Cappy's Capsicum 2011

awesome pics, sir!

also, i wanted to say rather quickly that the naga morich strain you gave me seeds for last year is quite possibly my best-growning pepper this year. good stuff, cappy. good stuff.
Just checked this out - very nice crop you have coming in! I've been able to pull a handful of annuums so far, but that's it - everything else is still pretty green. I do have one peach hab starting to turn, so hopefully will have something worth photographing soon!
Harvest week #6, pod production has slowed way down with the heat over the last month and the fact that I've pulled a lot of peppers from my plants this year as they need a rest, probably all smaller harvest until the temperature drops again this fall. The worst part of going outside is the mosquitos eating you alive this time of year. Have a great weekend everybody!
Cool pod shot of the day a simese twin Brown Bhut Jolokia with one half ripe. :onfire: Thought my eyes were just messing with me when I first saw it pickin pods this am. Thanks muskymojo appreciate it.
Very nice harvest you have there! But okay, I'm a bit jealous of your weather. We've certainly had a handful of random days in the 90's (F), but tomorrow night we're supposed to get back down to 67 - WILL WE EVER HAVE A REAL SUMMER THIS YEAR????
Wow! Incredible harvest indeed my friend!

That is alot of heat Cappy! :onfire: And such vibrant colors!
Excellent growing man!


Advice on Brain Strain needed. The front one is in a pot and behind it with darker green is the huge one in ground. Why would it lighten in 2 days.......and do these pods look the right shape? they turn color like this in the beginning(shoulders are turning greyish-brown?

Hey Brian the plant in the container look to be having nutrient lockout for some reason compared to your inground plant. The dark shoulders on your pods looks more like a sunburn than genetics and hard to tell from the blurry pics but the pods look the right shape. Your inground plants look about twice as healthy as you container plants so your potting mix is probably lacking nutrients or your pH is way off causing lockout. I have used a sprinkle of bone meal to remedy this situation before either from the phosphorus the middle number in the N-P-K ratio or from the calcim carbonate it contains. You also might want to add some sulphur to lower the pH of your mix. Good luck.
Not much to update from the last month except plants have recovered from the late summer heat wave and podding up nicely again. Picked some jalapenos this afternoon and will harvest the main garden tomorrow. I have been making vegetarian jerky with the jalapenos marinated in soy and sugar and placed on the dehydrator, my new favorite snack. The main garden is loaded with green C. Chinense pods and looks to be harvest heavy thru the end of October. Thanks for viewing should be a good fall harvest. :woohoo:
That platter of jalapenos look mighty tasty! :) Nice haul. I'd love to hear more about the vegetarian jerky. I'd really like to give it a crack. :)

Thank you Chris vegetarian jerky started before peppers for me I would marinate turkey breast sliced thin in soy sauce and brown sugar and added fresh sliced jalapenos to the marinade. Of course I would dehydrate the jalapenos along side the jerky. I always enjoyed the left over jalapenos and decided to just give them a try and that is how it started. The jalepenos dehydrate meater than chinense pods and almost curl up on themselves and make great little chewey really hot jalepenos snacks. I am not the only one around my house that likes these so they must be good. I love me some Biker Billy Jalapeño.
Cappy,......I can invision some pickled pepper rings!....and that's how they should be harvested, all veined out, can't find those that way at the local "Supermercado" and I can see people moan over the waxy looking ones......nice harvest