• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cartz's 2013-14 Glog - Video update - Waaay overdue

Hey all, I find myself with a couple of free hours and thought I would finally contribute something to the forums that I've been lurking around for the last 12 months.
My motivation for posting a grow log this season is simple - I need to restore some pride. To be blunt, last summer was my first time growing and I sucked pretty hard. I did somehow manage to pull a few pods amidst the carnage of being double teamed by my own stupidity and mother nature, but I'm determined to be more successful this season.
Given that I am still very much a rookie, please don't hesitate to offer any advice or criticism you have if you see me doing anything dumb on here.   
Living in Brisbane (AUS), I wanted to get things off to an early start this season. I purchased my seed stock from a couple of local vendors (JungleRain and the delightfully half-mad folk at The Hippy Seed Company) in early June, together with a couple of small heated propagators. I decided on a 100% jiffy pellet based propagation this year, simply because sitting on my couch with a steaming kettle and a bowl seemed like a cosier option than sitting on the floor up to my wrists in dirt filling up seed cells. 
On 28 June 2013 I planted the following seeds (4 per jiffy):
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Mucho Nacho Jalapeno
Bulgarian Carrot
Aji Lemon
Hot Fish
Super Chilli
Orange Manzano
Scarlet Lantern
Choc Habanero
White Devils Tongue
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Bih Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia x Mayan Red
THSC Naga 7
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
THSC Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate 
7-Pod Primo x Choc Habanero f3
7-Pod Jonah
7-Pod Brainstrain
The jiffys were kept in a heated propagator with all the air vents closed in the dank spare bedroom. I resisted my usual OCD urge to look at them every 5 minutes and only checked on them twice a day to try and keep the temp constant. The $2 thermometer told me it stayed between 28-30 degrees in there. 

Turns out the heated propagator was a good investment as I didn't have to wait nearly as long for some hooks as I did last season (when they just lived in a container under the sink). The next shot was taken 7 days after planting:

It was 10 days after planting, and 4 days after the first hooks came through that I learnt my next lesson - I probably should have taken those jiffys that had sprouted straight out into some light. But I didn't, and they got reeeeaaaally leggy, real fast haha:

10 days after sowing the seeds, and 4 days after the first hooks popped through, I decided to sow some more. There were a few different species I still hadn't planted, plus I was worried about the longevity of a few of the really leggy, pale seedlings. So on 8 July 2013 I planted the following (again 4 seeds per jiffy):
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Mucho Nacho Jalapeno
Aji Lemon
Orange Cobra
De arbol Blood
Naga Morich x Tabasco
Bhut Jolokia
Pimenta de Neyde
7-Pod Jonah x Trinidad Yellow Scotch Bonnet (called a 'Nebru' by THSC)
I had pretty good germination rates for most of this second batch, with most species popping up between 7 and 10 days. However, by 23 July 2013 I decided what the heck and gave a few more of the slower varieties seeds a 24 hour chamomile tea soak before burying them. Interestingly, the only varieties that the soak reduced the germination time of by more then a day were the Moruga (from 9 to 6 days) and the Jonah (from 13 to 7 days). Don't know how typical this is?

Here's a shot of the seedlings warming up in a sunny window taken about 30 July 2013. They are mostly looking pretty good and their will to live seems to have overcome my early negligence in letting them get so leggy. There's already some nice variegation in the first true leaves on the Hot Fish, although I'm sure that's more to do with the quality of JungleRain's seed stock than anything I've done:

It was about the time of this pic that I had to start thinking about giving them some more room to grow. It's still mid-winter so there's no way they were going outside and I didn't have anywhere I could keep their feet warm yet. I started researching grow lights on the forums and was just totally overwhelmed by the amount of tech-jargon and seemingly contradictory information on there. I kinda gave up and just decided that any light would be better then none so I went to the local electrical wholesaler and picked up a couple of 38w fluoro's for only $20 a pop. I thought they were a steal compared to some of the prices I had seen. 1 trip to Bunnings and 2 hours of internet electrical wiring research later I had a very simple, rustic, but (hopefully) workable solution. They sit in the window of my north facing balcony so they get plenty of natural light already, and will hopefully appreciate just a little heat boost from the fluoro's until September when I'll move them outside.


