• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog - Off-Season Season 2018/19

Thought I'd post a few pics of what I have going on indoors this off-season.  I used to do a winter indoor grow about every season, but this will be my first in a couple years now.  I went a bit over-board with the number of plants, as usual, but I've culled a few already and I have expansion room if needed.
I'm using a handy little extra walk-in closet to start things out. Keeps temp well and makes it easy to chill and work with the plants.

Most everything's potted up into 1g Boxer Browns now.  Here's a few of this season's players.
Baha Goat


Bhut Jolokia White - topped it early on as it was already wanting to branch like crazy

Butch T

Kathumby starting to bud up

And this guy is a 7 Pot White that sprouted late right up against another plant, so I yanked it out.  It had what seemed like only about 2mm of root still attached, but I stuck it in Kratky and it not only survived but seems fairly happy.

CDNmatt said:
CD I Luv that little table for Pepper pics :cool:  They're own little studio
Looks fantastic though bud keep'er rollin
Thanks Matt.  Yep, total pain trying to take pictures when they're all in under the lights so now they get their own little studio.
Prima donnas...
Another update from today's pictures. These seeds came from cmpman1974's recent give-away and came in after the rest of my grow was underway, so they're playing catch-up, but some really cool varieties.
Original Brain Strain Red.  Have two of these and they're perfect twins.

Tovarii.  Three of these sprouted.  Don't really want to admit what happened to the missing third one  :( but these two are doing great.

Eximium CAP 1491.  These guys seemed to go into a stall after germination, but just recently kicked it into gear again.  The one on the right took some damage from a stuck testa - hate when that happens! -  but it has a big growth bud coming on between the first true leaves so it seems it's going to be okay.

And this last group just shows how weird seed germination can be.  I planted an extra cup of the CAP1491 because wilds can be stubborn and I wanted to be sure to get at least a couple.  This cup went 4 for 4, all hooking within 12 hours of one another, beginning on the 44th day after planting.  Really great germination rate in all these seeds and good vigor in the young plants.

internationalfish said:
Looking great, man! Both the mature plants and the newbies.
Sorry if I missed this, but what size container is your goat in?
Thanks man!  It's in a 1 gallon root pouch boxer brown. The dimensions are 6" diameter and 7" height.  The Goat is 14" tall (including the dirtbag with 6" of soil) and 14" wide, and has 10 pods on it the size of golf balls. 
I bought a bunch of the 1g boxer browns recently (30 bags for $30, delivered from Amazon) and have been generally happy with them.  This material is much stiffer than "regular" dirtbags b/c it has recycled plastic in the fabric, which has pros and cons.  I wrote up my thoughts on them here - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/69794-root-pouch-brand-fabric-pots-on-sale-at-gardenersedgecom/?p=1597504 if you're interested.
CaneDog said:
Thanks man!  It's in a 1 gallon root pouch boxer brown. The dimensions are 6" diameter and 7" height.  The Goat is 14" tall (including the dirtbag with 6" of soil) and 14" wide, and has 10 pods on it the size of golf balls. 
I bought a bunch of the 1g boxer browns recently (30 bags for $30, delivered from Amazon) and have been generally happy with them.  This material is much stiffer than "regular" dirtbags b/c it has recycled plastic in the fabric, which has pros and cons.  I wrote up my thoughts on them here - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/69794-root-pouch-brand-fabric-pots-on-sale-at-gardenersedgecom/?p=1597504 if you're interested.
Very cool on the goat. Seems like a great pepper. Like so... many... other... peppers... and I'd need a second house full of tents to grow them all... hmmm...
Thanks, that's a good read on the bags. Perhaps a third option on the handles would be to cut one end of each handle. They'd probably be easier to tuck away and still be useful for carrying, though obviously that's also not reversible and probably not particularly attractive.
I have a few cool additions to my grow I'm expecting over the next week or so, which will give me something to do until I commence "bulk" germination starts for the 2019 summer season.
The first, I've been wanting to grow Jalapeno Zapotec since hearing Bicycle808 rave about them and he was way cool in sending some seeds my way.  Got them Dec 31st and quick-soaked and planted 5 to be sure to get one going indoors quickly - I want to get a feel for the plant before starting others for summer.  Well surprise, all 5 hooked today.  Thanks Bike Man!  Great quality control on your seeds yielding 100% germination in just 7 days!

But, I supposed I'd be remiss if I didn't address the small matter of WTH that squirrelly-looking thing on the right is - ?  Perhaps its parent plant was too close to a Death Spiral and there was an accidental cross?
CaneDog said:
Another update from today's pictures. These seeds came from cmpman1974's recent give-away and came in after the rest of my grow was underway, so they're playing catch-up, but some really cool varieties.
Original Brain Strain Red.  Have two of these and they're perfect twins.

