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Clash of the Titans (2010) - A Rant (spoiler)

This is the sort of film that unfortunately has had the following effect:

Saw it.
Thought it was so-so.
24 hours later, thought it was bad
48 hours later thought it defines all the bad qualities of today's 'instant' generation.

The more I sit to analyse the film, the less I like it.

It is NOT a remake.

It is NOT based on the myth of Perseus (the 1981 version was also loosely based, but a better film by far).

My main gripe is that I had such high hopes for this film, and it disappointed in so many levels.

Taking it in isolation (removing the prior knowledge of Perseus or any greek mythology, as well as removing any prior knowledge of the 1981 film of the same name), it STILL ends up being a mediocre film at best. It is the story of a man seeking revenge against powerful Gods because one of them (Voldemort before he lost his hair) killed his parents, and because it's high time MEN taught Gods a Lesson.

Fair enough.

Except he isn't a MAN.

He's a DemiGod (in denial).

Everything happens too fast, and Perseus' quest for revenge 'No, I'm not saving Argos (Brits insert jokes here) because I care about the princess being sacrificed to the Titanic Tentacled Terrible Turtle, no, I could care less about it. I want to do it because I get to hurt Voldemort!'

Not surprisingly, everyone in his party (all MEN...MANLY MEN), die along the way.

Even the wooden (both in physical appearance and acting abilility) Djinn die nonchalantly.

But in the end, we learn that the spirit of MEN cannot be stopped...so long as you have the strength, speed, instant fighting skills (like Buffy's Kung-Fu vampires), equipment, and mounts of the GODS, then heck, MAN can do anything...WITHOUT the help of those bordensome GODS.

Why, I'm sure Perseus could have brought Io (the Hyundia) back to life without Daddy's help.

Or he could have fashioned some inflatable approximation using Medussa's bladder and some leather straps...


And worse is, apparently the kiddies love it!

It is a film that satisfies people with the attention span of cabbage....grumble grumble grumble...:banghead:
Boo! That's really to bad. I truely enjoyed the 1981 version and was hoping this new version would just spice it up a bit with CGI instead of claymation. Oh well, looks like I'll wait until it comes out on DVD for rental. Thanks for the heads up.
Didn't mean to spoil it for people (why I put spoiler on the title).... :(

But it is definitely NOT a remake of the original.

And it's a shame, because they could have used an already good story and tweak it ever so slightly to get a really awesome film...

...At least they didn't have a Jar-Jar lookalike...

I'm definitely glad I only saw it in 2D. I wouldn't have paid to see it in 3D.