All things considered, my seedlings all seem fairly happy and I THINK I'm off to an ok start for my second season. I should note that I still have 0% germination on the following varieties, which is bit of a downer:
Bhut Jolokia x Mayan Red
Bih Jolokia
Bulgarian Carrot
Any recommendations on how long I should keep them in the propagator until I give up on them?
Well that's about it, apologies for this first Glog entry being retrospective, but I'll be keeping it current now that I've got it up and running.
Thanks for checking out my Glog and please feel free to comment/criticise/enquire... :dance:
Nathan, plants look really good great!
I had terrible mite issues in the spring, I use wettable sulfur twice a week. Got them the heck outa there!
It also works on Aphids too. Oils work great as well, but in full sun the leaves will most likely burn, so it's a good alternative for potted plants.
Have a great week!
Jamison said:
Yea def, AUS is a place on my list to visit before I croak, haha! Your balcony is gonna be so lush your gonna have a hard time walking through it. I just can't get over that Hot Fish plant. It's just insane to me. Did you get seeds from JungleRain? Good luck finishing up them broad mites. Infestations suck!
Yep, the balcony is already getting rugged. The clothes line (rigged above the plants) is now all but out of commission, and I've walked through bad cobwebs twice in the last week. The 2nd time I actually brought the spider inside and had it chilling on top of my head for a good hour or so before I noticed. I need to stop going out there until I've fully woken up in the mornings! That Hot Fish really is a beauty...

The seeds were from JungleRain, but in the interest of full disclosure I should note that I've got 4 Hot Fish going from his seed and while they are all beautifully variegated, this one is the only one with that big white patch.
Thanks for stopping by Jamison, I'm sending some :hot: Aussie Spring your way to keep the frost away from your supers for another couple of weeks!
Devv said:
Nathan, plants look really good great!
I had terrible mite issues in the spring, I use wettable sulfur twice a week. Got them the heck outa there!
It also works on Aphids too. Oils work great as well, but in full sun the leaves will most likely burn, so it's a good alternative for potted plants.
Have a great week!
Thanks Scott! Compliments will always be welcomed around here haha. It's tough keeping them looking good when I'm having to pinch off so much new mite-stunted growth. Thinking I might have to give the sulphur a real crack as my current treatment is only having limited success at the moment. The only WS product I've seen so far said to water it into the soil. To me that doesn't sound like it'd do much against those mite bastiges - were you spraying directly onto the foliage instead?? Appreciate the advice :)
After reading on here a bit and seeing some of the other growers' experiences, I have bought a few more plants.  It is getting too late to go from seeds, and Master's had several hot chilli plants on sale this week.  I bought a fatalii, Trinidad-7 pod and aji lemon yesterday.  Also bought another peter pepper, as the one that we had going died.  I think it was over-fertilized, although it got the same dose as all the others.  The next morning all the leaves were limp and it never came back, though. 
Yes, you can grow year round up here.  A friend has a Thai chilli plant, peter pepper plants, and several ornamentals that have been going strong for about three years.  He said the yield is starting to drop off now, but up until now they have been very strong producers.  I moved here from North Dakota in the states where your growing season is 5 months max, so this is like heaven to me!
ivplay said:
After reading on here a bit and seeing some of the other growers' experiences, I have bought a few more plants.  It is getting too late to go from seeds, and Master's had several hot chilli plants on sale this week.  I bought a fatalii, Trinidad-7 pod and aji lemon yesterday.  Also bought another peter pepper, as the one that we had going died.  I think it was over-fertilized, although it got the same dose as all the others.  The next morning all the leaves were limp and it never came back, though. 
Yes, you can grow year round up here.  A friend has a Thai chilli plant, peter pepper plants, and several ornamentals that have been going strong for about three years.  He said the yield is starting to drop off now, but up until now they have been very strong producers.  I moved here from North Dakota in the states where your growing season is 5 months max, so this is like heaven to me!
How much did you buy the seedlings from Masters? I went around to buy some more plants and they jacked up the price from $3.50 to $5 per plant now. I tell you what, I'm far from impressed. Their seedlings aren't looking as good as they did earlier on and they're charging more? Doesn't make sense at all.
With that said, couple days ago I started to germinate another 6 seeds lol. They're more of a test but hey, its never too late!
Free bump for Cartz!
Yes I spray directly on the foliage. I used Bonide sulfur and followed the directions. Spraying early in the day.
Good luck!
Enjoyed a sloppy Saturday night in last night.
Margaritas and whiting burgers....happy days! :drooling:



It's simple fare, but the quality of the fresh caught whiting made it a winner. The fish was dusted in heavily seasoned flour and then fried in a splash of oil in a super hot pan for a minute or 2. The potato was cooked with my kitchen sink powder from last season (cayenne, thai birdseye, caysan, orange habs), definitely not firey by THP standards but the flavour worked well and gave the dish something. The burgers were finished off by crisping up the tiger buns in the leftover fishy oil, with everything then drowned in some homemade chunky tartare. I might have been pretty boozed but I thought it was awesome!
I better finish off this quick post with some plant action, so here are a couple of shots of my white devil's tongue. I'm so happy with this plant - it has proven to be the most pest resistant and is putting out a set of early pods that look bang on. Can't wait to see the colour change to white when they ripen... 


Happy weekend everyone!
those whiting fillets look unreal! Love your work mate! I've never really had fish burgers, but I will give it a crack!
Nice looking white devils tongue. What are the supposed to taste like?
Thanks mate! The burgers were damn tasty, but their main purpose is just to get more mileage out of the fillets. 3 of us smashed through 40 fillets last night, but if I didn't include the carbs it probably would have been 80 haha...it's too hard to stop eating them! You should have a crack at a flathead hotdog!! ;)  
I haven't tried a devil's tongue before, but I'm expecting something habish, maybe a touch sweeter. I'll definitely try a fresh pod as they are supposed to be just above habs heat-wise - so it'll be a good tolerance builder for me. My plan for the bulk of the pods will be to dehydrate them low and slow before converting them into a nice white powder.
Yummy! Fish looks perfectly cooked! Just wait til you have some Hot Fish Peppers to go with em. Plants are looking real good. I'm guessing you got rid of the infestation? Thanks for sending the warm weather this way!!! I think today is gonna be the last day it's gonna stay above freezing at night. I threw a big piece of 6mil plastic over the garden hoping it will help. We'll see. Have a good week Nathan!
Maybe I will have to have a crack for some flathead when the weather improves. If I do, I will be sure to post it ;)
White powder would look amazing, hopefully they turn out very white for you. Something around hab heat is probably perfect. A couple of times after eating whole supers, I think to myself: wtf am I doing? haha.
Sarge said:
How much did you buy the seedlings from Masters? I went around to buy some more plants and they jacked up the price from $3.50 to $5 per plant now. I tell you what, I'm far from impressed. Their seedlings aren't looking as good as they did earlier on and they're charging more? Doesn't make sense at all.
With that said, couple days ago I started to germinate another 6 seeds lol. They're more of a test but hey, its never too late!
Free bump for Cartz!
Sorry, I missed this one some how.  The seedlings from Master's were $3/plant.  They were $5 the week before, so not that bad.  I also planted some more red savina seeds this week, even though it is getting later in the season.  I have friends that I didn't know liked HOT asking me if I have any additional plants, so I figured what the heck?  If they don't make it in the ground, at least we gave it a shot. 
On a separate note, my tomato plants are dying a quick death again.  I am not sure what keeps taking them down, but the bottom leaves turn yellow, and then the shrivel up.  The lower branches fall off, and soon all I have are spindly trunks and sunburnt fruit.  This is the second round that it has happened to.  I figured it was a fungus of some sort so I mulched with cane mulch and made sure to water at ground level with no splashing.  I also religiously sprayed with copper oxychloride.  Unfortunately, these plants are succumbing quicker than the others.  I hope that it isn't mites of some sort, and that they stay away from my peppers.  So far so good, but getting a bit worried.
Any more chilli pics, Cartz?  How is the grow going?
Sorry to hear about your 'maters Jason. I know from reading other glogs on here they can be even more fickle than chillies!
My plants have done it tough the last few weeks, but it sounds like all of the growers from my part of the state have been hit hard by mites this Spring. I guess I can take some consolation from the fact that it's not just something I am doing wrong. 
I went on a rampage and pruned off all suspect looking foliage about a week ago, which was probably about 1/3 of the total leaves. I also had to cut back the main stem on 1 or 2 where it was dying off. My poor chocolate scorpion is now a quarter of the height it was last week. Oh well, better stumpy than dead!
The plants have bounced back wonderfully this week though. For the first time since they went outside they are all putting on loads on healthy new growth, with no sign of mites. Everything is much happier and I've got quite a few pods starting to set.
I'll be sure to get out there with the camera in the next 48 hours and do a decent pod photo update :)
Hey all,
So I'm keeping the recent positive vibes going with this update and showing off my first decent POD UPDATE!!
But a couple of disclaimers before I get into the pics. Firstly, my regular camera phone (Samsung S4) crapped out on me this week and is off being repaired, so I had to take these pics with my crusty old iPhone, and for the life of me I just couldn't get the focus right on a couple of shots. Secondly, I must apologise for the ridiculous amounts of soap residue on the plants. It's a relic of the vigorous anti-mite campaign I recently embarked on (and proudly won...the first battle at least). I should have given the plants a really good misting to clean them off a bit but I just ran out of time.
Alrighty, so first up is the:
Naga Morich x Tabasco

