After many years of using Teflon coated pans/skillets,,,and watching the Teflon disappear. I bought a Lodge 6" skillet. I fell in love with CI, I use my 6 " at least 5 times a week.
Since it become known in my family that I love to cook on CI, I received my wife's Grand Mother's and Great Aunt's Cast one cookware when they passed on. All of it is Lodge Cast Iron, 40+ years old.
I know have 7 well seasoned cast iron skillets.
When my mother passes on I will get her collection of cast iron cook ware, she has one from my Great Grandmother who got it from her Grand Mother, 100+ years old. All is in well seasoned condition also.
My wife does not like to cook on cast iron..does not have the patience to let the cast iron heat up.