• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
Yes! Lol. Everything is so busy! We are still busy building our house,its almost done,and we have family coming over and stuff,and I'm just working too hard outside on the farm and stuff. And when I went to the post office this saturday,they were closed! Again! The lady just decided she wanted to stay at home for the mandela funeral on the news
You are having a pretty good first season, despite the 'mass' die-off
from the sun.  Stc3248 *Shane) uses cheesecloth for shading his
peppers.  It's cheap and works pretty well.  If you want commercial,
Lourens is right 40% shade would be a good choice.
Good luck going forward.
Hi lourens been enjoying your tea, When I was in my teens a 10 mile trip to the ocean was just a short walk later when i was surfing it took awhile to walk there carring my surf board, try doing that on a skateboad, that got the heart beating really hard at times very crazy.
Yeah the shade cloth will really help to keep the plants cool when the heat gets to hot, they have some types of bio cloth that you can use to shade the soil and keeps the weeds down if you are low on compost. I use 6 inches of rotted straw or hay to keep the weeds down and help keep the soil from getting to hot. I learned that the hard way, I don't have that problem so long as I put down the composted hay before it gets to hot and the worms really like it.
My biggest problem is spider mites, flea beetles and squash bugs I get over run with them every summer as there is a hay feild across the road from me that gets mowed down in early summer and my neighbour starts spraying his garden with chemicals, so all the bugs hit my garden as I try and be as organic as I can. Last spring and early summer I pretty much lost all my squash, eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes while I was in the Hospital the bugs just ate them up. The only plants that made it all season was my sweet and hot pepper, and my okra I had a pretty good harvest of them.
Starting off small is alway a good idea as it gives you time to do what you want to do with the soil and watering and of course bug watching.
For bird problems I set up some poles with computer disk tied to them on a long string, so that they move and shine light every where.  This is a good way to use all those old disk and they work pretty good keeping the birds out of the garden, I take them down when the bugs hit so the birds will eat the bugs and not my veggies, I also set up bird baths so that they have water to drink and bath in, I don't have any problems that way with the birds, I just use some large plastic trays and change the water when needed.
I don't have to worry about them eating my cucumbers or pecking holes in my sweet peppers mainly to get water from them.
Hey PaulG. Thanks,yea..I made a whole lot of mistakes,but next season I WILL be prepared! ;)
I've never heard of cheesecloth,I'll have to chrck it out maybe,but yea,shadenetting WILL have to be the solution:)

Hey Wildseed,that's pretty far hey! When we all go into town,my parents drop my best friend,his brother,my brother,and I off at a spot and give us some money...we have to walk around the entire day in the hot sun :s.
Biocloth hu? I'll have to check thay out too.
One of my friends on the farm also uses hay and straw in his garden..and pig dung too!(I'm a little scared about the pig dung part!)
But yea,you are right,its better to start out small and check everything out first.
Hmmm....over here the birds are super smart ey,we've tried the poles with old disc trick,but I'll try it again,with more disks this time.
Ooh the birds here love eating from our fig tree! We also have a peach tree,they only make a harvest once a year,and withing a few weaks the birds ate EVERYTHING...time to pop out the airgun ;)
Hi J, you are getting loads of great tips here. One of my issues I am dealing with at the moment is the evaporation. On a hot day here it can reach 38ºc and even tip 40ºc. I think your temps are even higher. Shade netting is great and can be found at most hardware and nurseries. Shade net will cut out a lot of the UV, which means your plants wont fry. This having been said, our temperature means that our soil dries out very quickly. You may have noticed that on a hot day, no sooner have you watered the top of the ground is instantly bone dry again. This gets even worse when you have a wind blowing. That hot air is like a hairdryer Your friend using the straw is on the right track. Straw can be laid around the base of the chillies to 1) Keep the soil around the roots sheltered and cooler 2) will slow evaporation. Which also means less watering. Definitely worth looking at imo. Any more pics?
Hey Lourens,yea,the sun does that a lot. We water eraly morning and late afternoon,so the water sits around the roots of plants before the sun starts cooking ;).
We have a agriculture shop here in De Rust,they sell everything and anything lol.
I just don't know where exactly to get straw,will have to ask the farmer.
Yea,yesterday the battery was flat,and the galaxy tablet take FOREVER to charge,I hate samsung for that specific reason lol,so I will take the pic just now :P
All chillies grow at different rates. Seedling stage can sometimes take for ever, until the plants find their roots and shoot up. Surprise us!
Seedling stage feels like forever! Lol. I'm just scared that I won't get pods this season,I really want pods,for seeds and for tasting. But yea

Ladies and gentlemen

The one block where I planted some of my grandpa's seeds:

The other block with a few orange habs included:

Some of my plants in pots:

Smaller ones in a more shaded part

This pepper is one of my grandpa's seeds,its a little taller than the rest:

This one is also my grandpa's,and also a little taller:

These two brown habs look good :) :

We also grow the normal tomatoes ;)