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Calcium deficient here as well

So I will throw my experience out there, what little of it I have with foliar feeding. I believe it definitely has its place, I have been dosing my plants with epsom salts, worm tea and light ferts this year. I have noticed an overall difference and the plants do seem to be more tolerant this year. Unfortunately I do not have time to make it my primary source of feeding, so much easier for me to fertigate.

As for the neem oil topic that was discussed, I have seen Neem's toxicity first hand. I had a severe outbreak of aphids and thrips in my greenhouse this last winter. Neem oil worked great for a while controlling the aphids but never eliminated them completely. After about 3 weeks of using Neem twice a week plant health in my greenhouse plummeted. My overwintered plants lost all growth they had put on. The leaves would just shrivel and fall off. Since then I have been rotating my pest control making sure that neem only gets used bi-weekly at most.
Please explain how does it stop pest attacks
Well.......... im going to make a LONG answer very short. When you brew aact teas, worm teas specifically, the flora of micro organisms in the tea produce natural chemicals that EAT the exoskeletons of insects. When sprayed on the plants, the stomata eat what they need, and the remainder stays behind to ward of bugs, and fungi, and bacteria, and viruses, and.....etc etc etc :) Ahhh the wonders of nature

Thanks Guru for clearing that up. :surprised:
"Using worm tea on your plants and soil will help you prevent pests and disease. You should apply your worm tea in the morning or late afternoon for best results."


"What is worm castings tea?
Worm castings tea is the liquid plant food that is extracted from worm castings. Worm castings tea is an effective plant watering additive or foliar spray. Worm castings tea, when used as a spray on foliage, replenishes natural microbes that protect plant surfaces from disease. Worm castings tea will help plants grow strong and resist disease. Many commercial orchards and vineyards have found castings tea effective in both curing and preventing plant disease."


"Regular use of Worm Tea will prevent outbreaks of pests, but when a new plant brings an infestation into the growing area, we increase the concentration to 20:1."


"Worm castings tea, when used as a spray on foliage, replenishes natural microbes that protect plant surfaces from disease. "

It is a wide practice to use it to prevent disease and pests.
"Using worm tea on your plants and soil will help you prevent pests and disease. You should apply your worm tea in the morning or late afternoon for best results."


"What is worm castings tea?
Worm castings tea is the liquid plant food that is extracted from worm castings. Worm castings tea is an effective plant watering additive or foliar spray. Worm castings tea, when used as a spray on foliage, replenishes natural microbes that protect plant surfaces from disease. Worm castings tea will help plants grow strong and resist disease. Many commercial orchards and vineyards have found castings tea effective in both curing and preventing plant disease."


"Regular use of Worm Tea will prevent outbreaks of pests, but when a new plant brings an infestation into the growing area, we increase the concentration to 20:1."


"Worm castings tea, when used as a spray on foliage, replenishes natural microbes that protect plant surfaces from disease. "

It is a wide practice to use it to prevent disease and pests.

This ^

I use it like you would use neem or pyrithrin, If i see a bug I spray it and all the leaves. I just did a lot of yard work and a heard of leaf hoppers swarmed my greenhouse (bastards) On one plant I found what looked to be 100s of small eggs. I blasted the plant with tea and that was the end of that.

So yeah if you let it go, you will have more problems, but isn't that the same with all gardening?
As for the Cal and mag, there is more than enough in soil for your plants, they just need to be able to get it, unless you have soil less mix or something. IMHO only soil-less and hydro need Cal-Mag, the rest of us with potting soil or garden soil should focus on healthier soil with a complete food web that breaks stuff down and delivers the trace minerals to the plants. "Feed the soil, not the plants."

Anyone want to buy a new bottle with only about 4 TBS. missing? :)
I wonder if I need it for the tomatoes? Maybe with compost tea they won't need it either.
maybe one day...when im 104 years old, meditating under an ancient pepper tree...perhaps i will pass on right there, and forever nurish the future race of pepper plants with my decaying physical body :)
I detect a bit of scepticism. Perhaps you should try it for your overwintering issues you have expressed regarding pests... I don't need to post articles to try and prove it works. Or convince you any way or the other. I have the proof in my backyard every year :)

and really, what ya got to lose? Its fn free dude :)
I think saying it eliminates all pests and disease is really stretching things, but I know it really does help.
I don't have a worm farm anymore but I still make compost and manure teas, and am always impressed with the results