• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

It has been several year since I have started a grow log like a newb but I enjoy this time of year starting plants.  My name is Cappy and I first discovered the Seven Pod in a seed trade from Sara R. in Trinidad in 2008.  That year I had a grow log and documented my grow of an extra brainy seven pod and the Brain Strain 7 Pod was born.  Since that time I have shared seeds with anybody and everybody who asked for little more than the cost of shipping.  I did not try to profit or chase the world hottest title, that goes to CARDI and the creator of the seven pod.  I am just a grower of limited means with a closet with a grow light and a backyard in a residential neighborhood.  What I am is proud of my contribution to the pepper community and the opportunity to shared this pepper with the rest of the world.
Last year I received some seeds from a very generous Trinidadian friend here in the states by the name of Judy.  I have dreams on making a chocolate version of my yearly hot sauce BrAiN sTrAiN.  There have been both red and yellow versions in the past so 2015 will be the year of the chocolate BS.  First round of seeds were sown last weekend January 4 and today I have my first seedling so here we go!
Very nice Cappy!  I'll have to stop by one day soon.  My plants are showing to be great producers and are loaded down with very uniformed peppers.  We have some that have started turning and should be ready shortly if this rain ever stops.  I'll drop some of the jaw droppers by your place so you can get the seeds and see how they compare to yours.  
* My plants came from Cappy, same great genetics!
Ignite said:
Very nice Cappy!  I'll have to stop by one day soon.  My plants are showing to be great producers and are loaded down with very uniformed peppers.  We have some that have started turning and should be ready shortly if this rain ever stops.  I'll drop some of the jaw droppers by your place so you can get the seeds and see how they compare to yours.  
* My plants came from Cappy, same great genetics!
Wow Ignite! My wife looked over at my laptop as I was looking at this post and said "Damn! What type of peppers are those?" I'm gonna have to beg, borrow or steal to get me some of Cappy's seeds for next year lol. Kudos to both of you guys.
Beautiful pics Cap. I can't believe those are the same plants from a month ago. Hell, I can't believe these are the same plants from a week ago or so. Job well done. Glad to hear you've recovered well.

Enjoy your weekend bud.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Thanks, I will try to get some seeds soon to you soon knowing you season is getting ready to start.  This is my recycled soil with compost and Espoma garden tone added nothing else beside the bone meal application three weeks after plant out.  Pepper don't need a lot of nutrients they just need the right nutrients at the right time.
:cheers: yeah simplistic but bang on with your nutes is the way I want to go this season ... I have noticed over the years that most of the great growers on here have that exact philosophy of keeping the feeding and care as simple as possible and the results speak for themselves. Thanks for sharing your ideas Cappy! I would love and be privileged to get some of those genetics in my garden. Thank you!
   Got caught back up on your grow Cappy.The plants and pods are picture perfect.Sorry about G-Ma,That woman saw more in her lifetime then most of us could probably dream of.Wishing ya luck and good weather the rest of the way. ;)
I'm just amazed at the growth you get out of those containers.  I have always wanted to put stuff in the ground because mother nature can take care of a lot of my mistakes, so I've always admired what you container guys can get done.  Those look amazing.
Holy Cow... and color too now! Where do we send nominations for Cappy to be named a world Capsaicin power?... ;)  Sorry to hear about the gaff accident, but glad you've healed. Do you ever fly fish for Pompano, Bonefish or Tarpon?
stickman said:
Holy Cow... and color too now! Where do we send nominations for Cappy to be named a world Capsaicin power?... ;)  Sorry to hear about the gaff accident, but glad you've healed. Do you ever fly fish for Pompano, Bonefish or Tarpon?
Thanks Rick that's one hell of a compliment, but my climate is very favorable to growing chiles with the high humidity and long growing season.  We have had a stretch of 100F days this last week and no more flowers seems to be pollinating ATM.  I have enough green pepper already on my plants to keep me going until the big fall harvests.  Going to have a small harvest this weekend and will have some inside shots of the CBS to post.  I have had the absolute best tomato season of recent memory with 8-10 baseball size toms daily gives me much hope for the peppers later this year.  The gaff accident was scary, caught Pompano from the beach with sand fleas as a kid never a Bonefish or Tarpon.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Thanks Rick that's one hell of a compliment, but my climate is very favorable to growing chiles with the high humidity and long growing season.  We have had a stretch of 100F days this last week and no more flowers seems to be pollinating ATM.  I have enough green pepper already on my plants to keep me going until the big fall harvests.  Going to have a small harvest this weekend and will have some inside shots of the CBS to post.  I have had the absolute best tomato season of recent memory with 8-10 baseball size toms daily gives me much hope for the peppers later this year.  The gaff accident was scary, caught Pompano from the beach with sand fleas as a kid never a Bonefish or Tarpon.
Ooh... tomatoes! Do you make any tomato-based hot sauces with them?
I've heard the Pompano make a decent grilled fish but they're kinda bony, like red snapper. Tarpon taste so bad even the cats won't eat them, but what a wild ride if you hook into a mature one! The closest we come to bonefishing here in New England is carp in freshwater. They can easily get up to 30 pounds or more and give a good fight if hooked, but are so wary that you have to be extremely sneaky to catch them in the shallow water they prefer... They have excellent hearing as well. Their swim bladder acts as an echo chamber that amplifies what they can hear.
Just a few pictures of this mornings harvest of Choco BS from my backyard jungle.  Cleaned up all the plants and got pods that were either sunburnt or damaged in any way off the plants so they can concentrate on staying healthy through this 100F heat wave.  Watering twice a day just to keep the pots from drying out and the plants from wilting.  I will post some more pictures later today when I cut open some pods to collect some seeds.  Going to have a little contest and the next three people to post a picture in this thread containing my BrAiN sTrAiN label (on their purchased bottle) and their favorite knife in the same shot wins free seeds from me USA only.  They will get 15+ seeds of Choco BS as soon as they're dry enough to ship, thanks for playing.

Oh and awesome contest/giveaway Cappy. Was in a hurry to post and completely forgot to say thanks in my extreme excitement to actually grow the true chocolate brain strain. Love me some brain strains. I've got 15 growing this season I think. Thank you again for this amazing opportunity!