food Chilli camel ...Aussie style

I have had a few chats with mr chillihunter recently...mainly about rifle laws, hunting and alike. I told him that my partner and I hunt our own meat and are self sufficient meat wise...(saves on the shopping bill) he encouraged me to post a pic of some camel next time I was cooking...So here it is. Nailed this camel east of kalgoorlie: 600kg's

Marinated camel steaks, slow fried in olive oil and butter, accompanied by a little balichan, sue lin, bishops crowns, purple cayene and and f1 hybrid im working on (paprika crossed with a anaheim)....this will be served with home made Scorpion chilli sweet chilli sauce and slow fried onions...On a diet so no rice!

Heres the marinade:

Now the frying camel steak:

Camel hmmmmmmmmmm it would taste a bit like goat wouldn't it
I'll try anything at least once, travelled through Asia quite a bit...eaten squirals, bats, snakes, dogs, beetles and even rats amongst other things
lostmind said:
Camel? For real? That's awesome! What's it taste like?

camel is alot like beef in cooks much the same also but better if done a little slower. Its got only a slight game taste that is a just slightly tangy. its a great meat that cuts well and freezes well.

But I tell you what you get alot off 1 animal!:onfire:
JungleRain said:
Camel hmmmmmmmmmm it would taste a bit like goat wouldn't it
I'll try anything at least once, travelled through Asia quite a bit...eaten squirals, bats, snakes, dogs, beetles and even rats amongst other things

Hey mate,

The meat is much different to goat...i liken goat to mutton more..goats actually my favourite meat...I larve it! Your selction of foods youve eaten intreagues to give your list a go...Ive had: Buffalo, emu, ostrich, rabbit, frog, tortoise, pigs intestines, crosodile, aligator, string ray, beef heart, lambs brains, camel goat.....and a whole lot to try deep fried locastes have you had them before?
Scorpion said:
Hey mate,

The meat is much different to goat...i liken goat to mutton more..goats actually my favourite meat...I larve it! Your selction of foods youve eaten intreagues to give your list a go...Ive had: Buffalo, emu, ostrich, rabbit, frog, tortoise, pigs intestines, crosodile, aligator, string ray, beef heart, lambs brains, camel goat.....and a whole lot to try deep fried locastes have you had them before?

All of the above except sting ray, aligator, camel and ...Yeh Dave tried the deep fried locust and a giant water beetle, both tasted sorta like shell fish, the beetle had a sort of perfume sort of taste as well, witchity grubs, scorpion, snake, fish eyes, etc etc hahaha
JungleRain said:
All of the above except sting ray, aligator, camel and ...Yeh Dave tried the deep fried locust and a giant water beetle, both tasted sorta like shell fish, the beetle had a sort of perfume sort of taste as well, witchity grubs, scorpion, snake, fish eyes, etc etc hahaha

What was the scorpion like? Ive always been interested....its funny you know, all by coincidence, I have a scorpion car, a scorpion pontoon boat (love deep water breath hold spearfishing)and well the chilli...must eat a scorpion.!!!! Only chance i Have is in the old scorpion tequila bottle!
Scorpion said:
What was the scorpion like? Ive always been interested....its funny you know, all by coincidence, I have a scorpion car, a scorpion pontoon boat (love deep water breath hold spearfishing)and well the chilli...must eat a scorpion.!!!! Only chance i Have is in the old scorpion tequila bottle!

It was sweet sort of like a yabbie, it was a big black bugger on a satay stick and had been bbq.
you don't have to be australian to eat camel. Not saying i have but i would defiantely try it. Thanks fr posting the oics
texas blues said:
Is there ANYTHING an Aussie won't eat? Nice pic of the money shot in the pan. Looks hot hot hot!

Cheers, TB.
Sorry but I have to....

Is there any sport in hunting a camel?;)

I saw a whole camel (sans legs and head) pressure cooked with rice on the travel channel. I almost

I would try it, but not pressure cooked. Is anything good pressure cooked?

It looked boiled. I think it was Anthony Bourdain in Saudi Arabia.
cheezydemon said:
Sorry but I have to....

Is there any sport in hunting a camel?;)

I saw a whole camel (sans legs and head) pressure cooked with rice on the travel channel. I almost

I would try it, but not pressure cooked. Is anything good pressure cooked?

It looked boiled. I think it was Anthony Bourdain in Saudi Arabia.

When hunting, Camels are some what more elusive than people may think. They can be very cagey (hard to get close to) and they can run bloody fast!! 4k's chasing those buggers and your done!! I must say hunting goats on the chase are fairly hard as well though (even if they have smaller legs) We get deluxe recipes happening when it comes to camel and goat....preasure cooking....ooooooooo, narp!! WRONG! Like you say nothing should be done that way. The meat is fabulous, lean adn the cuts and taste are just like beef.
cheezydemon said:
I didn't know they had wild camels in Australia!

Yeah we have over 1000 000 in the red centre....its mind blowing. i get mad though as they are such a good food source and they kill and leave.


ill send you a couple of kilos in the mail hey he he