• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2022 Glog

Happy 2022 everyone and good luck with the new season. I suppose it's time to get the new glog going with it being the new year and all. I'll start off with some pics I took over the last couple weeks of plants in the indoor grow. Right now I have two tents with T5HO's for the indoor plants and the OW's about as far away as possible in the house under an HLG 100 4K.

Yaki Blue Fawn - I didn't grow this last year, but after seeing the success PaulG and Dragonsfire had with their Yakis recently I'm psyched to have one going again.
20211209 YakiBF.jpg

1 of 2 of Uncle E's Naga Smooky Rainbow x 7 Pot Yellow crosses from seeds he sent me.

A couple Uchu Cream x Mutant, 1 filiform and 1 not. Seeds from Catchthebear AKA Matt's Peppers
20211209 Uchus.jpg

and later, separated
2021-12-24 UchuXMutant F.jpg

2021-12-24 UchuXMutant NF.jpg

Mutant Gum (also from Matt)
20211209 MutantGum.jpg

Aji Guyana, which I topped for being a little too exuberant, but it's still wanting to stretch. This is my 3rd generation growing these from seeds Wiri sent me and they've been awesome and produce PDQ in the PNW for a baccatum.
2021-12-24 AjiGuyana.jpg

And Bahamian Goat - an old favorite I skipped last season and am looking forward to growing again.
20211209 BahaGoat.jpg
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Looking superb in the Emerald City, Dr. McDog 👍
Thanks, Paul. I'm taking wins where I can find them this season. Production has responded across the board to the later season weather we've had. Getting things to the finish line will be another PNW nail-biter though, I'm sure :)

That mutant gum is especially nice looking!
I feel like I heard that somewhere before, Marc. ;) The pods go through quite a bit of change as ripening extends. I'll see about posting a shot of some that have really colored up.
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Wow that Gum! Bootiful.

I swear that if I had CD taking photos of my peppers they would grow, and taste, better :lol:
Hey, Tinkerbelle. Thanks. The mutant gum has been a fun one, though I realize I've been thinking about it as an ornamental and haven't tried one despite that the frutgums can be some tasty peppers. I'll have to try one soon and see if the steak matches the sizzle.
hurry up and report back :D
Looking forward to doing just that!

In the meantime, here's a few pics of some wild varieties.

The galapagoense has decided to flower, with buds like this suddenly appearing everywhere. Sentry on duty.
20220820 Galap&Jim.jpg

Rhomboideum berries being red
20220820 RhomBerriesC.jpg

The Chacoense 212 is most prolific
20220820 Chac212.jpg

The Chacoense Most Prolific is somewhat less so
20220820 ChacMP.jpg

OW Tovarii continues to set
20220820 Tovarii1.jpg

Eximium 1491
20220820 Ex1491.jpg
Wow, CD, your wilds are kicking into
high gear, alright! You go, boy!

I hope mine eventually get to the place yours
are at. I agree that despite the hot weather, the
wilds seem to be doing much better. OTOH, the
chinenses are hit and miss this season. Darn
that Spring Suck to heck!
I did finally try the mutantgum. I'm not much for detecting subtle hints of this and that, but they had no off or bitter flavor, fairly clean/neutral taste, and perhaps a 30K +/- heat. Definitely not that harsh ornamental flavor where powder's the only real option.

20220828 MutantGum.jpg

Antep Aci Dolma ripening next to Tekne Dolmasi doing the same. Each doing its best in a solo cup. I've been wanting to cross these two varieties for a while now and might actually get around to it during this year's upcoming indoor off-season grow.
20220828 AAD&Dolmasi.jpg

I had this guy marked as a purple jalapeno, but either the seed was hybridized (which would be a first from this source) or I somehow mixed up a mutantgum, which seems unlikely given that I sowed the "PJ" months after the mutantgums. It does look similar, though.
20220828 PJ-WTH.jpg

Thai X3 is starting to ripen, as is the Thai X1 (not shown), which is virtually identical, but for its pendant pods.
20220828 ThaiX3.jpg

The Tuxtlas has started to go gangbusters. Like several of the wilds that did an extended time during the indoor aphigeddon, it developed a very fasciculate growth pattern. It's funny, I don't see any active predators outside, but as soon as an aphid-ridden plant goes outside the aphids disappear almost overnight.
20220828 Tuxtlas.jpg

Uvaldain't is starting to ripen round two in earnest.
20220828 Uvaldaint.jpg

And Wild Baccatum 203 is setting well, perhaps even better under the iso bags than on the branches that aren't bagged.
Iso pods on plant #1, marked with training wire.
20220828 Wbacc203.jpg

Recent sets on plant #2, under bag
20220828 WBacc203A.jpg
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Nice work CD! Some very interesting varieties.

Do you do a lot of trimming on the solo cup plants?
A few pics I took yesterday.