I was a bit surprised by the first couple of pods which are clearly more naga-ish than tabasco. The photos I had seen of other pods from this cross from the same source (JungleRain) look much more like fatter tabascos. With that in mind I'm expecting a bit of variation in this one. Either way I absolutely can't wait to give this one a taste.
Next up is my white Devil's Tongue. There must be 20 nice looking pods on this plant, with about another 100 flowers on the way.

Next is the Goatsweed. I thought these pods were supposed to be pointing upwards. Oh well, I'm not complaining as it's another new variety for me that I'm looking forward to tasting.

The Primo x Choc Hab has just started setting a few pods after consistently dropping flowers for the last month. Again, a new variety for me but I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to tasting this one.... :fireball:
My Bahamian Goat Pepper. I think this variety is going to be in my garden for a long LONG time. It is such a solid plant, which pushed right through the mite issues and is now just pumping out clusters of great looking pods. If they are as good eating as I've heard then I think I'll always have a spot in my garden for this one.


Some Biker Billy Jals that really need a wash haha. This poor plant hasn't grown an inch and clearly put all its energy into these pods. I'm sure it'll take off once I liberate it from these tasty taco fillers. 

The Chocolate Hab has just started setting pods. I'm really pleased that these look like they'll be the longer pod type, and not the stocky orange-hab shaped ones. There's at least 6 little guys in this pic if you look hard enough. There's only about a dozen on the plant right now but it is one of my healthiest, with great branch infrastructure, so I'm tipping it will go nuts soon.
Err refer to aforementioned focus issues. Sorry for sending anyone cross-eyed. This is supposed to be a couple of Hot Fish pods. They look cool, and I can't wait to taste, but let's just move on to avoid further embarrassment haha... 

Last of all is one of my Aji Lemons. I thought the bizarre ripening habit of these 2 pods was worth a photo. They clearly hate each other and are content living out their destiny of ripening in polar opposite ways.

So that's it for now. As you can see things are looking good for the moment.
However life will be getting in the way of my hobby for the rest of November, as I'm off to visit North America for my honeymoon. We are flying out in less than 12 hours, so my garden is going to be completely at the mercy of my sister for the next few weeks. She only agreed to come over to water it after being bribed with whiting fillets, so my confidence isn't exactly high haha. Anyways nothing will be achieved by worrying about it.
Thanks for dropping in to check out my progress, and please feel free to leave a comment. I'll hopefully have plenty more poddage to show you when I get back home.
Awesome update Cartz! Them Bahamian Goats are a thing of beauty my friend! Where in the US are you going? Congrats on the marriage! Here is a pic of my Goat's Weed from this year if you are interested.

Awesome dude. Really intrigued by the biker billy . Might have to get some seeds from you. I love my salsas. Hopefully your sis does a good job for you looking after the plants. If I lived close by id maintain them for you.

Enjoy your trip mate!
Really enjoyed reading through your glog.  Continued success to you and your plants.  I have a question about your staking technique.  I have never seen peppers staked in such a way or so low.  Not critiquing it, just don't know it.  I have been caging mine every year and was thinking if staking would be a better way to go.
It's nice to see others growing the Fish Peppers. I use them while they're still green mortared up with Ginger, Garlic, Green Mango, Vinegar and Salt...that would make a nice
condiment with fried or pickled Whiting...

Enjoy your honeymoon, 31 yrs here...and still taking about the great times then and now.