Tovarii.  Three of these sprouted.  Don't really want to admit what happened to the missing third one  :( but these two are doing great.

Eximium CAP 1491.  These guys seemed to go into a stall after germination, but just recently kicked it into gear again.  The one on the right took some damage from a stuck testa - hate when that happens! -  but it has a big growth bud coming on between the first true leaves so it seems it's going to be okay.

And this last group just shows how weird seed germination can be.  I planted an extra cup of the CAP1491 because wilds can be stubborn and I wanted to be sure to get at least a couple.  This cup went 4 for 4, all hooking within 12 hours of one another, beginning on the 44th day after planting.  Really great germination rate in all these seeds and good vigor in the young plants.


Whatcha got going on for a medium here CD?
CDNmatt said:
Whatcha got going on for a medium here CD?
Hey Matty!  Been impressed with everything you have going on in your glog.  Hope those seeds start popping for you soon.  You're about to head into the sweet spot for time so I'm expecting a lot of action shortly!
What's visible on top is just a little G&B Organics compost.  I really like the stuff and I'll throw it down as a top layer almost like a mulch sometimes, especially if the soil starts to erode off the roots.  It's matured well, so it's not hot on the plants and it's surprisingly airy and quick-drying.  I think it looks pretty cool in pics b/c of the texture and it gives off a redish tint when it's almost dry.
Below that are layers. The bottom 70% is a combo of potting soil (G&B Blue Ribbon) and the compost, amended with Azomite, soft rock phosphate, kelp, and a little Ca and Mg. Above that is a layer of peat/perlite based starter mix that sandwiches the seed.  The idea being that the seed is suspended in an appropriate and sterile starter medium, but will quickly root down into a good nutrient base for it's early development.  I didn't put the compost on top until the after the seeds had sprouted.
CaneDog said:
The first, I've been wanting to grow Jalapeno Zapotec since hearing Bicycle808 rave about them and he was way cool in sending some seeds my way.  Got them Dec 31st and quick-soaked and planted 5 to be sure to get one going indoors quickly - I want to get a feel for the plant before starting others for summer.  Well surprise, all 5 hooked today.  Thanks Bike Man!  Great quality control on your seeds yielding 100% germination in just 7 days!

But, I supposed I'd be remiss if I didn't address the small matter of WTH that squirrelly-looking thing on the right is - ?  Perhaps its parent plant was too close to a Death Spiral and there was an accidental cross?

Well, I hope you're as pleased with the Zapotecs as I am; hopefully I didn't "oversell" them. I just get really stoked about delicious landrace-type chiles.

No clue how you got that awesome curly-Q seedling but it looks like it's having a good time. Everything I got a spirit like that, they pretty much straightened up pretty sickly. But it's be cool if it retained since of that growth pattern.

Keep up the good work. Those Brain plants have me feeling extra jealous
Bicycle808 said:
Keep up the good work. Those Brain plants have me feeling extra jealous
Do I remember right that you have a stash of those very same seeds waiting to do their thing?  Feel like I remember reading that you got some not too long ago.  Hope so, they really grow nice.
CaneDog said:
Do I remember right that you have a stash of those very same seeds waiting to do their thing?  Feel like I remember reading that you got some not too long ago.  Hope so, they really grow nice.
Ha, actually, they're on the way. When I found your envelope in my mailbox today, I wasn't sure if it was gonna be yours or Chris's.
Mr. West said:
Nice job with the brain. Good looking plant. I second that. 
And the ZJ germinating all together that's sick. That one must have gotten disoriented coming up.  :point:

Perhaps I shouldn't have soaked it in grain alcohol before sowing? 
Just a few pod pics. Have a good number of modest producers happening now and am having to juggle things to keep them reasonably isolated in limited spaces.
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon.

Kathumby Black.  Red? Orange?  Huh?  This one pod flashed bright red yesterday and today is more orange.  Wasn't expecting this.  The pods don't show the depth of creasing I was expecting either, they're rounder and smoother.  Something may be afoot here.  Haven't grown this before, but suspecting cross or instability.

Strain de la Brain (Amarillo). Just a handful of flowers, but big flowers and a sturdy plant. This first pod set just occurred.

In other news, I started some new rocotos over the weekend to add to my OW's for the 2019 season.  Plan is to have everything else down for 2019 over the next 3 weeks or so.
Aji Largo
De Seda
B Orange
Costa Rica Red (Pendant)
S Isidro
Large Yellow