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seeds Can seeds Get Moldy? Will they still Work?

Some of my seeds from peru seem to have gotten modly not sure what happened or if its even mold at all.

The Lighter ones are what they originally looked likee.
The Darker ones are what most of them look like now..​

Oh man! I did that with my Manzano seeds the first time I pulled some from the fruit. I just threw them out. Should have tried though!

I know when I put chile seeds in my Aerogarden they almost always mold at first, even the seedlings, but grow up happy and healthy. So, it's worth a shot I suppose.
Oh man! I did that with my Manzano seeds the first time I pulled some from the fruit. I just threw them out. Should have tried though!

I know when I put chile seeds in my Aerogarden they almost always mold at first, even the seedlings, but grow up happy and healthy. So, it's worth a shot I suppose.

yeaah ill give them a shott.
Agreed - toss the moldy ones. Even IF they sprout (unlikely), the sprouts will likely be overcome by the mold before they get very far at all. For the ones that are NOT moldy, give them a brief bath in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water - I believe the ratio is 1 part peroxide to 10 parts water, but someone else may be able to tell you better.
yea i wouldnt plant the moldy ones. Possibility of disease and possibly pass it on to healthy plants. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
NEVER toss out seeds. I need to dig up my old thread from last year about moldy seeds that germinated after about 6 months. Keep em going I say.

Here ya go.

I'd give em a rinse of 20-1 water to hydrogren peroxide. Then use the baggie or container method with coffee filter paper to check their viability. Spritz in a little more of the weak H202 every couple of days while awaiting germination.

If they sprout, plant as usual.... :cool:
+1 on Sil

I guess just keep them separated and give it a go. If the moldy seeds seem like they're underperforming you'll know why.

Good luck, Jack
i will do that for suree ! :D

Interesting experiment. When you get results let us know.

I wasn't just being offhand saying they are f**ked. I tried to gerimnate seeds in bagies and I didn't wash my hands before putting them in. Half of them got some black fuzz and I left them to see what would happen. It just got worse, none of the fuzzed ones germinated. The others were fine. They all started as fine looking seeds from reputable sellers.

Some species' seeds are meant to be black, but thats not applicable to your ones I think.
Interesting experiment. When you get results let us know.

I wasn't just being offhand saying they are f**ked. I tried to gerimnate seeds in bagies and I didn't wash my hands before putting them in. Half of them got some black fuzz and I left them to see what would happen. It just got worse, none of the fuzzed ones germinated. The others were fine. They all started as fine looking seeds from reputable sellers.

Some species' seeds are meant to be black, but thats not applicable to your ones I think.

Oh, well alriight. I guess its worth a shott at leastt.