• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2013 Less is more

Hello everybody!
This year I will be growing much less than previous season's. I have been reducing my pepper growing for a couple years now. I am germinating under 20 varieties and a month later than last year. I have between 25 and 28 overwintered plants that are out currently, but not to far from the back door. I think I put the first plants in the ground last year late Feb. and early Mar. I do not expect to exceed 50 to 75 new starts this season. Along with my daughter I am growing some veggies, herbs, flowers, and a few fruit trees. I will do my best to keep the grow log lively and entertaining. As always lots of pictures of plants and pods, but also some cool nature, and a few extra distractions from time to time.

Hope everyone has a great season!


All from saved seeds except store pods and Mini Mini from Finland THP member

Cumari do Para iso
Yellow 7 pod (Brain like)
Douglah cross F2 (small red uniform)
Chocolate Hab
Yellow Scorpion CARDI
7 Pot White
7 Pot Barrackpore
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Douglah cross F2 (red)
Douglah cross F3 (Brownish- maroon with bonnett-habish shape)
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion iso
"Funky" orange habs from HEB
Manzano from Fiesta pods
Super Chilli
Trinidad Congo Red
Purple Flash
Smiter Q pequin like pods
Mini Mini

I will list my overwinters soon, can''t remember.

Here are some pics;
Germinating began Feb. 3rd. The three cells in the corner were all up on day 6. Douglah cross F2 small fat red pointy. I might post a pic from last year to show their shape. All my crosses are accidental nature.

Meyer Lemon bloom smells a lot like Jasmin

Coming out of hibernation, overwinters

Found this guy in a Mountain Laurel by my driveway. Western Screech Owl I believe

Owl be back!
The ferments and the AJ puree's are a good way to deal with the problem of a lot of peppers.  Their both relatively easy but with the ferments you will be on pins and needles excitement that really hasn't gone away for me yet.  I started a log book to keep track of them and their ingredients.  What works what doesn't.  I reccommend you try it out, I find it rewarding.
I've been with my company around 24 years.   I think the first 12 or 15 years were all 54 hours a week.  I don't have that kind of energy anymore.  Having kids late doesn't help with that either.  My old school machinist skills require good hands and good close up vision, things that I worry might leave someday.  I do lots of quoting and computer modeling though nowadays and I do enjoy that.  You have a few years on me I think as I'll be 52 next month.  One of these day's I am going to get my daughter to video me skating in a local ditch here just to prove I still can.  Twisted ankle's don't last all that long!
The cool front is suppose to arrive here on Friday the 20th with the high temp on Saturday at 88 F.
Sort of cool anyway!
Devv said:
I want to see that video!
I'm blessed, I can still do most anything I did as a younger man...just need a warm up ;)
You will.  You will!  (My best yoda imatation) 
GA Growhead said:
I would love to skate that ditch with you! THP session! Where's Gary?
I'm afraid were stuck doing twin videos Jason!  Hop on your board and skate old man!  I got a few places I would like to shoot video.  The locals will probably scoff at this old man.  I saw a open park in Austin the other day that is the kind of place that we would die for younger days.
I'll make sure it happens, but I'll be wrapping my knee up with ace bandages.  I got a funky knee from age 15 that does not like the edge of my board.  May wrap the ankles too!  Don't have any good high tops anymore.  Always skated fearless with nice new shoes.   This season I promise... :P  The bigger challenge for me will be getting video on THP.  Maybe there's a tutorial somewhere.
Stevia blooms.  Will chop back and overwinter.  Might be some seed here.

Naranjilla;  I got a couple plants that I will also overwinter which I failed to do last time I grew these. I did not get any fruit last time but much larger plants.  Looking forward to tasting and drying seeds.

Found  a volunteer Avacado start in my compost pile, transplanted it and thought it died.  Found this last week.  Another plant that eventually will be to big for me to handle at this house.

Best Thursday ever for everyone!
You must have a really green thumb to have volunteer Avocado's. I have yet to get one to germ.
Oh, and there's tutorial for everything you want or need to do on the net.
Thanks for the seeds mike!
Most excellent choices, I didn't have any of these and really look forward to adding them to my grow next season!

Thanks again!
Here's a pic of a pepper weevil which is a bad bug.  I found a cool Florida link for it but THP would not allow further education outside its boundarys!

I finished a ferment last weekend.  Smoked Jalapeno's and Cayenne's, onion carrots garlic and sun dried tomatos in the ferment 51 days.  Added one can of tomato paste and a couple tablspoons of honey at cookdown.  I'm very happy with this family friendly sauce.  Great on enchilada's!

I hurt my back at work last week just before I was to go on vacation to family reunion.  In my recouperation time I tried to be constructive by removing or reducing the quantity of peppers in the fridge.  First was a half gallon ferment with Peach habs, White bhuts, Peach bhuts, and some Yellow bhuts I think.  onion, garlic, tomato, and carrots. Chunky which differs than what I normally do.

Another one gallon monster "clean out the fridge" ferment.  Black Congo, 7 Pot Chiguanous, Yellow Bhut Jolokia, and Orange chinense variety along with sweet potato, squash, carrots, tomato, onion, garlic

My kids vacationing in Arkansas and Missouri;

My Tepin jar is not filling as I planned.  I will still make the goal of 270-360 grams this season, just not when I planned.  Had to refridgerate the pods to maintain some freshness so no jar fill pics.
Well I go back to work tommorrow.  Big fun!  Might have some garden pics next week
Thanks Gary! 
     I miss having the chance to experience the drive through Arkansas with them and reliving my own childhood memories of Silver Dollar City.  They had a great time and I believe I would have been just a little too whinning about my back to enjoy it and be enjoyable myself.  They are home now and I am happy about that.
Love the kids shot! Glad to see they get along so well.
Sorry about the back, hopefully it will mend real soon. I've read you know how to take care of it....always speeds recovery.
The ferments look awesome, I really want to do some this fall after the harvest comes in.
Have a great week!
Your probably right Gary.  I really wanted to go to that show cause I'm getting farther away from those good old days.  Hopefully something else will come along!
I finally harvested a couple Naranjilla fruits.  Had read that it was a sweet and sour taste.  Mostly tart I think.  I put some in a small ferment with Cumari do Para and Quintisho pods.

The other half gallon ferment is Peach habs, Parsnips, Asparagus, onion, garlic.
Now I have a volunteer Mango sprout.  I guess I'll drag it around and be it's slave for several years.

Pinapple Sage critter

Kashmiri bloom

See you good folks tomorrow now!
Nice pics Mike!
Are your plants kicking in now that the weather has been cooler?
This time of year is my favorite, the close to 4 months of hot weather has passed. And being outside is much more enjoyable. AND we have 7 to 8 months before the heat kicks in again :party:
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Scott!  We are actually sort of celebrating today.  Family's going out in Austin tonight. 
I've got a few grow pics I might post tommorrow.  I'm thinking of going ahead and making the Tepin ferment tommorrow as well out of fear of the extended time of the older pods in the crisper.  I should have frozen the early 100 grams of pods.  Will be at 200 grams this weekend.  More than enough to make a quart ferment with other ingredients.  I think I will be using birthday money to buy more woozie's!  I have a couple ferments ready to finish and no place to put them.
Later THP
Wow a whole foot in one day! I emptied the gage early yesterday morning and it was at 2 inches. I did not look at it the rest of the day nor rainfall totals. I know Austin got a lot. We're fine just muddy!

Thanks Scott!