• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Can you do it? Make sense of 3 words

My dod Foof is an arogant bitch. She acts aloof as she whispers "woof".

Parish cocktail smelly
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My pot bellied pig ran through our craft project. Now he is a hog with glittery balls.

Sourdough gravel gingham
Swooping down on our picnic table the magpie missed the fruit bowl, but dipped his wings into the curry.

Gnarly peanut fluffy
Unfortunately the heroin ballon they made the donkey swallow, just south of the boarder, burst and doped him into oblivian.

Flatware chaps tesla
Turquoise was really in a jam, with nothing but a sanddollar on the beach to wipe with.

Edit: Preacher, tightrope, aquarium.
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The Preacher, a crafty chap, rigged a tightrope over a large aquarium to boost intrest in baptisms.

Transmissiom, hybrid, blessed
Rymerpt tried growing hybrids but the transmission of disease killed any hopes of him harvesting any blessed peppers.

haha poop regime

The papa, an émigré from Guadalajara, had some trouble with his hoho. He toughed it out though and was allowed to sub for Macy's Santa.

Masticate, crushed, sprocket