beef and dead animal carcass in general. I don't get to eat a real burger 'til next week. So what to do?
After much thought, wringing of hands, woe, and gnashing of teeth, I give you this...
A dadgum black bean veggie burger.
Canned black beans, drain & rinsed.
Cooked quinoa.
Fresno chile.
1 egg.
Kosher salt.
Not shown is rolled oats that I added after mixing as the it was a little too loose and wet.

Here 'tis after adding the oats. I was tasting it along the way and DAMN if it don't taste dern' guud!
(I'm looking at this stuff and wham! Deja vu! I've seen this stuff before but where? Oh yeah, I 'member now. The baff'room.)

No description needed here.

I toasted up a couple whole wheat slider buns on the comal, schmeared with just a leetle bit of olive oil mayo, sliced red onion, and tomato.

In my haste to rip into these baby's I completely farmed the cheese I was going to put on 'em but guess what? They didn't need it. In fact these were so guud that I started hallucinatin' n' sheeit about going off and getting my 'sef arrested for climbing a Russian oil platform.

So there you have it y'all.
I done gone 'n did it and posted a damn veggie burger.
It's allowed in the rules. Look it up!
I am ready to accept much smack talk and ridicule now.
Nice one JHP but tho' that lettuce on the ground!
And Jay if you want to have some laughs and real fun with mrs. JayT, throw some corn in the toilet tank.
Its great comedy when you hear the toilet flush and hear the screams coming from teh baff'room.
JayT said:
Trying to wrap my head around this.  You mean the bowl, or the tank?  What happens?  
Put the corn in the tank.
When she flushes the corn will pop out.
She'll freak since she'll know that she hasn't been eating any corn.
We used to prank each other at the fishing lodge in Alaska all the time.
This one was a favorite for FNG's.
Much obliged Penny and Essi.
Once you get away from all the fat, the salt, sugar, and processed junk, its surprising how good healthy eating can be.
or if you want to go even harder.  you actually take a dump in the tank.  then they will flush and your turd pops up,lol.    we call that "second story dump"