• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CMPMAN1974 2013 Grow Log

Sorry for the long time to reply.  I've been dealing with a frustrating broad mite infestation which has put a real damper so far on the season.  Pod production/plant size is dismal this year relative to prior seasons.  I'm a bit frustrated with the situation!  I'm trying to salvage things some, but expect this to be my worst year ever at this point.  Can't win them all!!
Yeah, I'm excited to see they ripen.  The parent pod was very neat.
Nightshade said:
Great grow that pimenta gobba is interesting.
I never heard of Tshololo until this season.  I hope it tastes good because it's a stunning plant/pepper.   Too early to tell on the differences, if any, between TS Green and TS Mustard.  I'm guessing very similar.  I'll report back.
Pr0digal_son said:
Kicking myself for not sowing my tshololo. Any difference with the green and mustard scorp?
I sold a few boxes of fresh pods last year.  Not sure this season though with low pod counts and some other factors in play. 
Barley-pop57 said:
Chris, nice looking peppers along with all the varieties to boot.  It will be interesting what powders you'll have up for sale later.  Curious do you ever sell fresh pods ???  Thought I'd ask.  Anyway my friend it looks awesome !!!
Sorry to hear you've struggled too.   This has been a weird year for sure.
Pulpiteer said:
I'm northwest of Lansing and it's been a tough year for me as well. I really think the cold, wet spring really threw things off for me - so I'm guessing weather patterns for you. Been frustrating!
George, Gogo's Laudium came from a friend in South Africa.  It's a C. annuum.  Twisted cayenne long thin type pods - very productive, good heat. The Pakistani pepper was nice for several uses. 
wildseed57 said:
Het Chris just wanted to as a question about a C. annuum named Gongo's Laudium, I managed to get one to grow for me its just now putting on pods.
Do you remember where it came from and if there was any thing special about it? The long pods reminded me of a cayenne, but the flavor was different.
Oh while I'm thinking of it the red Pakistani peppers are putting on pods like crazy I plan to let them ripen on the plants and make a pepper mash from the first havest and use the rest to blend into a powder with some of the Laudiums.
The Chocolate Naga Morich plants are starting to pod up and Chocolate Bhut X yellow Bhut is growing into a huge plant, its full of flowers but no pods yet.
That C. tovari looks great you seem to have the golden touch when it comes to getting the wilds to grow for you, great photo's as always.
I can't seem to get these new style camera's to work for me, I wish I had my old camera still I could take great pic's with it and it didn't go through a set of batteries evey time I use it.
Looking dismal. lol.  They are alive, but no new growth.  No room for the root system to expand   However, some Italian competitors are getting some beautiful plants in these ping pong balls so they have the magic formula!!!
Swamp Monster said:
Chris, how's the ping pong plants going?
Weeds aren't terrible fortunately.  One area is a big issue, but the others are doable.  It still takes effort though!!
Hammerfall said:
have som eweed groing in your bed or you take 10 hours per week to take  all that shiiit out?

7 Pot Lava™ (C. chin)

Bengle Naga (C. chin)

7 Pot Evergreen x Purple Pod???
Hang in there bro ... Broadmite can be very frustrating ... I know .... A certain thing I found quite helpful before treating them with sulphur was to cut the worst effected tips off the plants. Broadmites seem to migrate to the freshest top most grow tips and I found this increased the vigour in the remaining plant once removed and also ( I theorised) stops a lot of the toxins to travel to the rest of the plant.
That truly is a shame Chris because you are such an artist when it comes to the garden. Sometimes when god gives you lemons, you accidentally squirt it in your eyes while making lemonade...lol

For my first two years in pepper growing, it's been rough too. At least for what my grandiose expectations were. I envisioned trees shooting from the ground in perfect rows with pods bursting from every node!......well, I now know that I am delusional and realized how happy I am if I get one pod to pop.

Keep your spirits up, you've got a lot of nice stuff going on there. Those mustards Bhuts look like awesome pods and the Tshololo has my taste buds intrigued. You still have some amazing things going on and we're only half way through the season! (depending) Keep up the good fight!!!

Oh and I can't wait to get some ripe pods off of Not Black Naga; Mean Red Cross I've got growing of yours! They are killer brudda, nice work!
Thanks everyone.  I did exactly what you suggested two days ago. :)  Took off all worst looking growth and then sprayed with a natural insecticide.  I'm hoping I see some success.  Hey, even if I don't get the pod quantity this season, I'm hoping I'll make up for it with quality (interesting stuff). :)  Gotta stay positive!  Still time left for sure!!
Trippa said:
Hang in there bro ... Broadmite can be very frustrating ... I know .... A certain thing I found quite helpful before treating them with sulphur was to cut the worst effected tips off the plants. Broadmites seem to migrate to the freshest top most grow tips and I found this increased the vigour in the remaining plant once removed and also ( I theorised) stops a lot of the toxins to travel to the rest of the plant.
Ice Scream Scorpion - BT (C. chin)

Mustard Bhut Jolokia (C. chin)

Neyde Black Bullet F2 - AIASP (C. chin)

Pimenta Tiger - White/Yellow Variant (C. chin)

Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Caramel - JR (C. chin)

Bhut Jolokia Green F2 - AIASP (C chin) - Purple/green phenotype
I'm sure this is a silly question,but I have to ask....
With growing so many different types each year....Carmel,Mustard,Green,Purple,Choc. I assume you get these from people,and they relay all of the info. The question being,how do you know when they're fully ripe? If said info isn't provided,ie...here grow these seeds out,and see what happens kinda thing? Just let the first one(pod set) over ripen? I enjoy your pics the most,and see tons of varieties each year :)
The Ice Scream sounds hilariously creative! Irony?? lol
Your mustard bhut looks like a wrinkly.....well, ya know...hahahahahaha! Mean little SOB!

You always have such interesting varieties. Love it.

Hope your Green Bhut turns out better than my (last year's) Green Scorp. Looks very cool.
cmpman1974 said:
Thanks everyone.  I did exactly what you suggested two days ago. :)  Took off all worst looking growth and then sprayed with a natural insecticide.  I'm hoping I see some success.  Hey, even if I don't get the pod quantity this season, I'm hoping I'll make up for it with quality (interesting stuff). :)  Gotta stay positive!  Still time left for sure!!
Murphy's oil soap is working for me, but I have to be diligent with the reapplications (3-4 days, and more when it is raining) and watch the sun/heat. I've deformed a bunch of new growth by overdoing the soap, but it does work on the buggers. 
Apocolypse Red - AIASP Exclusive

Carolina Reaper

7 Pot Lava™ - Pepperlover.com

SRTSL - Trinidad

Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta de Neyde F1 - SG

Thanks a lot.  To know if a green pod is ripe, I go by pod texture (usually will get softer when fully ripe).  Also, most times, the pods will darken to a different green shade. :)  You can also evaluate ripeness by seed embryo look.
Fremp said:
I'm sure this is a silly question,but I have to ask....
With growing so many different types each year....Carmel,Mustard,Green,Purple,Choc. I assume you get these from people,and they relay all of the info. The question being,how do you know when they're fully ripe? If said info isn't provided,ie...here grow these seeds out,and see what happens kinda thing? Just let the first one(pod set) over ripen? I enjoy your pics the most,and see tons of varieties each year :)
The Ice Scream sounds hilariously creative! Irony?? lol
beautiful mean looking pods.  When they color up all the way they are going to be absolutely gorgeous.  Your grows are always epic with beautiful crosses and pods.