• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Christmas Wishlist

JayT said:
Let's see, Christmas List:

Stillmanz Naga Fatalii sauce
IGG's homebrew
More Nutterz
THP T-shirt
One of AJ's or Fineexampl's Concentrates
Some BBQ from BrianS
Bhut Seeds


send me your addy and ill send some Bhut seeds gor you...:)
Gar said:
That thing is awesome Brokensea!

Had to use all my strength not to impulse buy one :stop: hehe
Are you all viewing the same site I am? Something that tells you what plants to sow where and what is wrong with your plant?

If so, I have a nice bridge, that you can grow all kinds of plants in containers on, I will sell you. Free shipping from the desert of Arizona.

Spend $12 on a soil test and amend the soil based on what you want to grow. Or buy my bridge. It's your money.

I asked Santa for a 1.5 acre piece of "growing" land on the island of Trinidad...

***keeps on dreaming***
All I'm asking for this year is good summer weather and maybe an early spring, and if Santa can eliminate all aphids from the earth that would be nice too :)