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Canadian Hot Pepper Growers

If anyone is looking for some cheap/free pots, sheridan nurseries has a "pot recycle" where they allow people to bring back trays and pots they don't need. If you ask they'll usually let you take whatever you want from it. I went yesterday and grabbed a dozen or so 1 gallons, and a bunch of smaller pots.

I imagine once the summer picks up a bit, there will be a lot more pots in there.
If anyone is looking for some cheap/free pots, sheridan nurseries has a "pot recycle" where they allow people to bring back trays and pots they don't need. If you ask they'll usually let you take whatever you want from it. I went yesterday and grabbed a dozen or so 1 gallons, and a bunch of smaller pots.

I imagine once the summer picks up a bit, there will be a lot more pots in there.

Thanks for the tip. Managed to get a bunch of 4 gallon containers. The bin was full of 1-2 gallon containers :D
Today is a great day for any Canadian to buy promix by the way :) rona has 15% off on any ONE product with a limit of 15 of that one product allowed :D

Overwintering or starting the seeds early :) I started my Bhut's in january and they are a foot tall already!
Im new to all this.What is overwintering?
What's on the Bhuts menu and illumination?

Im feeding mine fish emulsion 5-1-1, epsom salt and gypsum all dissolved in tap water once a week. As far as lighting goes I bought http://rona.ca/shop/~cfl-45-w-t5-cfl-lightbulb-globe-438214_!cfl_shop which is about 3000 lumens. Nothing too fancy but it got the job done.
Hi. I'm from way up north. Not much of a chance growing outdoors and since I'm brand new to this item bought a fairly cheap indoor greenhouse and grow lights. Looking forward to learning more from everyone and sharing the adventure.
how big does the plants have to be before i put them outside.Im in toronto and was wondering how do i know when the weather is right to put them outside.

hi all, another fellow Canadian here. I am from the interior of BC... zone 6a approx. I have approx 80 plants on the go, and apparently started way too early this year. each plant is of a different variety, and/or different source...... and already have loads of pepper pods on most of the c. annum varieties, with first round of flowers on most of the c. chinense varieties.

i am growing what i would consider a "seed garden" this year hence every variety..... and will be saving every last seed vigilantly :)

But now im fearing how i will make it until the weather warms ups, with the space already jam packed. This is a great thread to meet yo u all... and Cheers, eh

how big does the plants have to be before i put them outside.Im in toronto and was wondering how do i know when the weather is right to put them outside.

A frost will indefinately end in massacre, so its a bit of a science watching your local forecasts, they will stop growth/stunt at approx 10-15* C... so you want to ensure that night time temps arent dropping below that. The warmer the better, but unless you are using a green house/ cold frame... I think most of us Canadians will be aiming for may sometime

take this with a grain of salt... I am no expert and there are so many pepper varieties out there, so things can vary greatly
New guy here, looking for a favour.

I'm in the West Island of Montreal, and have a small kitchen garden where I have had several years of success with heirloom tomatoes, melons and cucumbers, but a bit less success with hot peppers (which is why I joined this forum!). Last year I used more bonemeal and definitely got some fruit, but the plants still did not grow the way I expected. These were started from seedlings from Ferme du Zephyr and les Serres Dauphinais in Hemingford. I tried the basics: jalapeno, habanero and I found one little scotch bonnet seedling.

I was just wondering if anybody nearby might have a couple of extra scotch bonnet and jalapeno seedlings to spare, and some advice to get me on the right track. Unfortunately, because of work and travel, I did not start any seeds this winter so I really don't have anything to offer but my gratitude.
i sell some plants if you want (im in rougemont) i try to make some money to go extreme in later years... but i must go step by step and acquired tools, and stuff to expand.
i have about 40 variety so far from mild to super hot! i already have some scorpion sthat are ready to eat!
and this morning at work we tried an Aji Lemon drop ! my god that pepper is nice and good !!! good heat and a great grapefruit taste everyone was impressed!
Hi, Hammerfall. Thanks for the offer. I am traveling again this weekend but will be back Monday. I will PM you when I am back and maybe I can come out to lovely Rougemont to pick some up!

Yeah, my CSA offers a variety of hot pepper seedlings -- early Jalapeño, Espelette, ancho, cayenne, habanero and more, but no Scotch Bonnets.

Hey, does anybody know of a place to order a bunch of starts that will ship in/to canada? I've started some, but decided I would like a lot more.
Hey! Great Topic. I'm in Winnipeg. Last year we had a few weeks up in the high 30's which caused some of my plants to shut down because they didn't like the heat! How's that for a kicker? I start my plants indoors mid-February, get them outside in the first week or so of June can usually keep the garden going to the first week of October, by faithfully covering the plants up each evening and uncovering them before I leave for work in the morning.

Nice to have a Canadian topic!

So when is everyone planting their gardens this year :O this weekend is so tempting but I know its early for peppers. Perhaps good for some other veggies but not quite for peppers ..
I'm going to wait until may 24 I think. Maybe even a week after. I'll base that on what everyone else is saying.