• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2013 Less is more

Hello everybody!
This year I will be growing much less than previous season's. I have been reducing my pepper growing for a couple years now. I am germinating under 20 varieties and a month later than last year. I have between 25 and 28 overwintered plants that are out currently, but not to far from the back door. I think I put the first plants in the ground last year late Feb. and early Mar. I do not expect to exceed 50 to 75 new starts this season. Along with my daughter I am growing some veggies, herbs, flowers, and a few fruit trees. I will do my best to keep the grow log lively and entertaining. As always lots of pictures of plants and pods, but also some cool nature, and a few extra distractions from time to time.

Hope everyone has a great season!


All from saved seeds except store pods and Mini Mini from Finland THP member

Cumari do Para iso
Yellow 7 pod (Brain like)
Douglah cross F2 (small red uniform)
Chocolate Hab
Yellow Scorpion CARDI
7 Pot White
7 Pot Barrackpore
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Douglah cross F2 (red)
Douglah cross F3 (Brownish- maroon with bonnett-habish shape)
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion iso
"Funky" orange habs from HEB
Manzano from Fiesta pods
Super Chilli
Trinidad Congo Red
Purple Flash
Smiter Q pequin like pods
Mini Mini

I will list my overwinters soon, can''t remember.

Here are some pics;
Germinating began Feb. 3rd. The three cells in the corner were all up on day 6. Douglah cross F2 small fat red pointy. I might post a pic from last year to show their shape. All my crosses are accidental nature.

Meyer Lemon bloom smells a lot like Jasmin

Coming out of hibernation, overwinters

Found this guy in a Mountain Laurel by my driveway. Western Screech Owl I believe

Owl be back!
Hello THP.
We had a great Thanksgiving at Grandma's and I hope everyone else did too! 
     Yesterday I completed one of my ferments, Roasted Hatch Green Chile fermented 95 days with red, yellow, and orange bell peppers, onion, garlic, carrots.  I tasted very tart at the start and was a very even pickley -tart (is that even a word) at the end.  I pan roasted some tomatilla's, puree'd them and added them and one cup of brown sugar to the whole mixture for cooking.  In the end there was just the slightest hint of sweetnes to taste.  Not a bit of heat that I can detect so hopefully my family and friends will enjoy lathering up some meals.

These were inverted after hot fill and some of them still seem to be boiling when turned upright 15 minutes later.  I'll recheck the ph sometime today and add the shrinkbands.
I still have several ferments to finish up so lots of work to do.
I recieved some great mail yesterday from Gary.  Some fresh NagaBrain pods.  Thank you Gary they look great, and I am sure I will have no trouble with germinating.  Seeds are drying.

Have a great day THP!
Hello THP folk!  Hope everyone is having a great season end, or beginning, or middle wherever you are.  I think this might be my last post for this growlog.  I've got a lot of ferments waiting to finish but, I am without kitchen and water for the time being.  Ripping out cabinets to have them replaced.  Not sure if that will save me much but it's underway.
I scuttled a box of stuff to work today to start a ferment of Manzano's I picked up 2 pounds over the weekend at the local Fiesta mart in Austin.  Wanted cherry's and a lime for it and had to settle for strawberrys.  There is a persimmon in the pic I did not use.

Finally got some ripe F3 pods off my Douglah cross.  The F4 seeds are in the dirt and will be calling it something other than Douglah cross next season.

I should have a 2014 glog going by next weekend.
Later THP, Have a great week!
Say, Mike, pretty impressive!  I had a lot of catching up to do
to get to the end of your glog, but you really have me interested
in fermenting!  Looks like a great season at your place - good
luck getting 2014 underway!
GA Growhead said:
Awesome color on the F3s and the ferment!
Thank you very much sir! Much appreciated! I think I already have too many going Jason. In 2013 I watched your Ghost Scorpions and bleeding calyx Bubblegum 7's with drool apparent. Wound up with a lot more, especially loved the taste of the BOC. Thanks again!

