• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2014

Here we go again.  Seems like it was only yesterday.  I've recieved a lot of pods and seeds from great folks here.  THP and those folks are awesome!   I'll be growing most all of them as well as an order I just placed yesterday with Semillas.
I will seriously have to alter my logistics and layout to grow everything and keep it as asthetic but affordable as possible.  Big problems;  I need to trim my front yard trees to get more morning and mid day sun in the back.  I really need to haul in new soil.  Hello wheelbarrow and backpain.  My city is currently in a stage 2 drought restrictions (once a week watering).  I usually water with drip irrigation everyother day until summer forces me to each day.  Barrel collection (which I've been tinkering with for a while) will have to happen.
Here is my list in no particular order.  Seeds and or Fresh pods from; Pepperlover/ Judy, GAGrowhead/Jason, Windchicken/Gary, Sawyer/John, Spicegeist/Charles  Meatfreak/ Stefan, PIC 1/ Greg  Thanks to all!                  
                                                                                               Transplanted to 3x3's;
Butch T Scorpion /Me
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise/Jason
Peach Bhut Jolokia/Judy
Sepia Serpent/Jason
Bhut Orange Copenhagen/Jason
Peach Habanero/Judy
7 Pot Not Red (Yellow) Barrackpore/Me
White Devil's Tongue/Jason
NagaBrain F3/Gary
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion/Jason
Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion/Jason
Congo Black/Judy
White Bhut Jolokia/Judy
Bonda ma Jaques X Yellow 7 Pot/Gary-Charles
Brain Strain/Judy
Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnet/Judy
Bubble Gum 7 Pot #1/Jason
Yellow Moruga Scorpion/Judy
Yellow Bhut Jolokia/Judy
7 Pot Chiguanas/Judy
Texas Pequin F2/Gary-Brian
7 Pot Jonah/Judy
Brown Moruga Scorpion/Judy
Elysium Oxide Bonnet F4/ Me
Tepin X 7 Pot/Charles
MOA Scotch Bonnet/John
7 Pot Burgundy/John
7 Pot Barrackpore/Me
Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet/Judy
Cumari do Para/Me
Giant Yellow Brainstrain/Judy
Carolina Reaper/John
Funky Reaper/John
7 Pot Brown/John
Donne Sali/Charles
TFM Scotch Bonnet/Jason
Tepin X Quintisho F1/ Me
Mini-Mini X Purple Flash F1/ Me
Trinidad Chocolate Bonnet/Jason
Trinidad Cherries/Jason
Giant White Hab/ Jason
Espelette Basque/ Me
Green Habanero
CGN 23255
Brown Bhutlah
Brown Rocoto
Sara's Green
El Oro de Ecuador
Jalapeno Jalastar
Habanero Naranja Picante
CAP 217 Rocoto
Jalapeno Goliath
Lota Bih
Jalapeno El Jefe
Yellow Bhut SG
Naga Suomi
Madballs 7 Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Yellow Infinity
St. Martins Red Hab
Miss. St. Butch T
Madballs 7 Chocolate
Och Rios Scotch Bonnet
Numex 6-4
Spanish Naga Morich
Big Bang Chocolate Naga
White Fatalii
Have a great day people!
Pinoy83 said:
wow amazing babies....and thats a tonnnnnn :dance: :dance: :dance:
Thanks Jericson! It is a little bit overdone.

meatfreak said:
Good stuff, Mike. Plants are looking good, love it that you shared the remainder with friends and co-workers :) I couldn't just give them away after taking care for them, unless I would be sure they wouldn't destroy the plant ;) Have a good weekend!
Thanks Stefan, It does feel good to share but I do feel a tug of concern inside when I let them go. I got some of your plants in the ground this weekend! I think the Jalapenos are great plants!

Devv said:
Looking good Mike!
Congrats on the kids doing so well in the competition! That had to be fun ;)
I'm in the same boat with too many plants, and am going to decide tomorrow where the last will go.
I sold some and then gave those that bought some feebee's. It's hard to part with them for sure!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Scott, it was fun! Hopefully I can pot up the remaining plants to #5 pots by mid April. Not sure though.

