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cigars can give you "the buzz" so instead of continuing to talk about cigars in the other beer thread...i figured i'd just start this one up. i hope there are other cigar smokers here..otherwise, i guess this could get merged back with the other thread, since i am going to talk about the beer i drank too.

to continue..ross, i couldn't find the romeo y julieta maduro..but i went to one of the better cigar shops around here and wound up taking home an ashton maduro. the owner of the shop recommended it. at first he tried to steer me towards something lighter since i'm not as experienced with cigars..but i told him i was going to smoke it with an 18% ABV double stout and he quickly got my point and recommended this one as well as others. it was really nice though...not as spicy as the hoyo de monterrey i guess it was. my roommate even liked it as well..and let him get a swig of the wws to go with it.

i posted a review about the wws though.
awesome man! i think i had an ashton a few weeks ago. it was pretty mild for a maduro if i remember correctly, but still very nice!

i read your review of WWS. what did you think? pretty good stuff huh. its really thick, and it goes awesome with the cigar. 12 bucks a bottle? hot damn! florida is raping people. when i get it in VA its 8 dollars a bottle. i have several years of it, and i intend to do a vertical probably when i get married. (no idea when thats gonna be, hopefully it wont be 10 more years or i wont finish my vertical) hahah

im glad the guy steered you to a good cigar. cohiba's from cuba are great smokes, probably my favorite, but they are, as you can imagine, rather difficult to come by. i only get to smoke them a few times a year, but they are some serious smokes. very powerful. i see this weekend has a cigar in store for me as well - ill have to tell you what i went with, as well as what beer i paired it with.

im a little buzzed, otherwise i was going to type up a little something about lambics. that will just have to wait till tomorrow or sometime monday. :bday:

happy birthday, and im glad you enjoyed my recommendation.
thanks. indeed i did enjoy them both.

the cohiba i've had was "toro" came in a "silver/aluminum" looking tube. was damn good...i bought another cohiba at the beer store before buying the ashton at a cigar shop. the cohiba i bought is for sunday...it says it's a "crystal corona"

yea that wws was great. definitely a sipping beer though...i drank it from my duvel glass and had it easily over an hour. definitely not a session beer. i'm finishing up some hennepin from a corked bottle though. delicious! massive lacing on my glass.

i'm gonna smoke the cohiba at my bosses house this sunday..he's having a bbq...i'll probably have some scotch at his place....i'll try and remember what kind. he isn't a drinker...but his attorney and friends are, so he usually has some nice/fancy shit on hand.
the cohibas you can buy in the usa are made in the domincan, just like most of the other cigars here. the real cohibas say havana on the label. hehe

yeah! scotch is great, it goes somewhat decent with a cigar too. try to remember what kind you drink, and let us know!
the bbq was nice...had some lamb chops and spicy italian sausage amongst other things. for scotch, we had some chivas regal 18. pretty good stuff. nice and smooth. i'm not really too experienced with lots of different types of scotch though...i have had a handful and normally just stick with what i know.

as for the cigars, i had a cohiba edicion limitada 2006 from habana, cuba....and after food, i smoked a montecristo that was also from habana. both of them were very nice. i really liked the cohiba.
Best cigar that I ever had (next to the Benjerman Franklin cigar that I had back in the 6th grade...my first...and the only one I still can't find) was my own. I grew some Havana tobacco a year ago and cured it for 5 months and then smoked it.......WOW!
nice! i've never even thought about growing my own tobacco before. i'm still really new to the whole cigar thing.. i'd have to do some serious research before even attempting that.
xgrafcorex said:
nice! i've never even thought about growing my own tobacco before. i'm still really new to the whole cigar thing.. i'd have to do some serious research before even attempting that.
The trickiest thing to growing tobacco is sprouting the seeds...well, that and the wait for it to cure...
I absolutly love La Gloria Cubana Torpedo no. 1 and La Gloria Serie R #5

I like them with or with out beer my main stay... however I do like them with seaonal beers i.e Sierra Nevada Summer and Harpoon Summer ales

Ive had Romeo y Juliets, Montecristo and COHIBAs ...bought them in Mexico and by far I enjoyed the COHIBA the best
just had a hoyo de monterrey excalibur 1066 dark knight with a glass of sam adams cream stout. bad decision. that beer just couldn't stand up to the cigar. i wound up putting the beer down since i have never had it before and wanted to get a good taste of it. the cigar was good though, nice full body. i'm not too great at breaking down all the stuff i taste while smoking though..
I enjoy a good cigar myself. Prefer Cohibas but usually get Macanudos or Romeo y Julieta. Just had a couple buddies over for cigars, beers, hot wings, and a fire in the pit in my back yard. Had a blast.
sounds like the proper recipe for a blast. :lol:

unfortunately i was just sitting in the driveway by myself. at least there was a nice clear sky, full moon, and cool air temp.
I knew I found a good site; hot peppers, beer, cigars, BBQ. I enjoy Monte 2, Coh Siglo VI, Bolivar RC, RyJ Churchill, Partagas SD4, and a few dozen others!
you sure did! this place is great.

i don't know enough about cigars to know anything about any of those cigars. :lol: but i do know i've never had any of them before. actually i think i did have a partaga. it came in a black aluminum tube with yellow lettering. i forget what the specific name was..then again, if i can't remember that..perhaps i'm forgetting what the brand was as well.
Montecristo #2's from Habana were my favorites back when I could smoke. Puros Indios was another favorite. Nice Maduros. Sigh.
Woo, cigar smokers!

My everyday favorites include:
Torano Signature
La Aroma de Cuba
Cuban Partagas Serie D #4
Perdomo Cabinet Cameroon
CAO Brazlia
Padron 2000 Maduro
and way to many in my humidor to even remember

High end favs include:
Cuban Montecristo #2
Cuban Vegas Robania Unicos
Ashton VSG
La Aurora Preferidos Gold Tubos
Diamond Crown Maximus
Padron Anniversario 1964 Maduro

Just bought a new house and am in the middle of converting the "Game Room" into a smoke lounge. Still working out the ventilation, but at least I least I have a place to store all my humidors now.