• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

It has been several year since I have started a grow log like a newb but I enjoy this time of year starting plants.  My name is Cappy and I first discovered the Seven Pod in a seed trade from Sara R. in Trinidad in 2008.  That year I had a grow log and documented my grow of an extra brainy seven pod and the Brain Strain 7 Pod was born.  Since that time I have shared seeds with anybody and everybody who asked for little more than the cost of shipping.  I did not try to profit or chase the world hottest title, that goes to CARDI and the creator of the seven pod.  I am just a grower of limited means with a closet with a grow light and a backyard in a residential neighborhood.  What I am is proud of my contribution to the pepper community and the opportunity to shared this pepper with the rest of the world.
Last year I received some seeds from a very generous Trinidadian friend here in the states by the name of Judy.  I have dreams on making a chocolate version of my yearly hot sauce BrAiN sTrAiN.  There have been both red and yellow versions in the past so 2015 will be the year of the chocolate BS.  First round of seeds were sown last weekend January 4 and today I have my first seedling so here we go!
Nanny is still with us on Mother's Day and doing ok, thank you for the well wishes.  We have been under cloudy wet conditions the last 4 days with tropical storm Ana finally making landfall this morning.  I got out and took some pictures while the sun was out just for just a minute.  Plants are loaded with flowers and bud sites with some peppers starting  to form, early pod shapes looks very promising.  The plants really liked the bone meal application and have greened up despite being under such rainy conditions.  Garden doing well with lots of green tomatoes and a pumpkin patch with big beautiful yellow flowers in the morning.  A couple of papaya trees just planted last week.









Those plants are looking big and strong. Ready to be loaded down with some serious heat. Awesome to see some pods already setting. I see the gnome protector is hard at work keeping watch over your pepper jungle.
Happy to hear the news about Nanny. My thoughts are with you and yours.
Nice troop you got goin there. Look like super clones....
Picked up this neat skin flicker from Newt in January.....
Probably sideways or upside down.......photobucket.
gnslngr said:
Nice troop you got goin there. Look like super clones....
Picked up this neat skin flicker from Newt in January....
Sweet custom blade you picked up there Dave, is that 1095 steel like other Newts or something special.  The bubbling from the heat treatment and the grinding lines really make this knife stand out.  Hope you are out abusing her, wouldn't leave my side. :drooling:
Some close up pods shots of some of the green CBS that are starting to form.  Many of the berries in the first fork of my plants are growing erect, but with real nice looking 7 pod shape and texture.  Pod size is smaller than the yellow, closer to the red BS.  The plants are shorter than both the red or yellow variety but that could be of my growing style this year.  I have given my plants a few doses of Epson salts in their reservoir and the plants have darkened up tremendously.  Still a little confused why so many plants are setting pods upright but hopefully that corrects itself as the plants get older.  Just a little pod porn to show you what I'm talking about.









Absolutely Great looking pods Cappy! What percentage of the pods are growing upright?once again GREAT job on those plants this season.Hey Cappy where do I sign up for pods or seeds????