Spicegeist said:
Some interesting peppers here... tough choice...
Charles, it was tough cause they are all nice. I put some of your plants in other raised beds over the weekend. A Yellow Bhut, Tepin x 7 Pot, and Bonda x Yellow 7.

HolyP said:
Great looking plants, and excellent photography.
Looking forward to seeing more
Thank you very much HolyP and welcome to the forum!

Have a great week!


Here are the Jalapenos, front right is Jalastar from Tasty-Peppers (Stefan), two in the front middle are Goliath, and El Jefe on the front left. Back row are Nu Mex 6-4 and Lumbre from Sandia seeds.

Assorted crosses in this bed. NagaBrain F3 front left from Gary/ Jamie, Pimenta Lisa F2 front middle from Stefan, Back middle is Bonda Ma Jaques x Yellow 7 Pot from Gary/Charles, Tepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore from Charles is also in here.

Overall Progress

Pimenta Lisa F2 from Stefan at Tasty- Peppers

Some Garden Berry Litche Tomatos, My daughters Dill, Edrine Eggplant, Snow White carrots, and Red Creole Onions that all need to find a final dirt home soon.

Papaya cats, ever present garden buddies!

Good day!

Hey Mike!
Nice looking work! Your raised beds look great! Wish my garden had that nice rich soil, maybe in a few seasons.
Can't wait to see how things turn out.
The weather has been perfect except for a little too much wind, but the cold is gone!
Keep it green!
Devv said:
Hey Mike!
Nice looking work! Your raised beds look great! Wish my garden had that nice rich soil, maybe in a few seasons.
Can't wait to see how things turn out.
The weather has been perfect except for a little too much wind, but the cold is gone!
Keep it green!
Thanks Scott!  Some chance of rain next few days and a little cooler after that.  Sounds good to me.  I have no doubt about your soil with your drive and know how behind it!  I worry that my older beds are somewhat depleted.  I bought some prilled azomite for replacement.  After putting several plants into them though I was impressed with the microbial activity present under last years mulch.  Typically I would turn these old beds prior to planting but I've been reading that would damage the network of organisms in place.  The new plants have a head start in these old beds compared to the new bed which is just starting its building cycle.
Portuge said:
Coming along nicely, I'm seeing more and more cats love being around peppers...
Thanks Portage, will try to get a cat garden pic in every update!
Spicegeist said:
Beds are looking good.  Looks like your cats approve as well.
Thanks Charles, here is your Yellow Bhut in a bed.

Volunteer Sonoran Chiltepin overwinter.  I think our coldest night was around 18° F, but not very long.

Another volunteer Tepin, this one probably 5 years old now.

Great day folks!
Really nice to see the "old gals" kickin' it!
I only gave my garden a really light till after the cover crops, just enough to rip them up, but not till them under. Unfortunately I don't yet have the consistency I want yet, so after the season I'll deep till in the goodies plant the covers and go from there. And the OW's above were out all winter?
OCD Chilehead said:
Good news with the Tepins. 5 years old. Wow. Off to a good start.
Thanks!  I wish I had some land so I could get a fence line of Tepins going before I get to old just to see if I can get some 12 to 15 year old giants as I've heard of.
Portuge said:
Its always good to see plants that are older than first years come back to life... I have 3 plants that are going onto their 3rd season this summer...
I only overwintered two indoors from last season.  I've come to expect several volunteers each season.  The Tepins (Wild collected Texas) always come back.  Sometimes, depending on the proximity to the house or a fence, I get non typical repeats.
Devv said:
Really nice to see the "old gals" kickin' it!
I only gave my garden a really light till after the cover crops, just enough to rip them up, but not till them under. Unfortunately I don't yet have the consistency I want yet, so after the season I'll deep till in the goodies plant the covers and go from there. And the OW's above were out all winter?
Thanks Scott! Yes they were indeed.  I had nine Tepins, 7 two year olds and a pair of four years.  If I was patient they may have all came in but I have been desparate for the dirt to reclaim/ recycle.  I'll keep one old and one young.  The other large 4 year I may try to create a bonchi from it after I snag the dirt and give it a haircut and a more decorative new home.  Never tried the bonchi thing before but love the others I've seen here.
Green is the word!  Spread it all around.
GA Growhead said:
Love the tepins!
I overwintered around twenty plants and hope to see some green soon. Afraid many that are no longer green may not come back. Hoping the warmer weather wakes them up and I see green!
Have some faith in them Jason!  They are tough for sure.  Mine were completely light wood color and pulled through.  They are the number one goal of mine, (cross making wise), for this toughness in both winter and summer.  Just need larger pods.
wahlee76 said:
Those beds are cool. Might try something like that in my garden.
Love the cats too :P
Thanks Wahlee!  I recommend them highly!
My latest overdue update;
Clockwise from lower left.  Funky Reaper from John/ Sawyer, Top Elysium Oxide Bonnet, lower right Pimenta Lisa F2 from Stefan/ Meatfreak.