Say, Mike, pretty impressive!  I had a lot of catching up to do
to get to the end of your glog, but you really have me interested
in fermenting!  Looks like a great season at your place - good
luck getting 2014 underway!
To me the ferments are a lot of fun, and while the puree's were amazing to do, these are even better.
Good luck with your season Paul!
PIC 1 said:
I agree, the color of those pods look awesome, more Mahogany shaded than Brown.
Thanks Greg!  I'm glad you like it.  I've been grasping at what color to describe it with.  It is impressive when a plant is loaded down.  I didn't have a good one loaded this year but an OW F1 from two seasons back was enough to keep me moving forward with the grow out.  I hope to be comfortable enough with the stability to share seeds or pods of it later on this season.
Devv said:
Ahh, kitchen cabinets...one of these days I'll finish mine. I sure do have a patient wife ;)
Pods and ferment look great!
Looking forward to your 2014 start, it's that time...
Thank you Scott!  I'm anxious but it'll be a few days.
I decided to build custom tall baseboards, (sunken living room) when we moved in.  The hardwood floors (cheap laminate) took 6 days and the baseboards took 6 years cause I insisted on building a special planer and eventually motivation went elsewhere. While my wife was more or less patient, I get reminded about it from time to time, and justly so.  I've learned over the years just because I can, doesn't mean I should.
I've seen your cabinets and craftmanship Scott and I assure you there is no comparison!  Your skill and Drive, is why your log is a mainstay around here!  We all want what you, and others have and until we get there, we have to live vicariously through your grow.  No pressure! 
Thanks for hangin!
Love the sauce pics, Mike.  I think it's time I move on from marmalades and try some sauces.  Also like the looks of that Douglah cross up above.  Is that one you suspect a Scotch Bonnet is the other half?  Because it's kind of got that look, or maybe a Congo something or other.
Sawyer said:
Love the sauce pics, Mike.  I think it's time I move on from marmalades and try some sauces.  Also like the looks of that Douglah cross up above.  Is that one you suspect a Scotch Bonnet is the other half?  Because it's kind of got that look, or maybe a Congo something or other.
meatfreak said:
Nice update to end your 2013 glog, Mike. Like the rest I love the color of your Douglah cross. Was the other parent a Habanero? Looks a bit like the Habanero Cappuccino, beautiful color as well.
Thanks John and Stefan! While I can not be certain, I have always believed it was Faria Scotch Bonnet.
Thank you Scott!  I'm anxious but it'll be a few days.
I decided to build custom tall baseboards, (sunken living room) when we moved in.  The hardwood floors (cheap laminate) took 6 days and the baseboards took 6 years cause I insisted on building a special planer and eventually motivation went elsewhere. While my wife was more or less patient, I get reminded about it from time to time, and justly so.  I've learned over the years just because I can, doesn't mean I should.
I've seen your cabinets and craftmanship Scott and I assure you there is no comparison!  Your skill and Drive, is why your log is a mainstay around here!  We all want what you, and others have and until we get there, we have to live vicariously through your grow.  No pressure! 
Thanks for hangin!
Thank for the kudos Mike,
I think things are easier for me being the youngest left 10 years ago, so now I can do what I want, and I love to work.
Being a machinist I know you have the skills to do anything you set your mind to. So did you make custom knives for the planer? If not I bet a table mounted router and some fences will do the trick.
Take care!
Thanks Scott,   somebody gave me some dull tool steel planer blades which I modified and sharpened.  I built everything else.  I wanted to cut a tapered board (probably couldn't have done it in anything harder than soft pine) approx 3/4 inch thick at the bottom and around 5/16 inch thick at the ten inch tall point.  I did make a custom form (ornamental) carbide router bit to match some existing base board at the smaller top portion and it was mounted to a make shift 90 degree router table.  Maybe I could have bought such a thing but thats not me.  On the planer, I had a 1.5 horsepower motor pulleyed up to 10,000 rpm.  Greased up the pillow blocks and bearings then cut 60 feet in my driveway.  Needless to say the neighbors always look at me strange.
Now I have a real planer because the projects just don't go away.
An empty nest is another thing of yours I kind of envy!
Later Mike
I love the noise!
I have a 5hp 20" thickness planer, bought after burning up a smaller one in two weeks. The neighbors 1/4 mile away came over to see what the noise was..LOL
"I just had to know what all that noise was.."
Last pic of the season.  Aji Lima Rojo OW finally starting to ripen.  Cherry smoked these last year and powder.  May try the Apple Cherry this time.  Not quite as many.
Grilling chicken today, Daughter is at a Science Olympiad invitaional in Austin today.  Water Quality and Wildflowers are her events.

New glog tomorrow.
Have a great weekend people