chili powder

What is the difference between chili powder and Mexican chili powder and would someone give the me an actual receipe for one or both of them. I realize it can be varied to taste but I would like to have a good starting point.

I applaude you making your own!

I was ready to tear your head off if this was a question about storebought.:lol:

I don't make "chilipowder" per say.

I make lots of powders from chilis, but I think you mean the dark red stuff that is paired with paprika in every noob chili recipe. (no offense meant)

I would use ancho powder, paprika and ground cloves. (just a little of the last)

All home grown if possible,.....well, maybe not the cloves;).

If you don't have homegrown, adjust your next year's grow list accordingly and just muddle through for now........:)
Most Chili Powders have Cumming and Oregano, Garlic powder and what ever Chili you would what manly one that dries dark red I my self use my Owen powder and that is what ever I grow that year usually 48 type from 5 to 10+ on the scale
Just try any that you would like
Dan is probably right about the oregano, but I know that I have seen cloves on the ingredient list.

if you will google homemade chili powder you will get a bunch of hits...that's what I did a couple of years ago...then I entered each component of the chili powder in an excel spreadsheet and looked at the commonalities...different peppers you use will make the chili taste different and have a different color...

my basic chili powder is Anaheim, Pasilla Bajio, and Cascabel....equal parts...then I add and assortment of hot pepper powder to get the burn I is all trial and thing for sure...I don't think there is such a thing as "bad" homemade chili powder used for making chile...garlic, onion powder, oregano, etc are also added but I add them separately when I cook...I just keep my powder pristine to the basics until I get ready to cook, then I can change the taste/heat at that time....

He......made a.....spreadsheet of chili powder........



Of course....he ....did......

*drool drips from one corner of mouth as brain omplodes....*

AlabamaJack said:
if you will google homemade chili powder you will get a bunch of hits...that's what I did a couple of years ago...then I entered each component of the chili powder in an excel spreadsheet and looked at the commonalities...different peppers you use will make the chili taste different and have a different color...

cheezydemon said:

He......made a.....spreadsheet of chili powder........



Of course....he ....did......

*drool drips from one corner of mouth as brain omplodes....*


Once an engineer, forever an engineer...;)
no problem Cheezy...I was just saying don't tell everyone ;)

I know I am, and as Armadillo says, once an engineer, always an engineer...I have just found the problem solving using my engineering skills are useful in chili gardening too...
Hey eremite here is a recipe out of The Whole Chili Pepper Book

I`ve used it and like it alot better than store bought
1 part dried cayenne or piquin or chili de arbol
1 part dried groud pasilla chile or other mild powder Ancho
5 parts dried ground red new mexican chilis
2 parts garlic
1 1/2 parts ground cumin
1 1/2 parts ground oregano

good luck and hope this will help.
PrairieChilihead said:
I use excel for just about everything. I'm an accountant. I'd do the same thing. :lol:

So maybe you can tell me why accountants and engineers get different information out of the same spread sheet?;)
Armadillo said:
So maybe you can tell me why accountants and engineers get different information out of the same spread sheet?;)

Now, now...some of my best friends are engineers (seriously!) and I've never heard this before. All I know is that I always get exactly what I want to get out of my spreadsheets. I talk to them even more than I talk to my plants. Different focus is all that comes to mind. Spreadsheets are all things to all people. :)
AJ's plan is...

GREAT (if you are an engineer) *snikers* :)

seriously that is how I would do it....start with a true base and add as a recipe or personal taste permits and you shouldn't have a problem...
Armadillo said:
So maybe you can tell me why accountants and engineers get different information out of the same spread sheet?;)

because accountants have different "taste" than engineers...roflmao...