heat Capsaicin eliquid a vape for a chilli head. Info needed!

austin87 said:
You can also get a pan of oil shimmering hot and throw some fresh chiles into the oil. The capsaicin will vaporize. Inhaling will give you an idea of what vaping peppers might be like. I can tell you I did this by accident and it was not pleasant. Then I made fried rice. That was pleasant :)
I've also experienced this a few times. There are a lot of chili pastes where you fry the chilies I'd say the pain of inhaling vaporized chili is almost worth it for the delicious flavor of the paste, provided someone else is cooking and I just have to listen to them complain about the pain.Those were just Thai chilies, btw, have no idea what a superhot would be like... More is superpainfuler?
MrGlen said:
I've also experienced this a few times. There are a lot of chili pastes where you fry the chilies I'd say the pain of inhaling vaporized chili is almost worth it for the delicious flavor of the paste, provided someone else is cooking and I just have to listen to them complain about the pain.Those were just Thai chilies, btw, have no idea what a superhot would be like... More is superpainfuler?
I don't have a ton of experience of putting paste into oil but I think that fresh peppers due to their higher moisture content tend to let out a pretty strong burst of hot vapor upon hitting the oil.
queequeg152 said:
do it.
be an hero.
THE MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 strong 5 me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   
+1000 rep good sir!
Don't do stupid shit with chillies. Let alone extract. All you are asking for is trouble and, by the looks of this thread, it's been found. When we start this masochist crap, we end up inflicting the pain on others.
And that's not what we want.
P.S Lock this thread, it should've been locked a long time ago.
Well I rectify my answer.
Also while doing it , make a live feed on Facebook so you can achieve the highest form of achievement a human being can dream of : "champion of Darwin award".

  If anyone is seriously considering doing something like this...
I highly suggest they start by taking a pot of boiling water, and dropping some fresh sliced 7 pot peppers in there, and attempting to breath the fumes and steam.
If for some strange reason you find that to be a pleasant experience, then go outside, and proceed with macing yourself directly in the face :!:    :lol:
If that too is enjoyable  :eek:  :crazy:  and taking it further still somehow seems like a good idea to you...
Make sure you are recording it  :rofl:  "for science" 
In all seriousness, just don't do it  please.
I think if one had the strength to not vote for Hillary, that they're strong enough to handle a little pepper vape surely ...
Don't be a snowflake ...