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chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .


and put them on a heating pad set to low.

Always good when you err on the larger size in gardening...
Your germination rates are looking really good.
Are you sprouting all you can and only planting the cream of the crop?
How many plants will you have in your final planting in the garden?
Well, I had planned on putting 50 plants in the garden, but with the "fudging," and with some staggering in the planting pattern, it looks like I can put 70 plants in. So, it looks like I will be able to put just about all of my sprouts in my garden rows. I have a few people who have said that they will take some of what I can't plant, which now looks to be fewer than I had originally planned on.
Here is a pic of the Yellow Brain Strain that I planted the other day (8 days ago!):

And here is one of my Butch Ts:

And I just put seeds in of these:

One of my Orange Habs:
8 days on a brain germination.. Now I'm smiling. Just planted two brains on the 30th.
If I have your luck they should be sprouting shortly..
What kind of lighting do you have running in the tent?
CowboyStudio 105 Watt, 5000 K Fluorescent Daylight Balanced Light Bulb for Photography and Video Lighting

400 watt equivilant
Your garden size is awesome. I have 18' X 25' and gave the plants alot of room to grow. I ended up with 50 plants in my garden, as I heard the Butch T can get 6 feet tall and 6 feet in diameter at the top. Since this is my first grow with the super hots, I erred on the roomier side.
Yeah, I figured with how late I started, I would be lucky to get the butch t to 3 feet tall. Next year, I will give more room.
Thanks for the info on the light.
I keep planting seeds so I've been looking at tents and lighting to extend my season.
How big is the tent your running? The 4x4 is looking like the one for me at this point.
Yellow Brain Strain (12 days after putting seed in soil):

I separated them and put them in individual cups.
You are getting great results with your germination set-up, chsy!
That garden plot will be a great place to escape!

Good growing to you!
Not good. Parts didn't match up with instructions. Thought I had it figured out, then the zipper busted and the seam on one corner. Currently waiting on the return process from Amazon.

Luckily, I didn't have overly pressing need for it right now. However, I spent all day yesterday cleaning out the spot it was going in, and ~4hrs trying to figure out how to put it together.