So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .
and put them on a heating pad set to low.

and put them on a heating pad set to low.

I put 36 of the seeds in soil.
Oh woww !!! What day??
oops I forgot to type mine is the second
Hey, i was born in december also, but the 17th,
Let me know how you like that deyhdrator. i am in the market for one myself, but might spend the extra cash and get one of those excalibur that i heard was the best. But who knows.
Also, i had thought i responded about them dying hwen you move them outside, What i do, is when i put them outside i stick them on the car port. I know about were the line is right now to get about 1-2 hours of morning sun and thats it. after i time i give them a little more and more til they get a good 7-8 hours.
So next time, if you got the room find a shady spot to put them in that will get shade almost 90-95% of the time at first
With your germination rates, I see a larger garden in your future...