• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cayennemist's Glog 2012... THE PODS ARE COMING!

Hey guys,
I just started growing chilies, and I love it!I been growing veggies for a few years, but I wanted to up the ante.
So I picked up a Hab at the Local Armstrong Nursery a few weeks ago (Mid April 2012).When I got home,
I decided to look in to it further and find out what else is :hot:

Here is my *Out Dated List, will be Updated soon*

Brain Strain -never germinated
Brown Devil's Tongue
Dorset Naga
Bombay Morich
B.B. Dauglah
Choc Hab
Choc x Red Hab
Orange Hab -seeds from store bought pod 20+ seedlings for experimentation.
White 7 pod - dead
Butch T
T. Scorp Red
Choc. Bhut x Yellow 7
Yellow Bhut -never germinated
Red Bhut -never germinated

Less Hots:
Numex H. 6-4 -Growing loads and giving away to family
Goat -never germinated, but I got more seeds
Billy Goat - 100% Germination, Dr. Cres has good seeds
Jalapeno -8+ plants for experimentation purposes.
Chile Verde
NuMex #6
Shisito -never germed
H. Yellow Wax
Mexican Banana
Wiri Wiri
Black Pearl
Black Prince
Explosice Ember
LG Cherry
Red Bell
Green Bell
Rainbow Bell
Cal Wonder Bell
"sweet peppers" -HomeDepot

After a few YouTube vids I discovered Bhuts, then dug deeper and found a plethora of varieties I had never herd of. About mid April 2012, I Joined THP to get some info, when I was BOMBARDED with Hospitality. I was given seeds and even a few seedlings.

Thanks to:

Dr. Cres

I now have somewhere around 20-30 Strains in all stages.

I have a nice little home made 100$ greenhouse that is already the home of a bunch of Veggies. Why not some Peppers?

Well enough ranting, here's SOME of what I got crackn'

Purple Bhut

The Bonsai Black Pearl... Bom Bom Bommmmm!

The Choc. Bhut x Yellow 7 pot

The Fatalii

The Cayenne! Pruned the Praxxus55712 way http://www.youtube.c...er/Praxxus55712


If you see anything wrong please let me know. As you can tell I dont have a lot to show off. This Glog is more so I can get help and learn
Good luck with your pepper braids. Was a hot one today. Came home to some really Pissed off plants over here. Think its time to set the drip system to daily instead of every other day.

I had a few extra of those germ, these 2 were in the same solo cup and I couldn't just pull one out and toss it and it would be too hard to try and save one soo Fk it
Siamese Black Prince will make for a interesting Bonsai or something.

nice plants your peppers is on crack with the tea :dance:

Yeah now I just need to try some of that Peruvian that you use... (guano of coarse ;) )
Things seem to be growing at a fester rate
For the sake of curiosity I dosed them again this week with a hit of tea, and it seems to be paying off.​
It has been over 6 weeks since any neem or any other pesticides have been used, and 3 month since I even looked at synthetic fertilizers.​
This is all Organic baby!​

Well lets get started with a peek of the greenhouse.​
The tree looking thing is a Beefy Cherry Tomato. Bottom left are the Teens, mostly Chinese. Middle right, in the big pot is that one Hab I started with in the very beginning. Next to the hab are my NuMex guys I got from USMC. Up in the gutter are some Jala's and a few savory types. Sorry this photo is blurry, I took it at night.​

OK, now for the big boys.​
The milk jug is for size comparison.

Choc Bhut X Yellow 7​

B. Pearl Cross​

Purple Bhut​
Growing leggs​

Nice little bush.​

HomeDepot aphid bomb recovery​


Green Bell​

Red Bell​
These bells were both aphid bombs from HDeopt​


oop that's 10 photos already​
How the hell did I not know you had a GLOG? and I thought we told each other everything, haha.

Great stuff bud. You definitely are going to have a rewarding and fiery season!

It's funny to see your pictures and the dosing of the tea - seeing very similar results here. Tea is the literal "crack and roid" mixture with all the benefits of not spraying "cides".

I wish I would have photo documented all of my plants before tea like you did...I swear my bhut pods grow a 1/4 inch a day.

Loving the GLOG,

Keep it up,

More Starts?!?!?

Well... They are the peppers I wanted most, what do you expect? I don't pay to live in this climate for nothin.​

I told my buddy Spongey, that my Brain Strain seeds didn't Germ, and that I wanted Yellow Brain Strains the most.​

Its nice when people have your back... Thanks Eric!​
These seeds came from Cappy, so I am very excited!​
^^^^Yellow Red^^^^

I am hoping that by surrounding them with tomatoes they will want to grow faster.​
Yes that is a Chicken Tray, what? They have clear, dome like, lids so why not?​

The rest of my late starts​

This is my ??? plants​
I had it labeled jalapeno, and as you can see, it is not.​
It could be either of the 3:Red Bhut, Yellow Bhut, or Goat.​
Looks a lot like a Bhut to me what do you guys think?​

Well here are some of my first pods.


Red Bell​
"Yes that is a Chicken Tray, what? They have clear, dome like, lids so why not?" - I go through one of these every day I work...don't think I'll be getting rid of the rest.

