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Chiltepin seed removal mojo

I recently became highly addicted to chiltepin and really eat them on just about everything (haven't tried ice-cream yet :scared: ). The biggest issue I have with them is the amount of seeds per pod. I made chiltepin jelly last year and finally said the hell with it after trying to take all the seeds out of the fresh pods. Does anyone have a good method for separating the tiny seeds from dried pods?
Yea Dan I have a method, but not to save the pods only tha seed!
I squish the dried pods on a paper plate and go outside and blow over tha plate!
several times of this and all ya have left is seeds!The dried skin blows away!
I dont know how to just save the skin ,but I love to just pop em whole!!

That might be an idea. I was even thinking about crushing them into a pasta strainer. I do like popping them like M&Ms but they sure do have a lot of seeds to crunch up.
Is there a relationship between the spice and the worm? He who controls the spice, controls the universe!

Spice must Flow!
start by saying i can't really help you.

i have been growing tepin for about 10 years now and every year i would say, this is the year, this is the year that 1 of my plants will produce pods.

well, 3 years ago, 1 of my tepins did produce pods, it was an el nina year and i got about 15 pods. i was so excited i ate all the pods as they ripened, unfortunately it took almost a full year for the pods to grow and ripen. other than the blistering burn, the only other thing i remember is chewing through the seeds, since the pods were the size of an pencil eraser i can only guess they had 1 seed per pod.

i never saved any seeds from the pods as i have vowed to never grow chiletepin again due to the poor fruit production, they just hate my environment. my 3 year old plant is still alive and i let it live as a reminder of the pods it did produce. last year it didn't produce 1 pod and this year it is looking the same.

but if i had to remove the seeds, i would use a paring knife, cut the pods just off centre and pick out the main volume of seeds, perhaps not all but as many as i could, then set aside the pod.
start by saying i can't really help you.

i have been growing tepin for about 10 years now and every year i would say, this is the year, this is the year that 1 of my plants will produce pods.

well, 3 years ago, 1 of my tepins did produce pods, it was an el nina year and i got about 15 pods. i was so excited i ate all the pods as they ripened, unfortunately it took almost a full year for the pods to grow and ripen. other than the blistering burn, the only other thing i remember is chewing through the seeds, since the pods were the size of an pencil eraser i can only guess they had 1 seed per pod.

i never saved any seeds from the pods as i have vowed to never grow chiletepin again due to the poor fruit production, they just hate my environment. my 3 year old plant is still alive and i let it live as a reminder of the pods it did produce. last year it didn't produce 1 pod and this year it is looking the same.

but if i had to remove the seeds, i would use a paring knife, cut the pods just off centre and pick out the main volume of seeds, perhaps not all but as many as i could, then set aside the pod.

I grew the Bolivian Tepin last season, filled up a flat right to the top of them. They're awesome, just took to dam long to process. I stay with the larger pods now, they process much faster.
That's a bummer BC. Last season was my first season growing them and I fell head over heels in love with them. My love turned to addiction and now I can't do without the little fireballs! You technique is what I used when I decided to make jelly. About half way through the ONE FREAKING CUP of pods that the recipe called for, I said SCREW IT!!! Too bad the jelly wasn't all that great.
Use your blender. Fill with pods, then fill about 3/4 of the way with water. Buzz a few times, which will separate the seeds from the flesh. Let sit a few minutes and the seeds (at least most of them) will sink to the bottom. Skim the flesh from the top and use to make your jelly. Dry the seeds and plant for years.
I was scratching my head all night. A couple beers and here is what I came up with last night:

How do I get the seeds out of these dang things???


I was doing some thinking this morning and had a brilliant idea! ***Note the 'AH HA moment' caught on camera!!!


Busted out 'little red' and away we go!!!


This beats the crap out of doing it by hand!

Not too bad looking...

Not too bad at all...



Now to celebrate!!!
You know, you'd think there would have been a lot more but I looked through the seeds and they are surprisingly intact. I wouldn't try using this method for varieties with larger, fleshier seeds. Chiltepin seeds are like little pebbles anyway. Luckily there is one hell of a pile of them.
Redtail's idea isn't bad at all.

Gonna try it later in the season when I need to de-seed my Jindungos.
