Cappy's Capsicum 2011

Damn, that's one fine table set for a chile king!!! :dance:

Just missing the full bottle of JD whiskey and then I'd be set, sure your harvest will be just as bountiful. Are you growing the Brain Strain 7 Pod, saw you have many 7 pods growing this year. Cannot wait to see your harvest pics Robert, beautiful garden you have. :onfire:

Jeese! Those japs are looking fucking awesome! Love the woody veining going on there! Great color, Im sure they are de-lis-cious!

Absolutely love the Biker Billy Jalapenos using all the peppers making poppers every chance we get. Delicious is right Guru!
Buffalo turds--that's a good one guru. You could fill them with anything, why even bacon! Bacon on the inside, wrapped in bacon on the outside.

You can get your point across without the F bombs?
Some backyard shenanigans when Pepper Boys came over to my house yesterday to test the Brain Strain. Happy July 4th! :beer: :cheers: :bday: :drunk:

Great video! I've experienced the liquid capsaicin pooled up inside a jonah seven pod! It must be experienced to understand the world of hurt. Those shrubs behind you, though! OHMYGOD! Those are unreal. I wish I were your neighbour. I don't even know anyone who likes that kind of heat in my neighbourhood.
Great video! I've experienced the liquid capsaicin pooled up inside a jonah seven pod! It must be experienced to understand the world of hurt. Those shrubs behind you, though! OHMYGOD! Those are unreal. I wish I were your neighbour. I don't even know anyone who likes that kind of heat in my neighbourhood.

Hey Sheldon good to see you checking in hope all is well. My plants like the hot humid weather but I'd rather be having some of your weather right now. Finally got a tropical low front and lots of rain the last few days so out mowing the grass when I remember millworkman wanted a close-up pic of the plants. Hope to see you around more often and thanks for the compliment. :cheers:

Wow Cappy I love the video my friend!
I didnt realize it was a vid till today, I thought it was just pics! :rofl:
It looks like you guys had a blast brother!!
And your garden is outta control!!! :beer:

The lawnmower photo and the bullet hab shot, CLASSIC! Are those all 7PBS plants in that first shot? Are you not afraid of causing a critical mass incident with that much heat that close together in you back yard? The glow must be visable from orbiting spacecraft........... :lol:
I am going to have two harvests today, the first this morning is just the peppers that I have promised people and another huge harvest this afternoon sometime after I get back from the post office shipping these off. The weather has been perfect for peppers ripening this past week with very humid and hot temperatures and my harvest later today should be almost twice as large. Just sharing these so if you got peppers from me this weekend here is your harvest, looking good! Please wait till I post later this afternoon to ask for anymore peppers busy getting these out then back to pickin' more peppers. :onfire:

