wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

Hopefully, with some luck, my Habs, Naga's & Reaper will start producing soon.. And with some more luck, by July-August maybe I'll also have Butch T, Brown Naglah, 007 Red and 7 Pot Bubblegum's producing.
Thinking I might hop on the train, if I can, once my Habs, Naga's & Reaper start producing :)
Super Hots Canada said:
Hopefully, with some luck, my Habs, Naga's & Reaper will start producing soon.. And with some more luck, by July-August maybe I'll also have Butch T, Brown Naglah, 007 Red and 7 Pot Bubblegum's producing.
Thinking I might hop on the train, if I can, once my Habs, Naga's & Reaper start producing :)
You'd be more then welcome to join.
allaKAZAAM said:
So, sent out the package...
Here is the tracking number:

Enjoy floricole!
I look forward to receiving it, I'm sure I would be like a child contemplating a display of candy
should receive before 2014/01/30 
zantrax said:
I would love to get in on this train, I have a ton of seeds to contribute!
If you hurry and read the rules, you might just get in before it arrives at it's last stop!
PM Marcolacas ASAP!
Track History
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name 2014/01/27 15:39 LAVAL
Item successfully delivered
It arrived at home  :P 
  :dance:  :woohoo: 
  10:47 LAVAL Item out for delivery  
  07:40 LAVAL Item processed at local delivery facility 
2014/01/26 22:11 MONTREAL Item processed  
  19:34 MONTREAL Item processed  
2014/01/23 12:14 MOOSONEE Item accepted at the Post Office  
Wow, you guys! I'm so glad there's finally been a successful Canadian Seed Train after so much trying! Duane just started his peppers last weekend and I'm only just getting back here, which is too bad for him.  I'm seeing ots of amazing varieties, not just scorchers.  I hope you guys decide to do this again at the end of this year.  I'll definitely be talking to Duane about extra seeds that he can contribute!
Well done!
Sorellina said:
Wow, you guys! I'm so glad there's finally been a successful Canadian Seed Train after so much trying! Duane just started his peppers last weekend and I'm only just getting back here, which is too bad for him.  I'm seeing ots of amazing varieties, not just scorchers.  I hope you guys decide to do this again at the end of this year.  I'll definitely be talking to Duane about extra seeds that he can contribute!
Well done!
Hey you........great to see you back, what'cha looking for? Shoot me a PM and let me know. :dance:
In order to make this train look more serious and ''professionnal'' I just re-read the overall presentation and rules on page 1 and I figured out that there was plenty of mistakes I made from translation. As you all probably know, my mother language is french so I lack some grammar skills in english.
 And as most members are english, I found out that it would be a great idea to make this presentation page as ''clean'' as possible.
 I would like to ask any of you for some help. Would any of you would be ready to help me and maybe correct the grammar mistakes and sentences stuctures, syntax please?
I don't know if you can edit dirctly from the main page? If not, maybe copy/paste the text, correct it and PM me te good one?
I would appreciate it very much. But I know it's a hell of a job! Thanks to you!
I would just make a small correction on the name of a variety, 
petite marsaille would rather be...Poivron (french for no heat pepper) 'Le Petit Marseillais' Capsicum annuum L.   French heirloom pepper
Good news! I just received the box yesterday! Thanks to all of you for making this thing happen!
Bad news? I wasn't home and found the box on the ground when I came back. Here , yesterday was rainy and wet. The box was soggy at the bottom. I hope the cold did not alter the seeds! Anybody has any stories about germinating seeds that have been frozen?
EDIT : After further research, I read that if the seeds were dried before freezing, they should be fine. If not dried, the moisture could kill the embryo if frozen. So.... Yahooooo!
I've had a bunch of seeds come in the mail just in plain envelope that sat in the mail box outside for a few days this winter and they all germinated fine. Thanks for organizing this!