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chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .


and put them on a heating pad set to low.

It appears that the Butch in a bucket and the Tazmanian Habanero have hit a growth spurt.
They both seemed to have jumped up.
The leafage on those two is insane as well.
Any buds forming on your Butch yet?
Keep em growin!
Alright, pic time!

These are of the plants in my grow tent.

First up, bloom shot on yellow brain:

Next, top down view of butch in bucket and butches in garden soil. Tazmanian tab in bottom left:

Two of the first yellow brains that I potted up, considering potting up one on left again:

Red fatalii that I potted up same time as yellow brain on right in pic above:

Top down on red fatalii shown in pic above:

Side view of butch in bucket:

Side view of tazmanian tabhab in cat food bucket:

Shot of my young butch plants, 14 15 (if I can separate two) of them. Bhut Jolokia on bottom right, red fatalii in larger pot on top:
It appears that the Butch in a bucket and the Tazmanian Habanero have hit a growth spurt.
They both seemed to have jumped up.
The leafage on those two is insane as well.
Any buds forming on your Butch yet?
Keep em growin!

Didn't see your post before my last entry. There might be the beginnings of some buds on the Butch, but too early to tell. The first time I thought I had some buds on my red habs, it turned out to be new leaves, so I am not going to jump the gun and say they are baby blossom buds yet. I do have tons of blossom buds on my red habs now, which I haven't taken the time to photograph yet, as my work schedule has recently changed and I am still getting used to the new sleep pattern (still hasn't locked in, need a sleep mask/more blackout for windows/soundproofing . . . don't you just love it when the neighbors mow their yard when you are trying to sleep . . .).
Potted up the yellow brain on the left today, will take a pic tomorrow or next day:

Also, potted up this Fatalii:

I staked them both in 10 gallon fabric pots, they both had well developed root masses.

I also potted up one of my Butch T seedlings, and split up the couple that were in the same cup, put them in separate cups.
Here are the potted up Red Fatalii and Yellow Brain, RF in front, Yellow B behind that, Tas Hab behind that, and Butch behind that:

Here is a pulled back view of what is on the table now. Butches on left, Brains to right of that, more brains starting in seed planter, 72 cell planter, yellow brain in back, and one of the biggest of the new butches in pot on right, to the fore:
Get ready, you're gonna have red fatalii and yellow brain trees soon enough.
They're looking like happy campers in the fabric pots.
Is the butch still forming buds?
Get ready, you're gonna have red fatalii and yellow brain trees soon enough.
They're looking like happy campers in the fabric pots.
Is the butch still forming buds?

I will have to check again, but the ones that were forming sure looked like they were taking a long time . . . they grew to like one centimeter from the node, then stopped, real tiny. Not like the buds I have seen on my red habs, yellow brains, tasmanian habs, and fataliis.

Great looking plants!

Thanks for stopping by!

Very nice. They look real healthy

Yeah, if you notice, the lighter green leaves, plus on the red fatalii, the stems from about two nodes down were not there before I potted them into those fabric pots, on 082812. 5 days growth! I was surprised at the speed.
yes I noticed but more noticeable is the over all growth and the color of the leaves. Everything looks really healthy
yes I noticed but more noticeable is the over all growth and the color of the leaves. Everything looks really healthy

Thanks! I really like how bushy my yellow brain is turning out, plus how dark the leaves are. For some reason, this particular yellow brain's leaves have always been quite a bit darker than my other yellow brains . . . except one other that I have that I thought was weird in that it branched really early (like conjoined twins) and leaves seemed smaller than the others. That one is outside in a pot with two stakes, one for each main branch.

Everything from my planter is now in party cups, except my sole red Bhut. It is in this felt basket that I got from the Target dollar section, thought I would try that out. Also trying out is the Xtreme Gardening Mykos Mycorrhizae inocculant, ~1 tsp in each party cup at the root zone. My germination rate was not too good this time around, I'm a blame it on the medium I used . . . seems like I got better germination using the potting soil that I was using, rather than seed starting mix (MG, only thing premade around here . . . gonna have to start making my own stuff). Anyway, here is what I got:
  1. 4 Brain Strain Yellows
  2. 9 Bhut Jolokia Yellows
  3. 8 Trinidad Congo Blacks
  4. 1 Bhut Jolokia Red
Luckily, I received much more BJR than I ordered, so I put 21 more seed in a little container on my DSL router, just to see if I get some more starts. Honestly, I will be happy with just seven sprouts, considering the 1:17 ratio that I got on that particular variety.
Right on!
I saw a flower on the Yellow Brain...
Any pods forming on it yet?
I had great success using my wifi for a heat source.
I think you'll see great results with the mycos.
Right on!
I saw a flower on the Yellow Brain...
Any pods forming on it yet?

I have several pods on the Red Habaneros (I have 10 plants), the pic i took was just the easiest pod to photograph. The yellow brains have several buds on them, more on the two that are in my grow tent. I have been going in ~ every day to manually pollinate the buds with a wet Q-Tip. I may have the beginnings of one . . . don't want to jump the gun on it, though.

I had great success using my wifi for a heat source.
I think you'll see great results with the mycos.

I had pretty good germ rate with it on my red brains, got 4 really healthy starts with it. I had heard that bhuts needed the heat source to germ well, but I had thought that since my other supers had germed pretty well without additional heat, that the bhuts would as well. Maybe it is more necessary on the bhuts . . . must do more research . . .

090512 update on 4 largest plants in grow tent:

As a reminder, back to front: Butch T, Tazmanian Hab, Yellow Brain, Red Fatalii
Nice looking indoor grow!................That makes me want to sort through the seed vault..............and pot some up!