Both of the Rocoto Manzano Amarillo Ollantaytambo have started to set more as we're getting some relatively cooler days mixed in, though "more" for these guys is a relative term. This one's even set one or two under an iso bag, which is a big deal considering how many pubescens and purple corolla clades I have nearby. Don't know why these are so reluctant, but perhaps I'll try a bigger pot next year and see if that help. You can see the small pod on the right isn't going to make it, but a few like the bigger one on the left seem to be.
20220915 MrWhite.jpg

This is one of two very similar Thai crosses I have growing. Solid production, but I haven't tasted pods yet.
20220915 ThaiXup.jpg

These are pods from the similar Thai cross. The plant is quite similar, but for pendant pods.
20220915 ThaiXPendant.jpg

A little rooseter spur pepper in a solo cup, doing it's best. Some of these little solo cup peppers are surprisingly productive.
20220915 RoosterSpur.jpg

I took this picture of some wiri wiri berries yesterday, and notice some have already turned yellow today as they start to ripen.
20220915 WiriWiri.jpg

I have a few of these Punjab in solos cups and they're looking very productive. I'd planned to get these transplanted into the community garden and I'm sure they'd be massively productive plants with a little bit of size. It's my first year with these and I'm hoping they're a good stir-fry type pepper given how cooperative and productive they are.
20220915 Punjab.jpg

An isolated berry on my baccatum fragilis. I have several isolated pods from the first flush, which should be ripening soon, but they're doing the baccatum thing of making me wait and wait. I bagged a branch during the second flush and have a good bunch of pods under it - though god knows how long they'll take to ripen. :rolleyes: This plant has been super finicky and next year I think I'll up-size it to a big container to see if a better root system stabilizes it better.
20220915 BaccFragISO.jpg

This is a bug, obviously. Just thought I'd include him here. Cheers!
20220915 Bug.jpg
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Nice work CD! Some very interesting varieties.

Do you do a lot of trimming on the solo cup plants?
Thanks @PaulG. I meant to respond to you by posting some pics of them, but never got around to it. I haven't pruned them, but the limited root space seems to take care of that for most of them. Some of them have been bushy and surprisingly productive, with the Orange Thai SSE and Punjabs coming to mind in particular. Typically, I like to get even my smallest plants into 4-5" containers, but this year's been an anomaly. Heck, I have some Aji's podded up in their original 3" pots at close to 3 feet tall. :rolleyes:
Good things happening in your neck of the woods, @CaneDog!
Keep up the good work. Is watering a chore in the solo cup plants?
Looks to be a female Robberfly (Machimus)..
Here's her mirror image!
Dead on with the ID. Spitting image. FYI - the Wild Brazil Orange I sent you some seeds for are super deciduous. The first couple pods came off with hardly a tug even when they'd only just ripened.

Good things happening in your neck of the woods, @CaneDog!
Keep up the good work. Is watering a chore in the solo cup plants?
It sure was until the last week or so when it cooled off some. We didn't have that last stretch of heat you had and have generally been a little cooler for a while now, which helped. The solo cups can be frustrating because I seem to be always reaching around other plants to get to them and then the cup is small enough that their leaves block the water and it all runs down the outside onto the table and 🤬
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All my outdoor pubescens have started to go flower mad too as our temperatures cool. I might get a few off them if I move them under glass next month when I expect it to get much colder.
That's great, CC. Some of the pube varieties I've grown here will set all season, but with others it's either get them out super early so they set before the summer heat or it becomes a late season rush. Since I don't have a greenhouse here, I plan to set up a space with an HLG100 in the garage and shuttle select plants in and out as weather permits to extend the season. Basically the same drill as last year, except they've lost all in-house privileges' after last year's resulting aphigeddon.
Speaking of which, how's the CG doing this year CD?
Ahem... community garden you say, DR? :rolleyes: Not so great. Between weather delays (cold late then suddenly super hot) and time demands I never got the majority of the starts transplanted out, so instead I have lots growing in solo cups at home. I did get in a few peppers, notably @PaulG's Trippaul Threat v2 F3 Red, which is an unstoppable force - FYI Paul, I saved you some iso seeds from the indoor round of pods). Also, I have some purple tomatillos that are absolutely killing it and some tomatoes and such. I just won't have the big pepper production this year that I had last season. Hopefully better in 2023!
@CaneDog - Thanks for saving seeds from the Trippaul Threat v2 F3 red. I grew the yellow last season, and the orange this season. Both had that ‘unstoppable’ habit, big plants loaded with pods. Haven’t had a chance to grow the red, yet. I’ll send you some OP v2 F4 yellow (and orange hopefully - some are starting to turn color at the moment) F4’s. The yellow turned out nice, almost canary yellow. We’ll see how the orange does. I also haven’t grown the peach variety, yet.

Hope you can skirt aphidgeddon this winter!
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