Benzoboss said:Hi i want to make some eliquid vor my ecig.
I want to make it spicy but not to spicy.
I want to use a 6.4million shu extract.
Here are my questions:
Is it safe to inhale capsaicin.
How much eliquid do i need for 1 drop of capsaicin extract?
Does capsaicin disolve in PG or VG?
Btw im new here.
I orderd a bag of dried carolina reapers as a challange for me and some friend
I really love them peppers are great whit every thing.
Even coffee tastes good whit some peppers in it.
Im sorry for my english i know it sucks.
Benzoboss said:I'm not f**king whit you!
Why would i make a account on a chilli forum if it was a joke?
To much work.
I just want a chilli vape not to spicy but spicy enoug to notice it.
I am depressed i have a mild form of autism social anxiety hypochondria and some anger issues.
moruga welder said:
queequeg152 said:
can you actually vape hash oil inside a vape pen though?
the eliquid i have is super super runny... where as (IVE HEARD), hash oil is super thick like cold molasses. do you cut the hash oil with something?
Hey Benzoboss, your head is all messed up from too many Benzo's, those pills will phuk you up every time ! You need to Bin those demon pills and clear your head mate. Then come back and be a part of a great community.Benzoboss said:I will be a hero meybe a death hero but a hero for sure.