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video Chilli Sauce Tests "LUST" scorpionchilli

Well Finally tested LUST one of the Seven deadly sins, from Scorpion Chilli Over in WA

Dave Dude its !#@%@#^ Hot :D and One of the Hottest Natural Sauces Ever tried.

The Community Service announcement of Practice Safe Sex is an Added Bonus and i love the Bonking Stick People (stick people on Labels is Cool :))


It smells Hot, and thought had a slight Extractish Smell and thats Prob cause its Full of Superhots condensed into a Little Bottle.. It actually gave that Hot Coal shoved in the Back of the Throat feeeling ya get with a Naga, Loved it

Ingredients: Lots of Bloody Super Hot Chilli

Bhut Jolokia
Naga Morich
Dorset Naga
Trinidad Scorpion
7 Pod
Malted Vinegar

A DEEEP pepperish taste of the Chilli Blend then WHACK ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hiccup, Hiccup the Worse case of Hiccups yet and couldn't control shit whilst they were going.. The Burn was Fairly Instant and Built and Built YEAA till that Hot Coal Burn, had to coat the tongue with bit More as that was Lagging a Touch although think was Numb and why couldn't feel it.. The Burn went for ages and My lips ended Up stinging for 20 min after the rest finished,,

UNREAL Dave, thats a Special 1 :D and can't wait for More Of the Seven Deadly Sins

here ya go

Another Kick Arse ALL NATURAL AUSTRALIAN Sauce.. and 1 To Get if you like to Burnnnnn

Hope you Enjoy
Nice man, I too can attest to it's lusty power.

Really a good sweet (strawberry!?) and fearsome sauce chock-full of evil chiles. It's a beauty on most anything, even just dipping cheese sticks or chicken chunks in it is awesome...but I looove it on seafood.

I mixxed it with a bit of Mae Ploy to stretch it out a bit and it was killlller with my Habby Scallop Popper Rings:


If that's the opening salvo of tha Sinz...let's get wikkid!

awesome bottle, and sounds great! I love the strawberry addition... it just feels very 'Lust' :>
btw you aussies... I wanna try like almost all sauces you aussies have. if anyone is interested in putting together a package and shipping it over to me in sweden could you send a pm? :D
Thanks Neil...Im glad you enjoyed it! The we 'LUST' sauce is certainly hot
Im fairly sure its as close to as hot as you can get with out extract! Alot of pods in each bottle ...around 30 super hots! Glad you liked it and thanks for reviewing once again....! Glad you didnt get covered in it this time! Cheers Mate!
I have tried this one too and man it is the hottest non extract sauce I have tried, possibly hotter than some extract sauces as well. It gave me the hiccups which I haven't had before when eating a sauce but that could be also due to Dave making me have a full dessert spoon! Will never have that much again!
Good one Dave!
Only sauce I found hotter is CM's GPS...but just barely.
AND yers tastes better IMO....;)

Try a TSP of both....you'll see.

I use GPS as an additive for da frelling HOT...yers, has better taste IMO.

Both rawk tho. I use GPS to kick up BBQ, and Lust for more delicate foods.

In my mind, GPS it the hottest shit I've tried...but I has a pre-release version b4 a proper label...so IDK. I havent done vid of it cus he said not to with the pre-release version. I shoulda tested the Lust...it haz a completely diff burn.

Just Get It.

It's both Quad and Hippy Approved as Frellin' HOT shit...any questions?

Join the Insanity. I dare another someone to post a vid eating tsp of Lust....I'm no THSC, but i'll do it..when moar sober.. ;)

BTW, I gotta challange to eat a Bhut Jolokia pod online...from seeds I got from Hippy and grown by a friend.....real fresh pod this time...yeah, bit scary. It's a tiny 2" pod, but its a mutant with completly solid flesh..no air space.
Hey quad...yeah the 'Lust' is certainly for more delicate foods...not a general whack on anything type of sauce...but most use it like that anyway! im glad you liked it mate!

Some one now has to challenge hippy for the Scorpion Crown as 'Hot Peppa' was a no show!

Sin 2 is coming out soon and I need a volunteer to try it out. I still have some natural little sauce recipes that will get sauce hotter ...he he he...some one who is going to follow through and tackle Neil. Whos up for it?

I'll post a formal invite!

Cheers for the feed back quad!
:-) was Excellent Dave

Great Stuff,

Hey Quaddy the Skobiyan is On Way, Dave toooooo and the Y7 for Quaddy tooo, Have to Put up a Post as Andrew did a SOD of the Y7 today

Sin 2 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sounds Good, so does 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 and 7

Oh and Not that Many wil Know WTF im on about But

GO PARRAMATTA YOU !@$#@!% LEGENDS,, My football team Barely Made the Final 8, were 8th had to Play 1st... every1 WROTE them Off only 1 team in the History of the Sport been 8th and Beaten 1st. Till Yesterday
theHippySeedCo said:
:-) GO PARRAMATTA YOU !@$#@!% LEGENDS,, My football team Barely Made the Final 8, were 8th had to Play 1st... every1 WROTE them Off only 1 team in the History of the Sport been 8th and Beaten 1st. Till Yesterday

I noticed your new addition to the flag wall. Go Storm!!!!!
Nice job Neil! This is definately the hottest non-extract sauce I have ever got my grubby little hands on.
Bring on the heat!

Micca302 said:
Nice job Neil! This is definately the hottest non-extract sauce I have ever got my grubby little hands on.
Bring on the heat!


Wait until the second sin mate....! Ill give you the test trial honours if we can put it on you tube....(evil laugh)
Scorpion said:
Wait until the second sin mate....! Ill give you the test trial honours if we can put it on you tube....(evil laugh)

I'm sure you would enjoy that Dave, dunno about me though:shocked:

Might do it if you go tandem and join me:P

SeeYouJimmy said:
I noticed your new addition to the flag wall. Go Storm!!!!!


HEY QUADDY, wait till you get yer handz on da Y7 Turkey Slap my friend. You will be in love. If you get the chance eat some along with oysters kilpatrick- that shiznit rawked my worldz and I WANTED MOAR!!

Edit: Hippy give Dave kudos for me, that stuff is bloody hot...
I'm not a big fan of oysters, cept smoked... btu i haz some nice baby scallops, Whiting, adn chook ...

Turkey Slapped chook..sounds fun...
Turkey slap over the main: Slow roasted chicken...roasted veggies
With Lust over the desert honey glazed strawberries and hab ice cream! LOL Hottest bloody ice cream in the world I rekon!