As for your mystery plant...I'm going bhut...even maybe fatali (the only year I was able to germ one the bush looked very similar)...
July Updates

Went from a wimpy little compost tote to a nice recycled pallet pile.​

The Choc. Bhut cross seems to be stretching​

The HD Jalapeno is just spitting out pods left and right.​

Here is a new little table setup​
Bells, Cayenne, Serrano, Black Cayenne... Yes I said black Cayenne More on that in a few days ;)

This is a sample for next week see you then :dance:
The Pods Are Coming!

Choc. Bhut x Yellow 7​


Black pearl that I think is crossed with Cayenne so I am calling it​
"Black Cayenne" Bom bom bom...​

Buds or blossoms are on:

HomeDopot Sweet​
Black Pearl v2.0​
Purple Bhut​
Bombay Morich​
Explosive Ember​

So this glog should get a little interesting in the next few weeks​
Just made it through your glog - enjoyed it! I like the radishes in the pots with the peppers. I'm trying different sorts of companion planting little by little to see what happens. Also am curious what comes of your braided pepper. Cool stuff!
Great looking glog Andrew. Like me I got interested in the bhut pepper. Looked at YouTube and saw people's videos. Ran into a guy. Donlava. He was the one that shows me to THP. Same time around a college here had a pepper and mater festival and that's where I had gotten most of my peppers. After posting and reading. Ran into Melissa who then have me a chance to buy plants from her. And the rest is history. Shane was gracious enough to allow me to take some of his plants and give it new homes. His 7 yellow large is my best producing plant by far. Nice plants. Glad that explosive ember went to a good home. We may not get 10months of growing season. But as far as Mother natures elements aren't that much of a factor for us. Keep pure grow. And if u want. U should check our my glog. Eric (pinoyprides) aero inspired me to keep sowing. Lol.

Looks awesome! Glad to see you have some young ones this time of year. I just moved from San Diego to the "glorious" IE! Anyway, our seasons are similar, just a bit hotter in the summer. Gives me hope that my current attempt at germination might do something this year.

Just made it through your glog - enjoyed it! I like the radishes in the pots with the peppers. I'm trying different sorts of companion planting little by little to see what happens. Also am curious what comes of your braided pepper. Cool stuff!
I dont know if the radishes are beneficial or not but man I love snacking on them now and then. The braided Princes are doing well, I just repotted them and added a few twists.

Great looking glog Andrew. Like me I got interested in the bhut pepper. Looked at YouTube and saw people's videos. Ran into a guy. Donlava. He was the one that shows me to THP. Same time around a college here had a pepper and mater festival and that's where I had gotten most of my peppers. After posting and reading. Ran into Melissa who then have me a chance to buy plants from her. And the rest is history. Shane was gracious enough to allow me to take some of his plants and give it new homes. His 7 yellow large is my best producing plant by far. Nice plants. Glad that explosive ember went to a good home. We may not get 10months of growing season. But as far as Mother natures elements aren't that much of a factor for us. Keep pure grow. And if u want. U should check our my glog. Eric (pinoyprides) aero inspired me to keep sowing. Lol.


Yeah Shane hooked me up with something like 20 different types of seeds, I think they all germinated to. He is a nice guy and his glog is EPIC.

Looks awesome! Glad to see you have some young ones this time of year. I just moved from San Diego to the "glorious" IE! Anyway, our seasons are similar, just a bit hotter in the summer. Gives me hope that my current attempt at germination might do something this year.


Inland Empire?
Eric grows here in SD year round so I'm hoping that I can trim them back and toss them in the green house with no troubles.

Thanks guys

Red White and BLUE!!!

OK sooo....​
I had a problem, like most Americans these days, I am very strapped on cash.​
The teens have been growing at a decent rate, but I only had 10 or so 2 Gal. buckets and they are all full.​
I was getting worried that I was going to have a lot of root bound plants, and see little production.​

I have been looking at cloth pots lately because I hear lots of good thing about them, like root pruning effects and such.​
However, I don't see a need to spend the money that they want for them at my local hydro shop and I dont have the patience or money to order them off line.​
For the last week or so, I have been thinking of a way to make my own, or find a cost effective alternative.​

I had a nice little talk with PepperWoman about it and we came up with an idea. Reusable shopping bags from retail stores. The fabric is sturdy yet breathable, and made of inorganic material so they should withstand at least one season. After looking around at many stores like Vons, Target, Albertson's, and Rite-Aid, I Found them all to be about .99​
Then I remembered what Pepperwoman told me, Wal-Mart has them cheap, so I scooted over and checked them out. Sure enough, they were only .50 each!!! Lol I got 18 of those bad boys.​
I went from register to register getting them as each one only stocked 3 or so :P
here is a pic of what they look like.​

I was worried that they would be to small, but I reminded my self that this is the first season for all these plants and they don't need to be too big.​
Well, after potting a plant up in one I found them to be ~4.5 Gal.!!!!!!! Once they have soil in them, they show how big they really are.​

This is one next to a 3.5 Gal pot.​

They end up being almost a gallon more! A 3.5g pot at HDepot is like 7$ :rolleyes: and these are .50​

I left the tag on one and realized they would make a good ID system!​


I got to say, I am liking this decision :party:
Yup, idea stolen. Thanks C! I have about 10 plants that need potting up.

Your grow looks great. Everything sounds like its working extremely well! Keep up the good fight bro.