Unknown BrainStrain cross from Greg/ Pic 1

Upper left Naga Suomi from Charles/ Spicegeist and lower right Naga Brain F3 from Gary/ Windchicken

White Devil's Tongue from Jason/ GA Growhead

Congo Black waiting transplant

Store garlic in the distant back, Elephant in the front, Fava beans on the right.  Hope to make some kind of ferment and eventual paste with these and Jalapenos.

More to come!
Looking good Mike!
I tried the elephant garlic for a few seasons and never had any luck with it, regular garlic grows just fine here. Anything I could be missing?
The Elephant as you can see is not doing nearly as well as the other.  It's my first time so I am clueless.  Maybe we can figure it out eventually.
Devv said:
Looking good Mike!
I tried the elephant garlic for a few seasons and never had any luck with it, regular garlic grows just fine here. Anything I could be missing?
Gardenberry Litchi tomato (Baker Creek) and a Texas Pequin from Gary

My Tepin x Quintisho cross attempt.  Next is the bloom, and resulting first pod.  Still to early to tell much.

Fava beans

Lazy day cat

Will try the rubber snakes when I find some for the squirrels.  Saw some repellant today but did not buy it.  The squirrels are fairly bold.  I saw one square off with my daughters cat on a fence top and contemplated moving forward with battle before turning.
On my way to buy a new washing machine!
Later, Mike
I grew it when I lived in Magnolia in the early 80's, a guy I worked with gave me a garlic head and it did really well. I normally plant at the fall equinox, maybe the Elephant wants to be planted in the spring?
Congrats on the first pod from your cross, I hope it turns out as planned.
Love the cat pic, we would have cats, but Rat Terriers, they won't allow that. I'm surprised the cats don't run the Squirrels off, maybe if they get a little hungry ;)  Just kidding.
Hmmm new washing machine, the last 3 or 4 years, new washer and drier, fridge, freezer, complete AC system, water softener, iron filter, water well. Ain't home ownership grand? Funny thing about the washer, the drier quit, I fixed it once but the motor died and it was old if you can call 7 years old. Came home and LB did 2 loads and the washer threw up all over the place, another ride back into town, and that was it for Maytag appliances in this household.
Happy shopping!
Mike hats off to you, the garden is vigorous. I'd be only happy to have mine like that by June...
My Oxide Bonnets are growing nicely. I intend to plant them in different parts of the garden rather than together. Hoping to isolating a branch from the best of 4 plants. Curious to see the color change, also. One plant will be in ground with a garden soil mix while the other 3 will be container grown in a peat base mix of sorts.
Wow, I love your bed peppers, they are very well built.  :clap:
I would like to do the same one day, because the peppers are really at ease (a pot, even large, it is still too limited).   
I've old Tepins (4 years old) et I love these plants,  they are easy to overwinter and go faithfully every year.
 I wish you much success with them, and with the years, see them become trees.
I have  two cats too,  they make me a service in the garden : they are good hunters of rats and moles.