• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
Yea it sucks a lot,lol already one step ahead of you my friend,we got that wooden pegs.

Ok,I have a prob.
My dad is working tomorrow so he can get enough money in to spoil me for my birthday on sunday.
He won't be able to put shadde net in.
Money is on a very tight budget.

I was thinking of getting reeds down at the river,ther are realy a lot of reeds.
Will it work to build something out of reeds to give shade?
I is possible,but will is give the right amount of sun and shade?
chilli whisperer said:
Yea it sucks a lot,lol already one step ahead of you my friend,we got that wooden pegs.

Ok,I have a prob.
My dad is working tomorrow so he can get enough money in to spoil me for my birthday on sunday.
He won't be able to put shadde net in.
Money is on a very tight budget.

I was thinking of getting reeds down at the river,ther are realy a lot of reeds.
Will it work to build something out of reeds to give shade?
I is possible,but will is give the right amount of sun and shade?
Hey J, sorry to hear that shade net may be delayed. Building a structure over the beds made out of reeds - yes. Reeds might work or possibly long grass... a lattice out of thin reeds could work. Maybe white translucent plastic in the form of plastic sheeting or film... anything that will dilute the sun that reaches the plants. Time for creativity!!
I didnt realise it was your Birthday J. I will send you something, but I can only post it on monday... :onfire:
Thanks for the help (: yes ,we will be building the whole thing out of reeds,the grass sounds good too!
My birthday is this Sunday only (:
Thanks,you will probably be needing the adress first? Lol

Should I build the structure so it only covers the top,or the sides too?
chilli whisperer said:
Thanks for the help (: yes ,we will be building the whole thing out of reeds,the grass sounds good too!
My birthday is this Sunday only (:
Thanks,you will probably be needing the adress first? Lol

Should I build the structure so it only covers the top,or the sides too?
I think just a simple structure, cover the top for sure and just monitor the light and see if you need to cover north facing side as well... you may have to - but just see as you go.
I would require that, but let me know what your parents say!
Thanks,I'll check,because the sun is brutal from 10 o'clock till about 3:30 pm.

My parents say its ok.
I doesn't look bright for sunday,I'm turning 16 and my dad couldn't finnish a paint job because the only place that sells the paint only opens next year,so no pay. So we don't know what to do for Sunday.
But yea,everything will work out fine.

But anyways,the periperi and butch t schorpion seedlings got a little too much heat today,it was 40 degrees celcius! The bigger seedlings were ok,and the bigger seedlinfgs were in full sun! And they are 100% fine! The brown habs are LOVING the full sun,they are thriving,but I still think it is necesary for shade,because it does get hotter than 40 degrees celcius ;)

Dads not working tomorrow,so we wake up at 4:50 am to go get the reeds! :) we sould have built it today,but is was just too hot!

The smaller seedlings were in a shaded part,but got "droopy",they are all straight and fine now,because themps are MUCH cooler (thank goodnes for that).
It looks like its going to rain,so that is a big relief! :)

It was so hot,our corn plants' leaves started culing in,wich is a sign! Lol

Personally,I think this weather could stress out the plants if I jippo the watering just a LITTLE,what ya'll think?
Hey J, I would leave the stressing the plants once it is harvest time... about a weeke before. Not while the plants are still young. A good watering in the afternoon will sort the plants out again on a hoty day. Cooler night time temps do make the wilted plants bounce right back. PM me your addy.
chilli whisperer said:
Yea it sucks a lot,lol already one step ahead of you my friend,we got that wooden pegs.

Ok,I have a prob.
My dad is working tomorrow so he can get enough money in to spoil me for my birthday on sunday.
He won't be able to put shadde net in.
Money is on a very tight budget.

I was thinking of getting reeds down at the river,ther are realy a lot of reeds.
Will it work to build something out of reeds to give shade?
I is possible,but will is give the right amount of sun and shade?
chilli whisperer said:
Thanks for the help (: yes ,we will be building the whole thing out of reeds,the grass sounds good too!
My birthday is this Sunday only (:
Thanks,you will probably be needing the adress first? Lol

Should I build the structure so it only covers the top,or the sides too?
This is going to be very cool. Be sure to post pics!
You are getting some great advice, CW!
Lourens knows his stuff!
Hey Devv,yes,40 is way too hot,last year this time my dad got sick because he worked in the sun,its just too much
I will,I wet the plants everyday at about 8pm,at that time we still have some sunlight,so I can see where I'm watering.

It is,I will make sure to post a lost of pics :p

I am right :)
Yes,Lourens does know his stuff,and pretty soon,I'll know my stuff too ;)
Well I hope you are having a good Bhutday. I have some super pods that I am going to send you. They will have to be dried as our postal service takes too long for them still to be fresh by the time they get to you. You have to let your parents know and if they are ok with you eating them, you can do your first superhot taste test - OK? 16 is as good an age as any to start trying superhots - but again, your parents will need to agree to this! Maybe just try a little piece lol
Thank you brain strain pepper head :) I'll be checking the post office this saturday,I was there erlier this week but anfortunately the seeds weren't there yet,hopefully they'll be here this weekend :p
So for the past few days the leaves were turning a pale yellow. I think this might be overwatering?
Anyways,I moved them into a more shaded area,and decided to give a little less water

Any ideas?
Happy B-Day!
16 is a good age, and a good time in life. Enjoy your day!
Re yellowing: It could be too much water. Here in the heat of summer it 38-40° July through Sept. My plants wilt in that kind of heat and can stand water every day, the soil is too sandy. Are yours wilting in the heat of the day?
Pics of the affected plants?
Hey Devv,thank you (: yes,it is a good age

Its get 38-43 here. The plants don't wilt at all,the just started going pale yellow,I'll post a pic tomorrow as it is too dark now.