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Coheed196's Grow Log (Minor storm damage edition)

So this is my first time trying to grow superhots from seeds so hopefully I will get some plants out of all this. Anyways I started 80 seeds on Jan 12th. I'm using Hoffmans seed starting mix and small solo cups. For heat I'm using just a regular electric heating blanket. I put 2 seeds per cup, and started 10 seeds of 8 different varieties. The varieties are:

Chocolate Fatalli
TS Butch T
Peach Bhut
Yellow Brain Strain
7 Pot Jonah
Aji Joe's Surprse Hot mix (we'll see what pops out of here)

Here's some pics now

Day of Planting 1/12/12


Surface temp of Blanket

Temp inside of cups

Have had 2 out of 80 pop up in 4 days!!! I thought I was seeing things

Here is a TS "FG"

And a Chocolate Fatalli

That's it for now, I'll be posting pictures as everything happens, wish me luck.

Looking great !! I need to revamp my set up. The ballast seed warmer method is not doing me right this year. I need to hit a thrift store for an electric blanket too !
Somebody doesn't have any animals or small children running around their house.

Brilliant use of available tools coheed. Best of luck to you.
Somebody doesn't have any animals or small children running around their house.

Brilliant use of available tools coheed. Best of luck to you.

Well we do have 2 dogs, but they aren't allowed downstairs and we do have a bun in the oven but it won't be running around anytime soon haha.
And thanks everybody
Red solo cup. I fill you. Let's have a party. No but seriously it looks like you are gonna have a great season. Excellent Variety!

Good Luck
Somebody doesn't have any animals or small children running around their house.
.....or tarantulas...hehe
I can't sing......But how do like that thermometer...that an IR/Laser themometer? I'm lookin for one,found one but 99.00...too much...so I'm lookin for a cheapee.

A "bun"and peppers -thats some SERIOUS GROWIN!!!! GOOD LUCK-
Looks great, Vincent! If your Jonah's are of the same seed stock that you sent me, they'll ALL be up in no time! Thanks again!
Some updated pics now, have about 40% germination after 7 days

A shot of my light setup



For the ones that havent popped yet I moved them into an incubator I use for reptile eggs



And now for some of the babies





Congrats on the "bun in the oven" coheed!

Good use of the incubator, I may have to borrow that idea. What kind of reptiles do you breed?
UPDATE: I have had a few of the Butch Ts and Fatalli's finally sprout up after being in the incubator and they are now under the lights, I watered them with 1/4 strength of Botanicare Pro Grow
Yea, I asked AJ when he started ferts and he said after they pop up so I took his advice but i only used like 1/2 tsp for a gallon of water and put it in a spray bottle and just sprayed the Hoffman's cause it seemed to be a little dry and a couple of the babies were kinda wilting or leaning over so I sprayed the soil pretty well and this morning they seemed to be perking back up.
Looking good! I assume you have drainage holes in the cups, and I see they are sitting directly on your carpet. Maybe put those cups into cups without holes, or put some trays down or something. A card table would get em up off the floor, and would probably be a bit warmer too.
Looking good! I assume you have drainage holes in the cups, and I see they are sitting directly on your carpet. Maybe put those cups into cups without holes, or put some trays down or something. A card table would get em up off the floor, and would probably be a bit warmer too.

There are indeed 5 holes on the bottom of the cups, and I actually did go buy some of those cheap aluminum roasting pans for like 94 cents at walmart and I put the cups in those because yea I wasn't thinking and watered them and got some water on the carpet...woops. Our basement is always warmer and the temp in the cups stays at about 76 F under the lights