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Calcium deficient here as well

I have never really tried to remedy this problem in the past so this year I am going to see how supplementing calcium/magnesium does.

Here is a picture of my Fatali Pepper which shows obvious signs of calcium deficiency in the bumps on the leaves between the veins,


Here is a Ghost Pepper that shows even worse calcium deficiency with the curling new leaves.


I went to the hydroponics store this afternoon and bought a quart of Cal-Mag Plus and gave some to all of the peppers.
I hope to see some results within a week. :)
Should perk em up. I'll stay tuned. I got a couple that are doing that as well. I was gonna do the same thing.
Just an observation, but usually most use Calcium additives to combat leaf curl. The bumps are normal in what I have seen. Also, I have had the same abnormal growth with some seedlings, even with a regular Cal-Mag regimen and they grew out of it. I am curious to see how yours turns out. Keep this updated and good luck.

Thanks guys I will keep you posted.

The bumps are normal in what I have seen.

I don't know Matt but everything I have read says they are in need of calcium when the leaves do that.
The Redwood City Seed Company that is across the bay from me is where I first learned of this condition.
A little more than halfway down the page they show the leaves in this same condition and they recommend bone meal.

I was going to buy some bone meal but the fact that it contains some fertilizers for flowering is not a good idea as the plant is in it's vegetative growth state now, not flowering.
Botanicare's Cal-Mag is 2-0-0 which I like much better. :)
Thanks guys I will keep you posted.

I don't know Matt but everything I have read says they are in need of calcium when the leaves do that.
The Redwood City Seed Company that is across the bay from me is where I first learned of this condition.
A little more than halfway down the page they show the leaves in this same condition and they recommend bone meal.

I was going to buy some bone meal but the fact that it contains some fertilizers for flowering is not a good idea as the plant is in it's vegetative growth state now, not flowering.
Botanicare's Cal-Mag is 2-0-0 which I like much better. :)

Have you considered botanicare cal-mag plus for foliar spray?
Just curious, did you use the suggested quantity of calmag/gallons or did you use a bit more ?
Its not always a calcium deficiency, most tap and well water have some calcium. It could be nutrient lock up preventing calcium from being used in the root sysytem which is where a foliar spray can do wonders
these threads are funny

there is nothing wrong with your plants dude...aside from the OBVIOUS fact that there has been an aphid feeding on it at some point (funky/twist/curl distortions) one aphid's saliva can produce signs...

edit: in all seriousness, the amount of cal/mag needed for these pepper plants is so minute that you literally take care of it by watering, as Potawie stated. And, yes...most of the time, the people posting pictures of "sick, bubmpy, curled leaf plants" is usually the result of a lockout.

Also, keep in mind, bone meal breaks down extrememely slowly. So as an aditive, its best to apply it into your soil mixes or beds long before the plants go in.

MotaMike, please do post back in a few days with the results of the same plant.
"Also, keep in mind, bone meal breaks down extrememely slowly. So as an aditive, its best to apply it into your soil mixes or beds long before the plants go in."

Yes!!! A reason I suggest to never use it in container growing.

The plant is not producing flowers yet so it does not need so much Ca. If you had a smaller pot with a huge fruiting plant then yes you should be on top of calcium. I have to suggest again Maxi bloom from general hydroponics. It is so easy to use and has alot of Ca/Mg in it.

What soil are you using?
Ditto and double ditto on Pepper-Guru's post. Triple ditto even. I use Chili Focus fertilizer and it contains plenty of calcium for the plants and I have a few plants with the bumps, and a few without the bumps.

As for bonemeal mix it into your planting mix a year or two before using it and it might help with calcium issues--that stuff takes forever to break down and be useable by the plant.
Peplover, I could use it as a foliar spray I guess.

Beorn, I used the standard 5 ml per gallon of water.

Potawie, nutrient lockup? Are we talking about peppers? :lol:
I don't think nutrient lockup is possible at this stage as the plants have received no fertilization at all other than what's in the soil.

Pepper-Guru, if there have been any aphids on it then they covered their tracks well as there is no signs of anything on the plants.

Capsicum, I am using Kellogg Patio Plus which contains very good nutrients out of the bag.

These peppers have only been in the containers since April 18th so I highly doubt nutrient lockout is the cause.

I have to suggest again Maxi bloom from general hydroponics. It is so easy to use and has alot of Ca/Mg in it.

I bought the Cal-Mag plus for calcium/mag but for the flowering stage I am going to use Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom as I use it on other plants.
You can take the advice if you want, but I am telling you that the first photo looks perfect and there is no calcium needed. These things have a way of sorting themselves out, and a lot of growers kill or seriously hurt their plants by over caring. Of anything stay away from the bonemeal and go with Cal Mag if you MUST do something to them.

Also, there has been some growers that have had a ton of issues with Kellog. So much so that they had to switch soil all together.

Like I said, it is up to you, but if you start force feeding plants that look like the ones you got, in a week you will be posting another thread wondering why they are dieing. I have been through that and just sharing my experience. My .02
True Matt. I am not usually one to over think growing peppers but since I also grow other plants that require a lot of thinking and I read up a lot I think I try and carry that over.
There is a huge difference in peppers and high value crops. ;)
Dude, stop by GC sometime and ill tell you the same thing... Nutrient lockup applies to any plant...more over, Any Soil Food Web...

its ganja guru there btw ;) ... Pick my brain :)

And yes...there has been an aphid on that plant...i promise
What are you referring to when you say "nutrient lockup?"
According to a guy I work with who has a PhD in horticulture, nutrient lockup occurs when the soil's nutrients become unavailable to the roots because of salt byproducts from fertilizers building up in the soil.

Is this what people mean or are they talking about the soil pH being in the wrong range so that the plant cannot uptake nutrients?
I hear people talk about this all the time on cannabis growing forums as this is a big deal especially with hydro growers.

Any more info on this subject would be appreciated as it has been hard for me to find much info on this condition outside of the cannabis plant forums I mentioned.
Dude, stop by GC sometime and ill tell you the same thing... Nutrient lockup applies to any plant...more over, Any Soil Food Web...

its ganja guru there btw ;) ... Pick my brain :)

And yes...there has been an aphid on that plant...i promise

Your on GC too! Good site as well! I'm JaY PizzL on there.
ilL check into it...prob far back in mod que for approval flags or something... Um as far as lockout...yes salt enzyme build up and ph instability /too high...

another example of how chemically derived nutrients, and based soil mixes are inferior to organically sourced gardening practices :)

Sorry for these spotty replies...im on a phone and cooking for my sons b'day party right now...ill be on a little later to touch on this a bit more :)
ilL check into it...prob far back in mod que for approval flags or something...

Thanks, I appreciate that.

Um as far as lockout...yes salt enzyme build up and ph instability /too high...

Understood. I have not given my peppers any ferts as they have only been in this fertilizer rich (I think) soil in the containers for about 3 weeks or so.
Since I have not given them any ferts and I believe the soil should be close to neutral, I don't see how nutrient lockup could be happening at this point. Maybe I am wrong? :eh:

another example of how chemically derived nutrients, and based soil mixes are inferior to organically sourced gardening practices :)

The soil I am using is supposed to be "organic" I thought. :think: